asmodean's reverse engineering page

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spam? - min0ri
2009/09/22 (Tue) 22:41:55
We sent email.
Please read and give the answer to me. ∵

Spam? - asmodean
2009/09/22 (Tue) 21:59:53
Hm, lot's of spam lately. ∵

exef2paz - yop
2009/09/21 (Mon) 02:40:43
I tried you utility on the paz of eden* as in "exef2paz.exe bgm.paz 1" , but it failed saying "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way". Did I do something wrong? ∵
Re: exef2paz - asmodean
2009/09/21 (Mon) 05:12:28
Hm, it seems ok here. Can you extract any of the other archives?

I think I broke support for ef - latter tale, so I just made a small fix in exef2paz 1.21. I don't expect that to affect eden*, but you could try it. ∵
Re: exef2paz - yop
2009/09/21 (Mon) 06:18:09
It works fine now on most file except the mov.paz for which it returns "Blowfish requires the input to be a multiple of 8 bytes ( 64bits ) to work. Could not open *gibberish word* (Invalid argument)" ∵
Re: exef2paz - asmodean
2009/09/21 (Mon) 06:31:45
That is expected. The movies are encrypted differently and I didn't bother to add support for them in exef2paz. ∵

mjats2tc.exeのそらいろ対応について。 - eden-inu
2009/09/19 (Sat) 09:05:25
mjats2tc.exe がそらいろに対応と言う事で使ってみたのですが、

mjats2tc.exe data.arc 13

Re: mjats2tc.exeのそらいろ対応について。 - asmodean
2009/09/21 (Mon) 05:23:43

exl5enj 1.1 - exl5enj
2009/09/11 (Fri) 03:35:35
exl5enj 1.1の実行ファイルが壊れているようです
Re: exl5enj 1.1 - exl5enj
2009/09/11 (Fri) 03:42:26
runtime moduleを導入していないためでした

無題 - loverin
2009/08/27 (Thu) 23:21:04

Re: 無題 - asmodean
2009/08/28 (Fri) 09:22:06
Re: 無題 - loverin
2009/08/28 (Fri) 19:48:47

ps2force480p 動作報告 - piyo
2009/08/28 (Fri) 15:22:52

Shadow Hearts from the new world



fate unlimited code

final fantasy 10

spectral souls 2

Shadow Hearts

Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua CG extraction - Hyarion
2009/08/24 (Mon) 12:14:50
I'm part of a team making a patch to insert the extra scenes and such from the PS2 port of Fate/Stay Night into the original PC game. It's meant to be used with's English translation, and our goal is to get it added to their installer - thing is, we'll need a commandline tool to extract some of the .tm2 images from one of the .bin archives on the original PS2 disk. I noticed you'd made a similar tool awhile back - would you be willing to modify it for our use? I can provide the .bin we'll be unpacking from if you'd need it.

On a side note, we'll need to convert the .tm2's to .tlg's. While we'd be happy to just have a utility that can unpack the .tm2's, I ran across some source code that demonstrates how to deal with these types of files. If you end up making this tool for us, would you mind taking a look at this code and see if you could implement the conversion into the tool or make another one that can handle it? ∵
Re: Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua CG extraction - asmodean
2009/08/24 (Mon) 13:49:53
This sounds like something I don't care about. ∵
Re: Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua CG extraction - Hyarion
2009/08/24 (Mon) 16:12:55
Fair enough. ∵

exifdypf - miara
2009/08/18 (Tue) 19:53:21
YU-RISのスクリプトファイルである *.ybnファイル への
Re: exifdypf - asmodean
2009/08/24 (Mon) 13:53:59

無題 - El_Patas
2009/08/02 (Sun) 21:42:49
i'm worried about if is possible, or if you like, develop a patch for the
bugs on the Pal Ps2 game of Mana Khemia Alchemist of Al-Revis in
the same way of your patch for the bug of Ar Tonelico 2 Ntsc u/c. ∵
Re: 無題 - asmodean
2009/08/05 (Wed) 11:12:07
Sorry, reverse engineering console games enough to isolate and fix bugs isn't trivial and I'm not interested in that game enough to look into it right now. ∵
Re: 無題 - El_Patas
2009/08/13 (Thu) 22:04:31
Okey, i understand, the best i can say for change your interested is play the game, if you played Ar Tonelico 2, the Mana Khemia is from Gust ,the same developers of Ar Tonelico 2, and if you have enjoyed this game you enjoy also Mana Khemia, is fantastic, magic and fun game.

