Kawaii Joyuu

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Sawajiri’s husband likely to sue her agency

Posted by HPriest On October - 1 - 20091 COMMENT

Sawajiri Erika’s profile has been taken down from Stardust’s official website, but they still owe us an official announcement. Only her mother made a short comment to the press, "She absolutely didn’t take anything like drugs!" A very clear statement.


Her mother always trusted in Erika and it matches with the newest informations about the "serious contract breach" she is supposed to have done. Stardusts anger is coming from the use of brands linked to her husband, the media-creator Takashiro Tsuyoshi and not from the groundless drug rumors. She was wearing a Louis Vuitton bag during her wedding reception in Hawaii and even attended a fashion show of famous designer Marc Jakobs – creative director of Louis Vuitton – in New York, both without the knowledge of her agency. Takashiro produced a couple of things for the brand in Japan and has a close relationship to the company. That seems to be the only(!) source for Erika’s dilemma.


Please keep in mind that there really still isn’t any official announcement, but it would correspond with the newest rumor that Takashiro is likely going to take legal actions against Stardust. "Both sides once again failed to reach an agreement today." An insider reported.


If the reason for Erika’s terminated contract is really only going to be the connection between Takashiro and some fashion brands, there are hints that he is going to declare this termination invalid. Is this really going to turn out into a legal war? "We can’t give you any replies regarding this matter." Stardust commented.


Yesterday Erika already escaped to Germany to avoid the Japanese reporters and the questioning of her elder brother didn’t give the reporters any new informations either. It looks like we are going to have to wait for an official announcement until they finally reach an agreement.


Written by: www.kawaii-joyuu.com
Sources: ESN (www.erika-sawajiri.net)
Please link back when posting those news anywhere else.

Categories: News

Magazine Scans – Kurashina & Karina

Posted by HPriest On September - 30 - 20091 COMMENT

The beautiful Kurashina Kana in the "sabra" magazine, November edition.


The gorgeous Karina in the "Ray Magazine", October edition.


Not my scans!

Japanese Box Office Rankings (09-26/27)

Posted by HPriest On September - 29 - 2009ADD COMMENTS

Every Monday/Tuesday I’m going to bring you the newest box office charts from the past weekend.


[Weekend of September 26~September 27]




Movie Week
01 02  20th Century Boys 3: Redemption (JP)
 - Tokiwa Takako, Taira Airi…
02 04  Ballad: Namonaki Koi no Uta (JP)
 - Aragaki Yui…
03 03  Kamui (JP)
 - Koyuki, Ohgo Suzuka, Tsuchiya Anna
04 01  Duel Masters Lunatic God Saga / A Penguin’s Troubles The Movie (JP) 2
05 07  Katen no Shiro (JP)
 - Fukuda Saki…
06 06  Coco avant Chanel (France) 2
07 05  X-Men Origins: Wolverine (USA) 3
08 09  Tajomaru (JP)
 - Shibamoto Yuki…
09 08  Shinboru – Symbol (JP) 3
10 11  The Ugly Truth (USA) 2


Inoue Mao’s farewell to the uniform

Posted by HPriest On September - 29 - 20092 COMMENTS

inoue01Actress Inoue Mao and actor Okada Masaki went up high to start rolling the final PR machine for their upcoming movie "Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu" – 238m high to be exact. They chose the Sky Deck in the Roppongi Hills to make the obligatory prayers for the movie to do well at the box office and there’s a nice link to the movie, since that platform is said to be a very famous dating spot and referred to as the sacred place for lovers. What better place could there be for a movie all about love?


As beautiful as that spot may be, you should definitely not try to bring Inoue there for a date. "I actually have a fear of heights and this is really high – I’m very nervous." She revealed. At the same time she announced that this movie should be her last role where she has to wear a school uniform. "I don’t want to wear it anymore. It’s said that you can wear it until 25, but I’d like this to be my last time. You could see this as my farewell to the uniform." This spring she graduated from university.


The movie is based on Aoki Kotomi’s popular manga of the same name that sold over 7.5 million copies. It tells the story of a sick boy (Okada) that received the cruel pronouncement that he isn’t going to live longer than to his 20th birthday, and the cheerful girl (Inoue) he loves with his heart and soul.


