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Awww... So cute! Shiro is such a good artist! XD

I kinda felt sad that he died. The 'crying Shin Chan' pictures made me feel even more depressed D: At least Usui will be remembered by everyone who had read/watched Shin Chan T^T

Devious Comments

i love shin chan! wow, thats so sad:(

What a cute crayon drawing.
Hah, that dog Lucky is very talented O:

Even the finest wine turns into vinegar sometime.
I love it too.. and well it is, when I looked at some of them I felt really sad Dx

Even the finest wine turns into vinegar sometime.
Awww... So cute! Shiro is such a good artist! XD

I kinda felt sad that he died. The 'crying Shin Chan' pictures made me feel even more depressed D: At least Usui will be remembered by everyone who had read/watched Shin Chan T^T
Same here D:
To make myself feel better I drew this... Shin Chan crying x1000 is just too much :C

Thanks :} , he is such a wonderful dog, he looks fairly similar to mine so I tend to call him Shiro xD

Even the finest wine turns into vinegar sometime.
Yeah, I love the fact that Shiro tends to be smarter than the people around him :D

Hmmm... Maybe I should read more Shin Chan to make myself feel better. I'm going to miss Usui's jokes and Shin Chan's butt dance :iconshinchanplz: buriburiburi... T_T

I'll never forget this series... :iconactionbastardplz:
Crayon Shin Chan never failed to cheer me up and make me smile when I had bad days ._.

But looking on the bright side we got plenty of manga volumes and animated episodes to watch, I can't get enough of them ^^

Even the finest wine turns into vinegar sometime.
Yep. Not to mention the movies, too :D

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