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Mon 28 Sep 2009

Anime News

Crayon Shin-chan Creator Missing Since Friday
15/09/2009 | Jason
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The creator of the highly popular manga and anime series, Crayon Shin-chan, Yoshito Usui has gone missing since last Friday. His family reported the police in Usui's hometown, Kasukabe in the prefectu [ ... ]

Miyazaki's Ponyo Still Doing Well
14/09/2009 | Jason
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Box Office Mojo reports that Ponyo is still doing well in US theatres raking in $656,000 between September 11-13 weekend, although it slid to the #21 spot in the box office from the #16 spot. The tota [ ... ]

Conan News

Akira Kamiya to Leave Role of Kogoro Mouri
18/09/2009 | Jason
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Akira Kamiya, a veteran voice actor who has voiced Kogoro Mouri since the anime series launched in 1996, announced in his blog that he'll no longer play and leaving the role of the beloved character o [ ... ]

Detective Conan 8th in TV Rankings
15/09/2009 | Jason
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The Japan TV rankings for animation came out yesterday with the top 10 animes between August 31 - September 6. Detective Conan was in the top 10 that did well, which is not surprising to us. The serie [ ... ]

DS.com News

Detective Conan: Episode 544 Review
17/09/2009 | Cooking Sherry
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This episode was not complex at all. It was straight to the point. The imagery and differences in time frame were obvious. The episode in a whole was pretty well put together for an Anime Original. Th [ ... ]

DS Just Got Better With Community
29/08/2009 | Jason
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With the new Detective Shinichi website launched, we've decided to also launch something that we really haven't seen that isn't solely dedicated to anime/manga fans, a social network. That's why we've [ ... ]

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Akira Kamiya to Leave Role of Kogoro Mouri

Jason E-mail Print PDF

Akira Kamiya, a veteran voice actor who has voiced Kogoro Mouri since the anime series launched in 1996, announced in his blog that he'll no longer play and leaving the role of the beloved character of Detective Conan. He doesn't mention on the reasons for leaving, but he apologizes to the fans, creator, members of the cast, and staff.


Crayon Shin-chan Creator Missing Since Friday

Jason E-mail Print PDF

The creator of the highly popular manga and anime series, Crayon Shin-chan, Yoshito Usui has gone missing since last Friday. His family reported the police in Usui's hometown, Kasukabe in the prefecture of Saitama (northwest of Tokyo), to launch an investigation on Yoshita Usui's where-a-bouts Saturday, according to the newspaper Sankei Shimbun. Usui's publisher, Futabasha, told the newspaper that "He has not been in contact [with us], so we are very worried."

Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 September 2009 13:08

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