About this site

Cartoon Leap was founded several years ago with the purpose to promote Anime and Manga as a personal project. After several difficulties, Cartoon Leap released Phoenix 4.0 version. That means that this site surfaced from the ashes for the fourth time. This site will feature several articles to promote this genre.

As an anime and Manga fan, I love to watch several anime series, read lots of manga and likes to draw as well. I speak four languages (Español, English, 粵語 and some basic 日本語). I can read only two languages from that list.

Anime I am currently watching
Everything that has romance, scifi, tsundere and other stuff
Latest or pre-ordered figures
Lots of them
Games currently playing
I play whatever I can on my PSP
Currently learning…
Japanese and Drawing
Please enjoy your stay in Cartoon Leap and feel free to comment about it, Thanks!