Dare the Train
Russian teens have now new fun. They dare trains.
This is needed to be done fast, because if one is appearing before the train too long before and machinist could see him and start breaking, so they run on the rails just before the train so he couldn’t start breaking and fell down on the rails, then the train moves above the person at his maximum speed, just a few inches from his head and back.
Russian teen girls seem to go for this too.
Tags: funny things to do, russian girls, Russian People, russian-fun, russian-teens, russian-trains |
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8:39 am
What a great novel idea! Darwin would be so proud!
/poshla iskat’ tramvay
These teens are incredibly stupid. No wonder the death rate is so high. What if there’s a piece of metal sticking out from under the train? Do you really want to die that way? I have seen someone get decapitated by a train; big mess. Also, trains dispose of their toilet waste on the tracks. Or so I’ve heard.
Дети: не играйте на железной дороге!!!!
OMG Russians dont care if their life is at risk or not simply because its not worth living in 3rd world and crumbling poor Russia
“Darwin would be so proud!” <—My thought exactly! Look at their smiles, at least they’ll die happy…
Darwin price is to be excpected.
i behead ariks;
I’m sorry… I’m really a total asshole.
No you are mot. Al yuo said was correct.
there are fools everywhere
nobody was using a toilet at this particular moment… what a shame…
I had this thought as well - beautiful blondinka lay face down on toilet waste dumped by previous trains.
These Russian kids are really stupid.
Have these guys seen in real life human meat crushed by train? Me I have so would like to say to these morons that if they are bored of their lives at least respect drivers, passengers and passers-by, they don’t need to be exposed to such disgusting and shocking view that can’t be erased from memory.
Arik, would be a American by chance?
The reason I assume that is because it’s very rare to find such a ridiculously moronic comment coming from a native of any other country.
As an American, I can confirm that what you’ve said is true.
Yeah, we’re all so stupid. That’s why we are such a poor, broken, weak country. Maybe someday we could be like Russia - strong, powerful, diverse economy, etc.
yes we are the strong ones!
We spread the glory of Russian entrepeneurs in the world!
Every year many people [equal to the population of San Fransisco] leave our great country to mingle with the ignorant western society!! Ready to wreak havoc when asked to do so!!
Also the strong survive only!!! The rest dies at or before age 55 !! we are the best!! we will set the standards!
It’s hilarious how ironic your comment sounds, because it’s ironic for completely opposite the reason you were going for.
no, it wasn’t
Maybe we should stereotype your people and see how you like it? If I’m not mistaken there are people in Russia trying to kill themselves to feel badass. You are as ignorant as anyone I know. In case you’re not aware people came here to be tolerated in the first plce and built the most powerful and advanced (if not greatest) country on earth, also with the best education possible (Universities, of course). I think maybe looking in the irror and holding your fucking tongue might be best. Was Hitler American? Was Stalin? Pol pot? Or did America just prevent the nazis from taking over the world? Ignorant? That’s you buddy!
Yeah. America stopped the Nazis all by the themselves. Fecking yanks, arogance persoified.
Hahahaha, Todd! Apparently, you couldn’t think straight enough, to actually read what you were writing — while sucking America’s dick.
Evolution didn;t happen. In Russia is the exception to the theory of evolution, russia and it’s people is the paralelle universe where evolution seased to exist once russia created itself, by itself within itself. Russia also created darwin.
3 drunks walk on the rails, the first one says:
- Damn, those stairs are endless…
The second one says:
- And the stupid railings are so low!
The third one replies:
- Don’t worry guys, the elevator is coming
Where’s Miss India?
Still at school!
Obviously there’s room for a person beneath a train … until you try to lie underneath a train that’s dragging a brake hose or an electrical cable or strapping, or, well, anything.
OMG this looks very interesting! I will tell my father to try this in India. In Finland we are still living in the 18th century and unfortunately do not have a developed train system yet.
Cool! The gene pool went into the auto-clean mode!
paaaki paki paki paki paki
| /
here ia am lllook at I, lllook at I, lllook at I immigrate into _-your-_ country.
OMGosh she is SO hot! And a bit on the wild side, I like it!
=( idiots. poor locomotive driver.
[...] Russian teens have now new fun. They dare trains. [...]
Run Forrest! Run!
damn kids!
