
Trouble Is A Friend

When a boy,

turns into a girl.

They call you a bimbo.


A bunch of losers with big fat ass. Like I care.

As an aside note, I actually thought that the correct vocab oughta be transexual instead of bimbo under this particular circumstance, HEHEHE. Cuz I know my old pics always give you a jump, hoh. Learn your English again, or alternatively, Google the right word. Then call me a princess, you fucking dumb shit.


I didn't attend Will.I.Am Live DJ Set due to some particular reason.

Some bampots went like, "Omg why didn't you go?! You're a party girl mah! You're an alcoholic! You're a drunkard! You love clubbing so much! You've spent so much on clubbing! Blah blah blah and blah blah blahh!"

You bloody nerds. I party and I study. Okay though I'm really lazy as a law student hahahaha but I never skipped a single lecture for this semester! So far lah cuz my new sem just started 3 weeks ago and this week is Raya break wtf. And fyi, every single words in italics are just effing UNTRUE, err besides the alcoholic wtfreak. Therefore, stop talking to me like you understand me pretty well. Cuz I always feel so emo to let some cumbubbles to judge me, mehhhh.


Say I'm vulgar? Hell yeah, yours truly is just rude like this. Then you don't talk to me lah shitbrains. I seriously hate ppl attempting to control me or change me or whatever it is. I don't give a damn on the world.

Alright, JOKE. I actually super duper care about what ppl think about me. That's why I'm writing and ranting and rambling so much nonsense here teeheehee. But woii, how can you not feel humiliated when you're judged by some lifeless whorefaces?

Yes I'm a happy going girl. Yes I'm easily satisfied by fine food and long hours sleep. Yes I'm smiling like a monkey everyday. BUT. It doesn't mean you can be rude to me. Gimme the basic respect cuz I'm a girl too if you wonder. Why do you make yourself a peckerhead when you've a chance to become a gentleman?


Ahh, now I feel so good to blahh everything out. I'm a happy bunny again, woohoo.

But, bear in mind. Be nice to me, and I'll be nice to you.

Learn to respect, you bunch of retards.


Liar Liar Pants On Fire

And my ass must have got burnt effing badly, urghs.

Remember I once mentioned that you will not see me in any clubs until my CLR paper is over?


Will.I.Am is in the house yoh!

Hence he's the fire culprit. Must be, mhmmmph! :/


安らかに眠れ Yoshito Usui

Yoshito Usui, the creater of Crayon Shin-chan had been involved in an accident during his hiking trip on a mountain.

My childhood was literally bombarded by comic books and anime, how intellectual wtf. Old Master Q, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Hello Kitty etc used to be my everything. And yeah, particularly Crayon Shin-chan.

I still remember how I secretly smuggled the Crayon Shin-chan comic books to toilet because I loved reading books while taking my own sweet time to shit happily for like one hour wtf. Note the 'loved', now I don't do that anymore! :/

Also I remember how my primary school teacher criticised Crayon Shin-chan, as such, is a retarded comic book for children. And I felt fucking sad that time mwahahaha, as I was wearing my very first Shin-chan Spec when I was 8 year old teehee.

However, I didn't buy its latest volume because I figured that the story line is getting more boring and gloomy especially after Tokuro died from a suicide bomb. Ahh well, it's sad to say now we don't even get to see Vol. 50 of the comics anymore, maaa :(

Arghs, emoo.


Zang Toi @ Pavillion

Hang on bay beh! Imma edit this post and more pics to come when I've the time! Paiserh, Raya break is madness lol. Outings for every single day, eeek.

But I insist to dedicate a super duper longgg picture post for our RTT lunch because all the pics are just simply beautiful wtf no vain no Kat. Photoshooting session at Zang Toi is a good idea, just look at the lighting will do :D

Ahh, Leroy is on the way coming! This boy is back from HK for a short break here. Also I can't wait to catch up with Copying Babe and Lou Dao later! Few months back since our last gathering teehee blame the Ee Leroy oh I know his name is really cool lol. Ciaooo peeps! ;)


Chanson D'amour

Mon chéri

The best thing about you is that you never stop telling me 'I love you' for every single day even we're so far from each other. Whoopsy, despite the days during your bloody field camp which were seriously killing me, arghs.

Even distance doesn't get us apart and baby, I love you so much that you're definitely part of my life too :)

Happy 3 Monthsary Baby Kit!


Yes, Harold Hon was camping at my place for 2D1N woohoo! If you wonder, this is the best monthsary so far as we could hardly meet each other (Yeay fuck that LDR, mehhh) But it's good to say we both are dealing with our relationship pretty well, and we've had a real good time together I must say :)

Ohh spot his botak and African black! Hence it explains the Mr. White Collar he gave me mwahahaha cuz it seriously resembles my baby way too much! Baby even said it's his duplicate teeheehee so you can imagine his eyes in love shape, hoh ;D

Ahh not forgetting the chocolate as well. I'm surprised that baby actually noticed that I love Lychee Martini therefore he bought me the chocolate with this particular flavour! How sweet of him :)


I love how you pamper me, no matter how I disturb you like a naughty lil girl.

I love how you listen to all my ramblings and rantings, no matter how exhausted you are after your training.

I love how you tell me not to worry because you're sure someday we can meet anytime we want, no matter how long it takes to reach the day.

And yes baby, I believe in you. Because I love you :)