One thing that is going to help the movie to become a successful one, is the great chemistry between Inoue and Okada. "I’m very nervous about the opening day and became really bothered about it, but Inoue-san looked after me like an elder sister." Okada explained in his typical shy-boy style. Inoue is aware of his shy image and immediately replied in an elder-sister style, "I’m definitely going to get him angry before the short days are starting."


Then it was time for the first preview screening of the full movie. "This is the very first screening and you are all the very first people to watch this movie. I’m happy that we can finally show it you, but at the same time I’m filled with anxiety about whether you are going to enjoy this movie." Inoue greeted the audience on stage. Okada often gets described as a nervous person and a soshoku boy, a buzz term used to describe young men who are very cooperative, very kind (almost familial) and not the most assertive when it comes to something like love. Literally it means to be a herbivorous person, meaning that they aren’t just about the flesh (read: to score with a girl). However, on stage he proclaimed, "I’m actually a nikushoku kind of person." As you might guess, it’s the antonym of the previous term and literally means to be a meat eater (but shouldn’t be interpreted in the literal way). This time Inoue decided not to directly poke fun at him and made a pun based on this term instead, "And how much meat he’s eating!"


Of course, the other cast and the director also attended the stage greeting. The movie is going to open in Japan on October 24th.


inoue02 inoue03

Written by: www.kawaii-joyuu.com
Sources: Oricon
Please link back when posting those news anywhere else.

Categories: News

Magazine Scans – Weekly Playboy No.41

Posted by HPriest On September - 29 - 20091 COMMENT

Weekly Playboy 2009 No.41 (10/12)


One post for the most recent Weekly Playboy only, because it features a couple of Japan’s sweetest young high school actresses/idols.

Just this time I’m going to feature all of the scans, even if some of them don’t have any acting experience.

(I won’t post the nude pictures of the AV-Actresses, even if their articles are interesting and about their first ‘experiences’ back in school. As you can see, this whole issue focuses on the school theme.)


 (in order)

- Cover (Aizawa Rina, Kutsuna Shiori/Shioli, Sakuraba Nanami)

- 02-07: Sakuraba Nanami (16 – actress)

- 08-12: Aizawa Rina (18 – actress & idol)

- 13-15: Mano Erina (18 – singer (H!P), idol & actress)

- 16-21: Kutsuna Shiori (16 – actress & idol)

- 22-28: The Junior High School Student Diary – Aoi Rin (13 – idol) and Seino Nana (14 – model)

- 29-31: Maeda Atsuko (18 – singer (AKB48), idol & actress)

- 41-48: Idoling!!! Autumn Special Unit

— 42: Okawa Ai (16 – idol, talento & singer)

— 43: Yokoyama Rurika (18 – idol, talento & singer)

— 44: Endou Mai (21 – idol, talento & singer)

— 45: Morita Suzuka (17 – idol, actress & singer)

— 46: Tonooka Erica (18 – idol, talento & singer)

— 47: Tachibana Yurika (16 – idol, actress & singer) and Miyake Hitomi (17 – idol, talento & singer)


Not my scans!

Kuroki Meisa to replace Sawajiri in “Yamato”

Posted by HPriest On September - 28 - 20091 COMMENT

With Stardust Promotion looking to terminate its contract with actress Sawajiri Erika (23), it appears that rising star Kuroki Meisa (21) may be filling in for her in the live-action "Space Battleship Yamato" movie.


The movie itself was confirmed in July, with SMAP member Kimura Takuya (36) playing the lead. Sawajiri was tentatively offered the part of the heroine, Yuki Mori, and this was expected to be her comeback as an actress. She returned to Japan earlier this month, but her agency later refused to approve her appearance in "Yamato."


Sawajiri has previously caused problems for Stardust, and the company has reportedly decided to cancel her contract. Her dismissal is expected to be made official on September 28.


Along with Sawajiri, Kuroki is one of several actresses who were initially considered for the role of Yuki Mori. With Sawajiri out of the picture now, Kuroki has been chosen to replace her, and she was given an unofficial offer last week.