[...] Dare the Train Currently / Submitted 28 seconds ago by sweeneytodd Tags: russia! wtf! Russian kids temp Darwin. [...]
Stupid Americans winning about this, If Americans done this their would be witting “kick ass” comments, Americans do stupider things everyday.
Is it dangerous?
Mne zhal
[...] y salir a jugar al fútbol ya no es lo mismo que antes) y lo mejor que encontraron para hacer es acostarse en las vías,… Seguir leyendo: [...]
In Soviet Russia, train rides YOU!!!
i thought it was ironic too, since american economy is in the shits.. i guess american poverty doesn’t really define poor.
Мля, круто.
А Дарвин в гробу переворачивается…
Darwin award nominee.
[...] - I thought America had the market on people doing really stupid things. Then I find out that Russian teens are playing a game called “dare the train”, which is Russian for “I am not going to make to 20″. To play, lay down on the tracks and let a train drive over you - that all. - See it here [...]
[...] y salir a jugar al fútbol ya no es lo mismo que antes) y lo mejor que encontraron para hacer es acostarse en las vías, mientras el tren les pasa (pequeño detalle) por encima, para sentir un poco de [...]
[...] zodat hij tijd heeft om op zijn remmen te gaan staan. Zelfs leuke Russische meisjes doen dit als hobby. hier ook nog een video. Lees [...]
now THAT is what i like to call “STUPID AS HELL”.
The constant sniping by americans on this site is getting on my tits. Don’t you americans realise that THE ENTIRE WORLD THINK YOU ARE A BUNCH OF IGNORANT MORONS????
I’m from UK and we think you SUCK!
Good for you. I hope that makes you feel better about yourself, and that you get over your confidence issues soon. ^_^
Its not the Brits that have self-confidence issues you ignorant redneck. Can’t you see that your irrational fear of other cultures is the ultimate expression of xenophobia and paranoia. Get a passport you sad fuck, there’s a world out there!
I’m sorry, but “I’m from UK and we think you SUCK!”? Can you get any LESS mature and reasonable? That’s schoolyard bully behavior, man. You and you’re opinions are getting no respect from me unless you show me respect in stating them. Y’know, “do unto others” and all that.
Come on Ronnie, step out of your trailer, over your melon patch and have the balls to argue with someone articulate for a change. Hu-nyuk hu-nyuk hu-nyuk.
Have you got a passport Ronnie? Your fear and ignorance of other cultures suggests that, in common with 80% of your countrymen, you do not.
Amen to that fellow Brit!
Most Americans are decent, good natured people but the general perception is that they think everyone else sucks because they’re not American. I can’t believe Obama became president because it means most of America actually did the right thing for once and voted for the good guy and not the gun toting old man and his equally gun toting Alaskan retard VP.
That girl have jugs bigger than my balls.
[...] [via englishrussia] [...]
[...] we saw this on that amazing English Russia blog, it confirmed every stereotype we had about Russian people being spookily unphased by death. I [...]
my friend used to do that
[...] English Russia » Dare the Train [...]
[...] more via EnglishRussia extreme fun russia [...]
[...] Dean, dove due bande rivali si sfidano in un gioco mortale: “Gioventù Bruciata”.Galleria[Via | Englishrussia [...]
[...] in Russia. La cosa inquietante è il tag, apparso sul post originale: “Funny things to [...]
[...] seems to be a new trend among teenagers, in Russia. What I find scary, is the tag of the sul original post: “Funny things to [...]
[...] As a youth growing up in small town Mineral Wells, America - there wasn’t a lot to do so we became creative and made our own fun. The kids in Russia have a different idea of what’s fun that deals with cheating death and the train tracks. [...]
Just like some old movies shown.
[...] Via English Russia [...]
[...] 3:02 pm on March 31, 2009 | Permalink | Reply http://englishrussia.com/?p=2367 Thanh niên Nga có thú vui nằm cho tàu hỏa phi qua người [...]
[...] special email about Mat winning money, we read a fantastic bash.org quote, and then we read about retard russian kids playing train dare. After that we talk about michigan ciggy tax, and the lamest april fools joke [...]
[...] teenagers get a run for their stupid [...]
[...] geplaatst door Adelbert die spots nodigen de mensen uit om op de rails te staan! English Russia Dare the Train __________________ [...]
