Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cintan Mee is the best =D


stop denying le pikachu. i am/will always be taller than u =D

din go out today
gonna finish whole subject today =D
1 more subject to pawn
*i know someone is feeling guilty right now* =p

went for william's birthday party yesterday
at his house
bbq & steamboat
met pikachu there anyway
tons of ppl came
mostly 6th formers
oh, saw a bitch there as well
never thought she would come
( ask me if u wanna know who =D )

freaking big choco cake

banyak orang la, i malas mau state their names haha

it was fun
well, reunions are awesome, rite?
Carey was so funny yesterday
she asked asked a bunch of us

"What is Orgy?"

exactly wat munyee asked us last time
freaking hilarious
so we asked a fren of us to explain to her and she goes

Carey: what is orgy?

Am Chun: why u wanna know?

Carey: tell la

(he walks away)

Munyee: faster ask him come bac explain

Carey: yea lor, faster ask him come bac teach us orgy (LOL!!!!!!)

US: no no no, teach u only... teach u only.... (couldn't stop laughing)

(he came bac and finally explained)

Am Chun: means.... one whole group "pok yeh" lor

Carey: "pok yeh???" "pok" wat?

Am Chun: means one whole group have sex lor

Carey: oh, all the guys have sex?

damn... her naivety really kills man... seriously.. LOL

Am Chun: deng, no la of course. like that is gay orgy lor =.="
group of guys and gals have sex arrrrrrr!!

Carey: ohh..... then.. why say "pok yeh" geh?

Am Chun: *OMG HOW TO EXPLAIN!?*(he was totally dumbfounded)

YewWai: means when u have sex that time.. got the sound "pok pok" mah...
(sounded like manyak experience horrrrr =p )

Carey: oh... i see.... (finally she understood =.=" thank god man)

OMG MAN... this gal... betul betul zha dou kau kau...

i nearly ROFL.. i just fell off from the chair.. hahahaha

well, that was fun =)

so later, had a chat with siew wei
and yea
munyee as well
it was a really good talk with u =)
really enjoyed chatting with both of u
i cant wait till we meet up next time

Yoshito Usui...

Yoshito Usui is dead =(
i'm very unhappy...

Shin Chan Manga by Yoshito Usui

I loved his manga so much...
it never failed to make me laugh all the time
i can read it over and over for years
even till today

U know... my oldest phone
i even used 'Shin Chan pic' as the casing
and it's all broken and irreparable now
still, i just couldn't change the casing to a new one
ppl ask me why...
and i tell them
cause i love Shin Chan
they think i'm childish
but i don give a damn at all

Yoshito went for hiking ALONE on sept 11
and his body was found few days ago..
i hate 2009
too many great figures have left us
i am deeply depressed

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

didn't realize
i have this bad habit of

munching loudly

not good
i know
cause it's rude ma

really didn't know
cause for all my meals
i always eat alone in my room
as in... in Ipoh

and even none of my frens said anything
only u were that observant
i will change

Tuesday, September 15, 2009



i know, i know u guys miss me =D
sorry lor
exam ma
busy studying maaaaa =p

this is gonna be a lonnnggggg post =))))

and so
last week
went to tower regency hotel
for the biggest fashion event
in Perak

Amber Chia was present
couldn't snap pics of her
sat too far from her place
too baddddddd
not a fan of her anyway
Amber Chia only ma...

3 hawttiesss

i tell u ar... those 2 fellas paling left hor


luckily i din stand next to them

banyak orang juga...
ada Donut Empire also
camera wasn't with me that time

this is just half of it
the other half tak dapat nampak
oh, met joanna here haha

we all know right
Malaysian time
very *ou tin* wan...
the fashion event was supposed to start at 7pm
delayed until
8.30pm +++
great huh? and the bloody emcee

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the fashion event is going to start in 15mins*

15mins LATER,

"i'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, the fashion event is going to start in 15mins"

huh? wtf? AGAIN??
terus all tak puas dy... cis
oh well
screw it
here starts the fashion event

1st model

Oooohhhhh, Vivienne Oon!!!!
i was shocked at 1st when i saw her outside
no doubt one of the most attractive models that nite

she failed miserably as a model
those present there would understand why i say so

Eugene said she's damn good
i couldn't agree more
He was bloody present but dunno sat where.. cis
nice dress

Go Go Power Rangers~~~! =D

Ohhhhh~! another fren
Foo Vivian!
not bad.. not bad...
din know so many were into modeling

somehow... she looks like a swimmer huh?