I hope you change your interest in the future and can made a fix bugs for this game, off course i know this is not a trivial work, many thanks for response me.∵

無題 - riria
2009/02/10 (Tue) 05:49:53
Visual Studio 2008 コマンド プロンプト、XPに最初からついているコマンドプロンプト上どちらから行っても終了してしまいます。
Re: 無題 - asmodean
2009/02/10 (Tue) 15:01:22
merge_windmill.exeが古いのでVisual C++ 2005でコンパイルしたと思います。VC2005ランタイムをためしましたか? 最近、VCランタイムの事がちょっと面倒い…
Re: 無題 - su
2009/08/11 (Tue) 06:00:47

BISHOP 教育指導 (exbsa.exe) - 海月
2009/08/10 (Mon) 06:48:50
exbsa.exe で BISHOP の「教育指導」の立ち絵を展開すると、ファイル名に出力されるy座標が0になってしまいます。
顔 bu01u0011a_000_x234y14.bmp (x=234, y=14) ok
上半身 bu01m0011a_000_x102y0.bmp (x=102, y=0?)
下半身 bu01d0011a_000_x77y0.bmp (x=77, y=0?)

Re: BISHOP 教育指導 (exbsa.exe) - asmodean
2009/08/10 (Mon) 08:35:11
Re: BISHOP 教育指導 (exbsa.exe) - 海月
2009/08/10 (Mon) 20:07:46

TiaraのCG抽出について - じょー
2009/08/09 (Sun) 05:31:20
TiaraのCGを抽出しようと expcf と言うのを使おうとしたのですが・・・・どのようにしてこのツールを使用するのでしょうか。


Re: TiaraのCG抽出について - asmodean
2009/08/09 (Sun) 13:59:16
Re: TiaraのCG抽出について - じょー
2009/08/09 (Sun) 16:48:06






exbelldat - gon
2009/08/09 (Sun) 13:06:42
更新したexbelldat( )ですが、なつドキ!ハーレムで使用しても
unsupported executable? tell asmodean.

Re: exbelldat - gon
2009/08/09 (Sun) 13:34:35
Re: exbelldat - asmodean
2009/08/09 (Sun) 13:53:10
Re: exbelldat - gon
2009/08/09 (Sun) 14:09:42

hgx2bmp - Reihaku
2009/08/08 (Sat) 16:18:33
Well I have a problem with hgx2bmp.exe, and Would I like to know if the HGX2BMP.EXE can convert all the files of a directory
simultaneously? or is it necessary to insert the command for every file?

Because I don't know How to convert all files simultaneously.
So please Help me.

P.S. Sorry for my Bad English. ∵
Re: hgx2bmp - asmodean
2009/08/09 (Sun) 00:03:19
There is a note just below asking the same question for a different tool. ∵

Generic CVM editor - MaverickHL
2009/08/08 (Sat) 07:41:00
Hello asmodean, do you happen to know a tool that generically decrypts/encrypt CVM based PS2 files. I was planning to do a few undub of older games. Thanks.∵
Re: Generic CVM editor - asmodean
2009/08/08 (Sat) 10:57:04
I'm not aware of any tools to descrypt CVM other than one I wrote for Arcana Hearts. It is a non-trivial set of algorithms and I didn't bother to figure out which parts are unique per game. ∵

LZR - Alel
2009/08/05 (Wed) 03:29:30
I was wondering if it was possible to unlzr entire directorys at once using your unlzr, and if it cannot, could you impliment this function? it would be great, as so far I am having to do every image one by one thats it lots of sub-folders. ∵
Re: LZR - asmodean
2009/08/05 (Wed) 06:14:36
See this post for examples of basic command line automation:

how unlzr works - Shin_akuma
2009/07/29 (Wed) 02:44:12
Hi i downloaded your exar2 to find your unlzr program but this windows xp say "cannot execute specified program"
I try run it on dos prompt it is right way? ∵
Re: how unlzr works - asmodean
2009/08/01 (Sat) 01:14:58

