It’s holidays!!!
28/09/2009 at 3:42 PM | In Uncategorized | Leave a CommentHELO!! =D
yeap , my 3-week holidays officially started on yesterday!!!
hmm , lotsa plans for this holidays but none of them are on travelling lol
not gonna tell you guys the plans first until i successfully done on them teheeee
ok way back to last Saturday right after my Audit paper , we went to Ipoh!
btw that was the very first time i went Ipoh with Chian Yee and Sengguang
we had Nga Choy Gai for dinner yum yum.
I were too hungry that i forgotten to snap the food first
your getting-fatter-blogger =(
stacy the 12-year-old kid xD
.chian yee and sengguang
as you could see from the photo, we loitered around Parade until all the shops closed LOL
and later we went Tong Sui Gai for my all time favourite Momo Chacha Iced and 鸭脚包!
I recommended to them and they said it was nice and hardly to be found in their hometowns
i especially love the dried taufu selling at the stall too.. can never get enough of it! *drooling *
No our days didnt just end like this, when we got back to Kampar , we had a mini lantern festival!
stacy’s masterpiece
and that marks an end to my Year 2 semester 1 !! wohooo~!!
but am really busy these few days for my major spring cleaning of my room
i was hesitating to post up the photo of my messy room or not in case it will freak out all the guys and thought that im a girl who is untidy and spoilt for buying so much =(
but i dont care lar , i am NOT untidy is just that it’s time for me to change my study table to a bigger one so i have to clean out all the stuff and rearrange them again
i coudnt find a spot to stand wtfreak
but i confirm it’s cleaner by now!
so random
22/09/2009 at 9:22 PM | In Uncategorized | Leave a CommentAs this week would be the last week for me and housemates to stay at kampar for our 3-week sembreak, we decided to clear all of our cooking ingredients that has been lying there since ages ago
seriously this sem we cooked far lesser than we did last sem due to the crashed of time table of ours
it’s hard to gather at the dining table as some of us had classes until 8
i beh tahan to starve myself until 8pm to be honest.
white sauce sausage , taufu with onion and oyster sauce
chayote with bean thread , dong po yuk
great dinner, we still had golden kiwi as dessert
(i told you ma we had to clear all the food!)
and we still have eggs, sausage, campbell chicken and milk to be cleared
hmm, should do some experiments on the fusion of food *ngek ngek ngek
attended for yee hong’s 21st belated birthday party last sunday
by the time i reached i was like, “whoah , wedding chao fun night ah?!”
lotsa children running around and adults chit chatting there. hardly found my friends as they didnt reach on time
had great variety of food for buffet! yum yum yum
birthday wishes from us with our photos on it!
happy birthday!!
the fours that used to attending tuition together in F1 & 2
did lotsa crazy things during tuition
throwing the paper notes at the back when the teacher turned to write on the board
calling the tutor when classes were on, and he didnt know was from us! =D
joked that his graduation photo that hanging in his office was actually captured at some lauyah studio with fake certificate xD
you couldnt imagine how much we hated him
i miss those days =’)
19/09/2009 at 11:37 PM | In Uncategorized | 5 CommentsYoshito Usui , creator of Crayon Shin Chan was found missing on September 12, as he did not return from hiking.On September 19, it was reported that a body with clothes matching to the report filed by Usui’s family has been found underneath a stone at the mountain.
your comics always brings me laughter with Shin Chan’s infamous “Mr. Elephant”
and how he hated capsicums and tried to burry them at the yard of his house
not forgetting his favourite Xiao Bai , Shiro the cotton ball dog
i cant believe there will not be any crayon shin chan in the future ,at least not by you
Rest In Peace , Yoshito Usui
Finally, Maggie Goreng Kambing
18/09/2009 at 11:22 PM | In Uncategorized | 2 Commentsheaven ❤
two more papers to go
Accounting Information System and Auditing
already died badly in my Advanced Financial Accounting yesterday
everything also accounting , why har?
everytime when finals are around, i would ask myself
“why I chose accounting at the first place?”
but what done is done, no turning
okay enough of rantings, should work real hard for last two papers
hopefully i can maintain my cgpa
Got back to Ipoh today and it has been raining for the whole night
no mood to study at all wei , what’s going on?
uploaded some of the photos when i was a teacher last year in Facebook
hahaha, most people got shocked that i was a teacher
OOI , people with baby face cannot be teacher geh meh?! ish ish
8 DAYS to freedom!! wohoooooo
i want T.T
15/09/2009 at 12:29 AM | In Uncategorized | 2 Commentssomething IS really wrong with me
i am deadly thinking of maggie goreng kambing now!!
but look at the time , it’s already 12.30 a.m.
damn damn damn fattening to have supper
so i ate a green apple, imagining it is as good as maggie goreng kambing
why cant I have a body that has high metabolisme so that i wont get fat easily T.T
11/09/2009 at 1:54 AM | In Loved ones, celebrations | 4 Comments
Even you were being a “kuli” to carry all of our bags, you never failed to ss and self-snapping
you said my style of taking photo was by not looking at the camera
and you siao siao come and teman me xD
I still remember how you shot me kao kao when i said Izzi was not meant for ordering rice!
it never fails to put on a smile whenever i think of it
and of course the time we spent on bus together to campus, sg wang, and even wangsa jusco
im gonna miss it so much
ohh ,not forgetting you being the only one who was brave enough to climb up the rocks to take pic with me
if we were to fall down , bye~~
Does anyone else dont know that Ms. Chin loves to be the ambassador for any brands?
and even bags =D
Can you believe this is the 4th birthday of yours since we know each other?
Last year i missed your birthday and this year i am too
But i know there will be someone very special to spend your day with
to be frank, am really admire you for being so strong after all the things happened
you are no longer the one who looks strong outside but weak inside, definitely you’ve grown
Forever, you are the Karmen that is the siao-est yet the one who cares for others most
For every single words you told me when i was down , every single conversations we had
would be those memories that i will always keep in my heart
I love you Karmen
Happy 21st Birthday
p/s : I left my 017 number at Ipoh and i didnt update your new number in my 016.
so, sorry for couldnt able to wish you sharp 12am .. teheeee
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