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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Shin Chan

He he he.. This manga (it is manga?? Dunno..) created by Yushito Usui is about a boy named, Nohara Shinnosuke @ Shin Chan.. It is originally run on 1990 and began broadcasting at Japan on APril 1992..
Shinchan is a small kindergarden-aged boy with Chuck Manson eyebrows . He has very strange interests compare to the other normal kids. He like to check out beautiful girls, make his mother angry, playing stupid games imitating that superman, beg his mother to buy toys, and reading books without buying them at the bookstore.He's an outspoken and increasingly lecherous child, doing what he likes, regardless of the consequences. Shin-chan likes to take off his pants and do what he calls his Mr.Elephant dance.

Recommend website or blog :-

1. Shin chan fan blog.
2. Shin chan1 - This website provide images, midi and mp3 about Shin Chan..
3. Another Shin Chan fanlisting website. Orawaninkimono

Just another Shin Chan clips

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hm34lh said...

hahahahaaaa.. i like this picture, please give me autorize for download this.
come to my blog

Stephanie♥ said...

this show rocks !XD!!!!!!!!!!lol he is so funny,even though sometimes the stuff is sorta wrong!

patz said...

wow!!!u r my hero sc..just go on!!!

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