Yoshito Usui (51), the mangaka behind the popular “Crayon Shin-chan” comic, has been missing for several days. He was reported missing by his family on September 12 after he failed to return from a hiking trip the day before.
No one, including his family and his publisher, has seen or been in contact with Usui since he left on Friday. Police in his hometown of Kasukabe, Saitama, have launched a search effort, and it has already expanded to other prefectures.
“Crayon Shin-chan” has become an iconic character around the world. The manga began serialization in 1990 in Futabasha’s Weekly Manga Action, but it later moved to the magazine Manga Town. “Crayon Shin-chan” has also been on television as an anime series since 1992, with a feature-length film released every year since 1993.
source: Tokyograph