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SHIN CHAN. Historias Completas, vol. 1

by YOSHITO USUI  category Español

status (set by SalvaMiralles): travelling

1 journaler for this copy...

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Journal entry 1 by SalvaMiralles from Murcia, Murcia  Spain on Friday, September 11, 2009

¿¡Quién no conoce al niño más desvergonzado de los dibujos animados japoneses!?

book rating: 8 out of 10

Released! Journal entry 2 by SalvaMiralles from Murcia, Murcia  Spain on Friday, September 11, 2009

Released about 3 wks ago (9/11/2009 4:00:00 AM BX time) at Biblioteca Regional in Murcia, Murcia Spain


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"One of my greatest pleasures in writing has come from the thought that perhaps my work might annoy someone of comfortably pretentious position. Then comes the saddening realization that such people rarely read. "

John Kenneth Galbraith

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