"Yamato" is scheduled to start filming during mid-October, with theatrical release planned for 2010.


Taken from Tokyograph

Categories: News

Magazine Scans – Various (09/27)

Posted by HPriest On September - 28 - 20091 COMMENT

Okamoto Rei

- Young Jump 2009 No. 43


Kurashina Kana

- Young Magazine 2009 No. 43


Shaku Yumiko

- FLASH 2009 09/29


Aragaki Yui

- Kindai 2009 October


Ueto Aya

- Kindai 2009 October


Not my scans!

Welkame: Kurashina Kana Special/Interview

Posted by HPriest On September - 27 - 20093 COMMENTS

welkame00First a little intro about Kurashina Kana for those who aren’t that familiar with her. I hope that she will get maybe 1 or 2 more fans after this little article with the interviews and so on.


The 21 years-old Kurashina Kana is known for a lot of things, especially her gorgeous body, bright eyes and beautiful smile that earned her the "Miss Magazine" title back in 2006. Her newest DVD "Beach Angels: Kurashina Kana in South Stradbroke Island" (Cover on the left; I fully recommend the BluRay edition!) 5 months ago gained her a lot more fans and already hinted at another great feature of her, her great personality. She seems cheerful and down-to-earth, but at the same time she’s able to wow people with her mature responses in interviews. "I don’t want to determine that I’m going to be an actress only, I’m going to do whatever fate holds for me." Her grandfather is said to have taught her this attitude. The message to go wherever fate is going to bring you gained her a lot of positive comments in the net and should be told to all the students and young people who are worried about their future career.


welkame11As you just read, Kurashina soon turned into an actress after her "Miss Magazine" title and already appeared in quite a few doramas and movies. This year she even had her first starring role in a short movie and showed that she has a great talent for acting. Soon she could be able to make her breakthrough with the starring role in NHK’s morning dorama "Welkame", at least among the Japanese viewers. Unfortunately those doramas don’t get as much attention overseas as the prime-time doramas, but people not afraid of watching a show without English subtitles should definitely check it out. At least recent morning doramas such as "Hitomi" (Eikura Nana), "Dandan" (Mikura Mana & Mikura Kana) and the still airing "Tsubasa" (Tabe Mikako) already had a couple of fans and even some subbed episodes. Hope for the best! It’s going to start on September 28, 2009.


Summary of "Welkame": The story revolves around a young woman named Nami, who was born and raised in a minshuku (a type of inn). She leaves for Tokyo to work for a magazine publisher, but is soon laid off. She winds up returning to her hometown, where she has to once again deal with her family and former acquaintances.


Enough with the intro, here now the interviews from the new official "Welkame" site.


Message from the Cast – Hamamoto Nami (Kurashina Kana)


welkame01 "I’m so nervous, it’s finally going to start airing. Right at the beginning you are going to learn about all those lovable characters of the Hamamoto family. I’m playing Hamamoto Nami. She always puts her utmost effort into everything she does, but at the same time she’s a very clumsy girl. Every day she gets into another incident and every day she’s going to grow a bit more. I think that you are definitely going to enjoy watching her daily personal growth and will find yourself cheering for every time!"

- Are there any similarities between you and the character you are playing?

Nami-chan’s and I both have the same kind of positive attitude. Turning around at 7am, getting up at 8am – I’m like that, too. Plus we both have a tenacious character…!

Nami-chan also can’t give up her dream of becoming an editor and challenges it many times over and over again. I always wanted to become the heroine of a morning dorama, but I had to try it 5 times until I finally managed to get the role, so I can really sympathy with her. We might have some similarities regarding our clumsiness, too.


- What was your childhood dream? What is it that you want to challenge from now on?

I love animals, so I guess I wanted to become an animal nurse. I still would like to get a license for that now. What I want to challenge… for now I’d like to put all my effort into playing as Nami, but I would love to appear in a historical dorama/movie someday. From an early age I often watched them together with my grandpa, so I once would like to appear in one.

- Is there something you like to do at the set?

