Florence’s Wedding!

Posted by ~YienYien~ on Sep 28, 2009 in Family, Weddings

Its me Cousin’s Wedding!! When there’s a wedding.. you can happily see most of your aunties uncles, grandma, cousins coming to kuching one by one just for the wedding.. From the nearest, Sarikei, Sibu, KK, Limbang, Lawas, Miri.. to KL, New Zealand, England.. People from everywhere.. Most of them reunited! *nyek nyek*

There’s only My Family, My eldest aunty’sfamily and me cousin Chris stay here in Kuching.. So u can imagine how many things they have to prepare…! *ps:i m so hungry now.. suddenly!*

As usual.. early in the morning.. Went to church for the wedding ceremony…!

Me family!! my eye bag lovesss me.. coz they never leave me alone.. T.T

How prettyyy!!

Ring exchange… and..

DANG!! Happie lovely Husband n Wife liao!

*sek sek*

Mummy finally reunited with most of her siblings..! Happie hor!

Everytime i saw her.. she surely look different. huhu! but still as tiny as b4!

Me twins Cousin.. at first.. kinda difficult to recog which one is which one.. (The last time i saw them was 10 years ago)\

But now i can recognise them by their hair! Teeehehe!

The “Pang Teh” ceremony is kinda too many pictures.. too lazy to edit so jus keep directly to the dinner la.. keke!

Not to mention the Food… the gathering itself is worth a million..

Aunties cant stop chit chatting for the whole night weii..!!

Me like the arrangement! Wooots!

And obviously.. i will be the object for dar to try out the lighting for the night..


The dinner was kinda punctual.. Bride n Groom coming in.. food served..

everything is so fast!

Even the yam seng session is fast!!

No Loso speech from DJ before cutting cake! I LIKE!

So wads left??! CAMWHORE TIME LAH! *huhuhuhu* AH yien’s favourite!

Snap Snap with dar dar! *muacks*

Snap Snap with papa mama…

Snap Snap with Aunty dearest!

Snap snap with lazy-to-go-shopping punya cousin..! *bite*

and of coz… snap snap with gorgeous bride…!

I was negotiating with Chris how come they got beer and we don have! HAHAHA.. JK LAH HOR!

Okay.. Finally.. Picture of the Day!

Show u my comel nini mummy n daddy! *hugs*

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Lok Tian Cafe, Sarikei

Posted by ~YienYien~ on Sep 23, 2009 in Foodie, Malaysia, Sarikei

What do u get the most in Sarikei? Yes. Foochow! *hiak hiak* Thats why am blogging about foochow food now.. almost 80% of the food consumed is Foochow delicacies… We went to this so-called LOK TIAN cafe before we head our journey back to kuching…

SEE!! Sarikei oso got Lok THian neh!

Mummy and I Had this Zhao Cai Hung Gan.. Just so-so. Not enough sour, not enough wine, not enough kik! i duno hows the original Zhao Cai Hung Gan should taste like but i prefer it to be more sourish.. more wine.. huhuhu! I m heavy taste!! I still prefer the one near my office! super kik!

Hung Gan is a thick version of vermicelli…!

Papa and Dar had Tiem Meng HU… So-so lah.. it taste similarly with the one at 4th mile.. nothing special.

REd Wine Mee Sua with CHicken n Mushroom.. Hmm.. Can i say okok? hahahaha! To be honest, nth to shout about.. the whole breakfast experience is jus so so and not satisfying..

But surprisingly.. the most common and normal fried Kuey Tiao taste the best! hahaha! i guess probably the fire is big enuf.. Every piece of the kuey tiao is full of aroma! *teehehehhe!!

In conclusion : Not impressive!

