
Hot off the press!
The latest news about events, research and other issues.

Lucy Vodden loses brave battle with lupus

Ross Vodden and the O'Donnell family regretfully have to announce the sad passing of their beloved Lucy aged 46, after an incredibly brave fight against lupus.

Lucy was the childhood friend of Julian Lennon and the inspiration for the Beatles' 1967 psychedelic classic "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".

Julian and Lucy were linked together by something that happened more than 40 years ago when Julian brought home a drawing from school and told his father, "That's Lucy in the sky with diamonds."

Julian and Cynthia (Lennon) are shocked and saddened by the loss of Lucy and their thoughts are with her husband and family today and always.

Angie Davidson, Campaign Director of the St. Thomas' Lupus Trust said "everyone at the Louise Coote Lupus Unit was dreadfully shocked by the death of Lucy, she was a great supporter of ours and a real fighter, it's so sad that she has finally lost the battle she fought so bravely for so long".

She added "I am sure that many people will wish to pass on their support to Lucy's family and they can do so via the St. Thomas Lupus Trust by e-mailing"

New online shop

Coming soon - new shop and more new fabulous things to buy!! Watch this space!!!

2009 Christmas cards are here
Order yours now as they are limited stock.

2009 Corporate Christmas cards
If you're purchasing bulk cards for your company or yourself and would like them personalised please click here. 
Please remember to select St. Thomas
Lupus Trust as your charity when placing your order.

The Wolf Inside
As part of Lupus Awareness Month we will be showing the film 'the Wolf Inside' which is the last months of the life of N'deaye Ba, actress who sadly died of lupus complications aged just 32. Click 'the wolf inside' above for tickets and info.

2009 Lupus Awareness Month Launch
Central Hall, St. Thomas' Hospital 6th October 2009.

Swine flu advice for patients with lupus or related disorders
Downloadable leaflet. This was amended 23/9/09.

Santa Run
Fun, silly event on 6th December in Greenwich Park, London. Join in and raise funds for the St. Thomas' Lupus Trust.

New Awareness Campaign - Looking Good, Feeling Bad
Many lupus patients say that they are always being told how good they look when inside they are feeling dreadful. Sometimes patients say the fact that people who aren’t ill don’t understand  what it feels like to have lupus is as bad as coping with lupus itself. In many cases others think that the lupus patient is exaggerating symptoms or even a bit of a hypochondriac. To raise awareness of this, we are launching a new campaign called ‘Looking Good, Feeling Bad’.

We're now on facebook. Go to and look up 'st thomas lupus trust' - come and join us!!

St. Thomas' Lupus Trust Merchandise Range
Large range of gorgeous butterfly items.  They all make great gifts or a treat for yourself and help raise funds/awareness.  Download order form here, available to order by phone or post. Please keep checking back as new items will be added all the time! New items - Lupus? What's that? awareness badges, stylish black t-shirts, wolf keyrings and silver coloured cufflinks. Just arrived - glass nail files (click on pink words to see details) with the new multi butterfly logo above!

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