I’m working hard to… quietly create a new trend with "Otsukamesama"! (laughs)

[She likes to mix "Otsukaresama" (Good work!) with "Kame" (turtle) and created the term, "Otsukamesama".]


- What kind of people would you like to watch "Welkame"?

Everyone. I think everyone is going to enjoy this dorama, no matter what age they are!

Personally I think that especially families and siblings should try to watch it together. Also everyone who helped us and is going to help as at the locations, I definitely would like them to watch it as well.


Interviews with the Cast Vol. 01 – Kurashina Kana (Hamamoto Nami)


Q: How was it, when you heard that you got the role of the heroine for "Welkame"?


I’ve been watching the morning doramas with my family ever since my childhood. When it got decided that I would be the heroine in a program that so many people watch all over Japan, I was extremely happy. I was so happy, that I even couldn’t hold back my tears. So far I didn’t gain that much acting experience, so I got really anxious about it. However, thanks to the help from everyone in the staff and the other actors, I regained a huge boost of courage that helped me to put on a good performance. In Welkame, the heroine called Nami always stays bright and tenacious while working and thinking about her family and her hometown, even though she makes one mistake after another. It’s a story about her never-ending personal growth. While playing as her, I’d like to add a great share of myself to her character.


Q: There are many people who say that the heroine Nami is the spitting image of Kurashina.


Thank you! I myself like to play as Nami a lot and am really enthusiastic about this role, even though sometimes I don’t know whether I’m acting as Kana or as Nami. Even in interviews such as this one, I often confuse whether I’m answering as Kana or as Nami… (laughs). For Nami her "personal fortune is her tenacious attitude" and I’m basically the same. I actually have been auditioning for the role of a morning heroine 4 times already and every time I failed. However, I simply didn’t want to abandon my dream and tried it again while thinking, "I absolutely want to appear in a morning dorama!!". The 5th time my dream finally came true. I think that this kind of tenacious attitude is also helping me a lot while playing as Nami.


Q: There’s still a little bit left until the program goes on air, but how is the progress of the filming?


We are doing great. The main story is set in Tokushima, but of course we also have a lot of scenes in areas like Osaka, Okinawa or Kuroshima. Everyone is doing their best at each of the sets and I’m really grateful for that. When we are at the set and have a break to get something to eat, everyone from the staff and all the other actors are eating together. It almost feels like those club activities back in school and really made me look forward to the filming every time. Most of the time we are filming in the studio at the Osaka broadcasting office, but they created quite a nice set there! The set for the publishing company is really small, but it’s incredible how much attention they paid to even the smallest details. Some of it won’t be noticeable during the broadcast, but I think it might even be a lot of fun to pay attention to all the little details in scenes that aren’t longer than a glimpse. Please look forward to that…


Q: For those who don’t check out this site, what are the points to look out for in "Welkame"?


The main point is basically going to be the "familial feeling". Up to now there have been a lot of morning doramas with stories about families, but in "Welkame" you can not only feel the "familial athmosphere" during the scenes involving the Hamamoto family, you can even feel it during the scenes in the publishing company (laughs).In the beginning, when she’s talking with the editor-in-chief and the other employees at the publishing company, she is really relieved that it feels like being surrounded by a family. However, she soon realizes that it also has it bad side that everyone is so close with each other (laughs). For example there is one scene where Nami and Katsunoshin are talking, but you can’t hear their words and in the back you can see the other people in the office ad-libbing their talk – or this one scene where Tomochika-san is eating his bento in the background and you can clearly hear the munching sounds coming from his mouth… . I really had to keep myself from turning around or otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to stop laughing anymore. Those kind of unique scenes, that’s what I would like you to keep an eye on.


Q: What part of this dorama do you like the most? / What are you personal highlights?


Welkame tells the story about Nami’s personal growth, but at the same time it includes other big elements such as family, colleagues, work, friends and even love. Just take the family, there are so many different problems happening, but they all properly talk with each other and solve their problems thanks to their love – or all the mistakes she makes at work and how she learns from them to reach even higher… . Each of those single elements have a great persuasive power and eventually draw you into the story. Another thing is her work as an editor. In the beginning she obediently absorbs all the words from the other people, but gradually she starts to become able to use her own ideas based on those earlier lessons until she actually finds her own special way of wording her articles and to express herself. It’s like you can witness the birth of Nami’s very own originality.  It would make me really happy, if you could also see that transformation of Nami and witness her personal growth. I also hope that… together with Nami, I’ll be able to experience a personal growth myself.