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Glory Cafe, Sarikei

Posted by ~YienYien~ on Sep 23, 2009 in Foodie, Sarikei

I havent been online for 3 days only.. and guess what?! HUHUHU! i haven had the time to filter all yet… but just in case you didnt see me accepting you, means i duno you. My account is only for Friends or anyone that i know. Thanks! ^^

Oh.. i do sent out messages if you look familiar. teehehehe! Not that i hao lien lah.. jus that.. its kinda weird if i see updates from ppl which i duno ma.. sorry nah.. And hor.. i m scare if i accept wrongly and its virus.. then how leh? hehee! mayb i think too much lah… =)

Anyway.. i think i shud update liao! I am back from my short trip to Betong-Saratok-Jakar-Sarikei-Bintangor-Sibu. ^^ Welcome home i know! ^^ Kuching is still the  best for me.

When U are at Sarikei, i will highly recommend you to Try the TomYam Prawn Noodles at Glory Cafe. ITS A MUST to try!! I m sure you will fall in love with it. Its RM 14 per bowl.. but.. VERY WORTH IT.

Glory Cafe.. they do not only served the famous tomyam prawn noodles but also all kinds of yummy tempting food.

Tehehehe! I m not ALONE! Yea.. i bring keren with me too…! I knot sleep without her bah!

Teehehe! such a cutie!

okok.. back to topic.. this is the TOMYAM Prawn Noodles i m talking about!!

CHeck Out the monster prawn!!

But the best thing of the noodles is still the soup, in kuching, tomyam is too watery, just simply spicy and salty or mayb a bit soury.  But this is completely different!!!

The tomyam soup itself is superb!! Its hard to describe, taste it with ur own tongue! Its served best with noodles!!

PAPA mama Loves it.. even though they served it with rice and some side dishes.

Dar loves it!! Oh.. this is the best combination i m talkin about.. TomYam Prawn Noodles!

EVen keren wan a piece of it!!!!!!!!

The Aftermath… EVen though its served in such a big portion, but we can jus finished it in minutes!! Craving for more even! *slurp*

He is sweaty!! Too “chi kek” with the unique spicyness of the tomyam!!

Not only him.. US! hahahaha! We shall go back for more of this!

Bonus: They served nice Char Siew too.. Char Siew only coz the roasted chicken and pork is too dry! *nyek nyek*

Thankiuk YiYi for the Treat! *hugs*

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Yoshito Usui is Dead. =(

Posted by ~YienYien~ on Sep 21, 2009 in Daily Life

I m back from my short vacation. Its a very very very very sad news that Yoshito Usui (The creator if Crayon Shin Chan) is found dead after he went missing on the 11th September 2009. An undentified body is found under the cliff on 19th September and today… on the 21st September 2009. Yoshito Usui is confirmed dead on his 51.

Its a very very very tragic news for me as i am a great fans of Crayon Shin Chan. Great People is slowly leaving the world, First we have Michael Jackson and now we have Yoshito Usui. I din get to collect the series of Crayon SHin Chan comics as i never think that this could happen so fast!!

I din really read any newspaper thats y i m not aware. and i m on my vacation as well.. It hit me on the spot when yesterday, Sunday, we are all at Sanyan.. Nth better to do.. too bored.. and i decided to buy some comics for myself. I search for the whole bookstore and i only can find ONE Crayon SHin Chan comic.. for me.. its like impossible.. how can theres no crayon shin chan in a bookstore.. i ask the receptionist and she said its all sold out. That is the only one i can find. i was like.. WTH! I hate Doreamon so it left me no choice but to buy the only one crayon shin chan and a “Lao Fu ZI” for my daddy. When my daddy saw me reading Crayon SHin chan, thats the time when he threw me a shocking bomb!! He said Yoshito Usui went missing.

My gosh! And the very next day, he is found dead. When i keep thinking over, only than i realised why there isnt any Crayon SHin Chan comics. I am sure i couldnt get the whole collection oledi lah. *haiH*

According to the Newspaper, His draft of Crayon Shin Chan is prepared until this November only. How sad.. means crayon shin chan will vanish together with the author after november 2009?! I M SO SAD!

Haih! RIP Yoshito Usui. We will miss you. =(


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