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About Me Member Art Student vtophyaSpain Recent Activity Deviant for 3 Years
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Devious Info

  • Current Residence: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
  • Favourite artist: Eiichiro Oda, Naono Bohra...
  • Operating System: Windows XP
  • Tools of the Trade: Pencil, felt-tip pen, Photoshop & digital table, policromos colour pencils & watercolour.


Shin Chan is orphaned

Sun Sep 20, 2009, 5:18 PM


I can´t believe, I can´t. The great Yoshito Usui, Shin Chan´s dad, is dead.

Nine days after his disappearance, on 11 September, the worst premonitions are confirmed. The services of emergency has rescued the lifeless body of Yoshito Usui, the Shin Chan´s Japanese cartoon series creator. The body was found by a hiker on Arafune Mount.

According to reports from, the Gunma and Nagano prefectures have confirmed that this is Usui. Yoshito Usui had died accidentally when He fell while hiking in the Japanese mountains.

Usui´s wife was who reported his missing. On 13 September, authorities located a mobile phone signal was lost two days later. The signal came from Monte Arafune, where his body was found.

The body was found Saturday, and despite the efforts of rescue teams, his body could not recover until this Sunday, for what was necessary to involve a helicopter.

Shin chan was a manga that gave us a lot of laughs from 1990 until today. Thanks Usui from where you are.
The Otaku´s world is in mourning.

Yoshito Usui rests in peace

Sigo buscando ayuda para el tutorial de las prints para :iconnoticias:. ¿ Alguien tiene alguna info al respecto?


Do you want use my Art Work? Please, read this first: [link]


P.S.: And remember. I don´t accept requests and/or art trades. No send notes me for this. I will not read this kind notes.


Do you want find a ONE PIECE Yaoi Site? :ahoy:

This is your web: :butterflytwo::bulletred: OHARA OP YAOI FANSITE:bulletred::butterflytwo: : [link]

Doujinshis, Fan Art, Fics, PC complements and more.

(in spanish and english)


My little art page: :frail:VtophyArt:frail: [link] .

And What is new in this page? *u* Well, in here, there is all drawings
of here (including my mature works) but also there is someone or
other new drawing, my Yaoi work and my AcexLuffy & LuffyxZoro OP
doujinshis ku ku ku!.

(This page is now a beta version but I will make best in the future)


:iconacexluffy: :iconportgas-d-ace: :iconnoticias: :iconyaoi-fandom-club: :iconspanish-animeparty: :iconcollect-stamps: :iconcollect-icons:


:iconfirstpokemonstamp1::iconfirstpokemonstamp2::iconteamrocketicon1::iconteamrocketicon2: :iconlovespokemonstamp1::iconlovespokemonstamp2::iconroxelplz::iconroxel2plz:


  • Mood: Sadness
  • Playing: KOF maximum impact 2

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Thank you for the faves. :]
^_^ quedas watcheada, me gusta tu estilo.

No escuches lo que dice; observa lo que hace.
te watcheo TuT! me encantan tus comics de hetalia xD!
Paso a darme una vuelta para felicitarte por tus dibujos, en especial los APH, realmente me reido con ellos, dibujas muy bien =D

Sigue así, saludos ^^

"El destino baraja las cartas, nosotros las jugamos."(I.S)
Aha! I found you Arge! xD
Awesome gallery :heart:


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