Written by: www.kawaii-joyuu.com
Sources: Official Site of Welkame
Please link back when posting parts of this article anywhere else!

Categories: News

Stardust seeks to sack Sawajiri?

Posted by HPriest On September - 26 - 20094 COMMENTS

Management agency Stardust Promotion is reportedly considering the dismissal of actress Erika Sawajiri (23) for breach of contract. Sawajiri’s conduct has long caused headaches for the company, and it seems that they have decided to finally put an end to it.


Sources say that Stardust began talks of canceling Sawajiri’s contract earlier this month. The actress still has some time remaining on her contract, and she is said to be cast in a major movie project. However, the agency has apparently determined that she is guilty of a serious breach of contract, and they do not plan to wait until the contract’s expiration.
When asked about the story, Stardust replied with "no comment."


Sawajiri has long had a reputation of a difficult personality, earning her the nickname of "Erika-sama." In 2007, she was heavily criticized by the media for her unprofessional attitude during a PR event for the movie "Closed Note." Around the same time, she was also discovered to be in a relationship with multimedia creator Tsuyoshi Takashiro (45), whom she married this past January.


Despite her career being mostly quiet since the "Closed Note" incident, Sawajiri has been in the newspapers several times. One recent incident happened in July, when she visited Amami Oshima for the solar eclipse. While there, she was filmed operating a motorized bicycle, and it was later noticed that the bicycle was not properly registered, as it should have been.


Sawajiri also caused trouble for Stardust in February, when she visited New York and participated in the promotion of a popular fashion brand without going through her agency.


In addition, rumors have surfaced that Sawajiri frequently used drugs while in Europe with Takashiro. In particular, they are said to have often attended drug parties in Ibiza. There are further reports that while they were at Amami Oshima, they went to an event that Noriko Sakai and Yuichi Takaso also attended.


Although Sawajiri’s dismissal is not official yet, it appears likely to happen. This would have a significant effect on her career, though she may be able to continue independently.


Taken from Tokyograph

Categories: News

Japanese Box Office Rankings (09-19/20)

Posted by HPriest On September - 25 - 2009ADD COMMENTS

Every Monday/Tuesday I’m going to bring you the newest box office charts from the past weekend.


[Weekend of September 19~September 20]




Movie Week
new 01  Duel Masters Lunatic God Saga / A Penguin’s Troubles The Movie (JP) 1
02 01  20th Century Boys 3: Redemption (JP)
 - Tokiwa Takako, Taira Airi…
new 03  Kamui (JP)
 - Koyuki, Ohgo Suzuka, Tsuchiya Anna
04 03  Ballad: Namonaki Koi no Uta (JP)
 - Aragaki Yui…
05 02  X-Men Origins: Wolverine (USA) 2
new 06  Coco avant Chanel (France) 1
07 04  Katen no Shiro (JP)
 - Fukuda Saki…
08 05  Shinboru – Symbol (JP) 2
09 07  Tajomaru (JP)
 - Shibamoto Yuki…
10 06  The Taking of Pelham 123 (USA) 3


Featured Trailer/Teaser
~Featured Trailer~
"The Shock Labyrinth 3D"
October 17, 2009
Cast: Yagira Yuuya, Renbutsu Misako, Katsuji Ryo, Maeda Ai, Mizuno Erina and more
From the director of "The Grudge"
Inspired by the largest haunted house in the world, the Labyrinth of Horrors attraction, at Fuji-Q High Land amusement park, near the base of Mount Fuji!
Based on an original screenplay by Daisuke Hosaka, the horror-thriller follows a group of teenagers dealing with the sudden return of a friend who went missing a decade ago. When the friend falls ill, they take her to a hospital but end up trapped in a labyrinthine haunted house.
Upcoming Movies