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R.I.P Usui Yoshito Crayon Shin-chan Creator

Yoshito Usui, I bet some of you when heard his name won’t recognize who he was right ? But you must know Crayon Shinchan, well Yoshito Usui (臼井儀人 Usui Yoshito, born April 21, 1958, in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan) is a manga artist known for being the author of the popular manga Crayon Shin-chan.

He’s been missing since September 11th :
According to Iza News, Usui Yoshito, the manga author of Crayon Shin-chan, has been missing since September 11th. Saitama Prefecture Police is searching for him upon a request by his family. Yomiuri Newspaper reported that Usui left home for a mountain climbing in the morning of September 11th. His cell phone is online but nobody answers to the call.

And found on September 19th :
On September 19th, a climber found a body of a man in Arafune mountain, which Usui headed for. The body fell 250 - 300 meter from the peak rock and was badly damaged. According to the police, the clothes of the body resembles Usui’s. The police will recover and identify the body on September 20th.

Update : confirmed on September 20th:
The body was identified by dental records and family members the next day as being that of Usui.

The editorial staff at Futabasha’s Manga Town magazine has stated on Sunday night that the “future publication of Crayon Shin-chan is to be determined.” Futabasha said it was “going through great shock, now that the worst outcome has come to past. There are no words to express the anguish of the surviving family, but we just pray for his happiness in the next world.”


Well Good Bye Yoshito Usui i will always miss your works T__T , too bad crayon shin-chan won’t have an ending and just like Doraemon, that never end because the creator was R.I.P. Thanks for the laugh you made through Crayon Shin-chan Nohara Shinosuke :)

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2 Responses to “R.I.P Usui Yoshito Crayon Shin-chan Creator”

  1. luciano Says:

    Even though it hasnt been confirmed as of yet, I wish to express my condolences for his death and thanks for so many moments when he brough a smile when i could do with one.

  2. Mike Says:

    RIP Usui-sensei

    As for there no longer being a ending, maybe that is in the best. It ends with not necessary a conflict resolvement. Life continues on as is, although in Shin-chan’s case suspended at age 5 for almost 20 years. What happens to Shinchan and the characters are up to one’s imagination. If Usui-sensei were still alive and decided to no longer write Shinchan, I think the last episode would be just like any episode.

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