chup chup dulu...
neck damn pain ok...
facing left side all the bloody time
right side damn alot of those flashes and those annoying lights

turn to my right and snap a pic sin

take a break
have a kit-kat =D

i know it's very mm guan si

back to moreee photossssss

i like this dress

now here comes ~BODY PAINTINGS~

the leopard

the zebra
this is awesome

the female peacock?

oh, here comes the male peacock

the squid =.="

the snake

we left early
since hunger strikes
and a bit of sienesss
i heard amber chia came out all white accompanied with 'snowy' stuff
will grab that pic from joanna later

went to A LAI I
with jill
japanese restaurant
we missed dinner
need foooooood
ordered our fav dishes

baby tako tako~
of course it's nice =D

yakiniku(beef) bla bla bla
big portion eh

Asparagus & mushroom
love it

my food finally cameeeeee
yakiniku teppanyaki
medium rare
quite tender
not bad though


this pic
at 1st glance
i thought
she was vivien

i'm done =)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

wacky wed

was at jill's crib yesterday
the comp technician of the day =D
ngek ngek
sadly, i could only fix the desktop comp but not lappie
sigh, wanna be a pro in fixing lappies
anyone who has an extra junk lappy to spare?
i wanna dissemble it =)))))))
& learnnnnnn
(i just love to dissemble stuff then fix it back again)
was my hobby last time k

so, for lunch
lets proceed to


Dish name : I FORGOT >.<

1st : wash the mushroom thingy. not too long. later lembik

2nd : slice some chillies

3rd : heat up the frying pan with low heat enough ger lor

4th : add some garlic. fry it for a while. not too long k

5th : put in the mushroomies and fry it together with the garlic
for few mins

6th : add some oyster sauce for the taste. finally, the chillies

there. done. =D
simple lehhhh =pppppppppp

continue fixing the lappie
formatted it
kept sneezing like dunno wat only
took a nap b4 dinner
slept with girlgirl =p
woke up
watched TV for the 1st time after so long....

oh crap
forgot to take pics of the food i ate
concentrating on the show leh...
"You're Fired"
hahahahahaa... freaking hillarious!
i wanna collect this TVB series lorrrrrr

after dinner
went for a walk with everyone
around the housing area
my phone camera sucks
couldn't take any pics
love the view there esp at nite
and home
luckily din kena nag like crap
out whole day summor >.<


It's been a while huh
wanted to post something few days ago
but was kinda 'busy' haha

went bac to kampar last tuesday
to settle some Utar stuff
stayed till midnite
met up with a fren for dinner who came down to kampar from ipoh
and later headed to another fren's house
to rob Family Guy (all seasons), MOVIESSSS!!!!
& songs of course
ngek ngek

it's been a while since i last met up
guess he was busy and 'stuff'
yea 'stuff'

i sat down
looked at his room and found all these photos on his wall
didn't hesitate to take a few pics of it
great figures from around the world
crazy fan of Obama & MJ as well

i thought i would be there for an hour just to rob his stuffs
but i was there for 3 freaking hours
listening to him
i'm a good listener u see =DDDD

he had problems
found out few months back that he was adopted
ouch hurts leh,
found out bout his real family backgrounds
found out the truth bout his partner
broke up with his partner
had problems with frens
sad until he hurt himself
went to see doc and stuff
really, ouch.......... (don wanna imagine)

i wouldn't say i understood his problems
thinking for a solution for him
i just listened cause he needed a company
nodding my head and being there for 3 hours listenin to him was wat he needed
i hate it when ppl try to console ppl like him by saying

"fck it la.... it's a past"
"forget bout the person"
"there are a lot of trees in the forest"
"fishes in the sea"

shits like that, u know..

those are not wat they wanna hear
so, sometimes it helps by keeping quiet
though i wasted quite some time there
cause i seriously wanted to study that nite
oh well, when i see someone that sad
i wouldn't just leave him/her alone
and fck off just like that

at least he did not complain that his life sucked
or i might have slapped him =D
i mean
wat is life without stages & hurdles to overcome rite?

so, we should be grateful with wat he have now
cherish it
cause it's gifted =)
think bout ppl who can't be like us
think bout how we could help them
at the same time
enjoy our life
listen to ppl
don neglect ppl
spare some time for them
help someone whenever ur capable
who knows u could have saved a life

ahhhhhhhh, better world huh.. =D

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

nearly killed a dog just now
(felt so sad & bad)
just reached ipoh
updates later