I have look on your film on youtube
Think on how engine driver of this train feel.
My self drive tram and a tram have a (A TRAM HAVE A BOARD NEAR THE GROUND ) ( SO DONT THINK DOIT SAME WITH A TRAM )
What a great novel idea! Darwin would be so proud!
[...] the Train Russian teens have now new fun. They dare trains. This is needed to be done fast, because if one is appearing before the train too long before and [...]
Russian teens is not stupid but it is the act that is stupid.Machinist of train must have a real……chock.
thank you so much.. enjoyed a lot
[...] must froth at the mouth in your sleep insane people’ category. These pictures, courtesy of English Russia; the source of all things mental in russia, show a group of people playing ‘dare the [...]
Why does every comment board end up being a race or nationality war? You know there are stupid people everywhere, from every country, all walks of life. Kids do stupid stuff like this in America, as well as Russia, China, Japan and anywhere else that has trains. There are plenty of brilliant people in these same countries as well.
The stupid ones, when not dodging trains, apparently like to comment on stupid stories as well.
Now here I go generalizing - see how quickly that stuff rubs off. My apologies - peace out.
Not exactly a new thing, ha ha, nor is it just russian teenagers who do that, people have been doing this since trains were invented.
Why does lying under a train make you stupid? It doesn’t if you know the risks. If you think someone is stupid for trying something when they know what will happen and you don’t, then you are the stupid one.
Friends we is the New Global Generation.New Generation or Global Generation.New Computer Generation.
Anyone know Bertolucci’s Movie “1900″ ? … the kids do the same thing in that movie, in Italy, in the 1900s, and Bertolucci probably didn’t come up with that alone.
But in Bertolucci’s movie they do it face up… not face down
OMFG, this shit is so old. It was relevant in the early 90s, now it’s only interesting for CIA-brainwashed americans, who don’t know anything about Russia.
And you put these news in the category Fun !!!
I don’t taste this Fun and I find you criminal to give audience at these foolish behaviours…
Don’t you have any (journalist or thinking human being) consciousness ?
I wish that my country would be like that, all the fun we can do in Sweden is sucking our king’s tiny cock and just be gay. Well everyone knows it 100% swedes are gay ┌∩┐(◕_◕)┌∩┐.
I want forum for Train,Tram and bus driver.
personally i don’t think it matters what country they are from what they are doing is just stupid and reckless
pasky none could say it better,you receives five big stars here from Sweden Goteborg.
Not a new concept. My grandfather used to tell me that he and his buddies used to do that back in Glasgow in the 1920’s. Only thing was in those days they had steam engines that dumped excess hot water and steam down towards the tracks. He said kids would get burned all the time.
[...] Apparently, doing cartwheels or backflips doesn’t cut it for the kids anymore. According to Russia English: “This is needed to be done fast, because if one is appearing before the train too long [...]
moja u4itelnica po literature( teper ej dolzno bit okolo 50 let) rasskazivala pro takije razvle4enija v godi ee molodosti. neuveren 4to eto o4en glupo ili umno, no bodrosti dlozno pribavliat.).)
[...] Zitat von Whoosaa Du liest Bild? Setzen, Sechs. nein ich hab das so durchs dumsurfen entdeckt genau we das English Russia Dare the Train [...]
my mom had a friend that did that, but one time, the train was longer than he thought, and the suction pulled him up, and turned him sideways. they had to literally find most of his body parts.
don’t knock it until you’ve tried it, the adrenalin rush is incredible and you don’t have to get up on a high bridge with an elastic tied around your ankles, or jump off a cliff with a glorified hankerchief
don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. The adrenalin rush is a buzz and you don’t have to climb up on a high bridge with an elastic tied around your ankles or jump off a cliff with a big coloured hankerchief. Different strokes for different folks. Come alive and feel the fear !!
[...] Sumber: English Russia [...]
I heard about some guy trying this in UK who was hit by some part sticking down from a carriage and was ripped up. Really stupid thing to do anywhere IMHO.
She got her 100 bucks thats for sure
[...] EnglishRussia“Dare the Train (挑战火车)”: [...]
OMG… hoooaaaaa….
[...] Russian Teens Playing Chicken with Trains Photos of Russian teenagers getting run over by trains on purpose. English Russia Dare the Train [...]
[...] Vía EnglishRussia [...]