I'm making NPA packer ∵ - HideD
2009/07/31 (Fri) 20:02:21
I'll give you some information of NPA header
NPAHDR Unknown3 : Directory_Count

NPAHDR Unknown2[1] : Whether NPA has only one Directory
If NPA's Unknown2[1] is true(0x1), this NPA file doesn't have including Folder and all file's pathes are "NPA Name\\File Name"

NPAENTRY2 Unknown1 : Where NPA is Directory or File
0x1 -> Directory, 0x2 -> File

NPAENTRY2 Unknown2 : Directory Count
If one file has different directory path to upper files, it has different Unknown2 Data (Maybe +1)

That's All

I want to know other parameter, but each NPA files have same value ∵

merge_dzi問題 - ptyre
2009/07/16 (Thu) 16:18:32
merge_dziを使うの時エラーが出てくる。 たとえば・・・

「perl bg011.dzi」入力して、
「Invalid Parameter - transparent」というエラー3回表示する。
ActivePerlか俺かが悪くて分からない。 よろしくお願いします

Re: merge_dzi問題 - asmodean
2009/07/17 (Fri) 00:51:44
Re: merge_dzi問題 - ptyre
2009/07/17 (Fri) 20:30:42
直しました! ありがとうございますasmodeanさん

どんちゃんがきゅ? - かにたま
2009/05/30 (Sat) 01:37:25
Re: どんちゃんがきゅ? - えびまよ
2009/07/07 (Tue) 22:03:16

スマガスペシャル - apple
2009/07/04 (Sat) 22:13:06

真説 猟奇の檻 第2章 - gon
2009/05/01 (Fri) 09:59:56
真説 猟奇の檻 第2章(CALIGULA)がlpkでしたので、
Re: 真説 猟奇の檻 第2章 - asmodean
2009/06/24 (Wed) 11:38:28
随分と遅かったが、exnllpk 1.12が対応しています。
Re: 真説 猟奇の檻 第2章 - gon
2009/06/26 (Fri) 00:34:59

ps2force480p question - AG-Wolf
2009/06/18 (Thu) 15:24:51
I used your utility on Wipeout Pulse (SCES_547.48) EUR, and it worked rather well except, the horizontal offset makes the image get cut off the screen : Is there a way to make it patch the default horizontal location? Even with the game's own screen position setting, I can't make the picture go over to the left any farther :/ I tried both normal patching and "aggressive"

Aaaand I see someone from spain has asked the same question D: If there is a way to fix this, it would be much appreciated :) This is a great utility even if it doesn't work on every game. ∵
Re: ps2force480p question - asmodean
2009/06/24 (Wed) 11:32:24
I'm not sure what causes that behavior; I may look into it some time, although I'm not too enthusiastic to enhance ps2force480p due to the unresolved field-indicator issue.

Plus, it already does what *I* needed and that's what really matters. ;) ∵

ね?PON?×らいPON! - lay
2009/04/11 (Sat) 17:24:02


Re: ね?PON?×らいPON! - a
2009/04/19 (Sun) 08:14:13
Re: ね?PON?×らいPON! - asmodean
2009/04/20 (Mon) 16:12:32
exnllpk 1.11が対応しているはずです。(gameinit.sobが必要…)
Re: ね?PON?×らいPON! - lay
2009/04/25 (Sat) 15:57:37
Re: ね?PON?×らいPON! - a
2009/06/20 (Sat) 09:44:01
Re: ね?PON?×らいPON! - asmodean
2009/06/24 (Wed) 11:19:14
今回、voice.lpkは必ずOKです。 …多分(笑)

miscmja - name
2009/04/25 (Sat) 19:22:14
姉ニモマケズ ?お姉ちゃんズは刺激的!?がmiscmjaのようです。
Re: miscmja - a
2009/06/14 (Sun) 09:56:02

ps2force480p - master spark
2009/06/10 (Wed) 05:21:27
Hi! I need some help. I've tried your application "ps2force480p" on my copy of Suikoden V (NTSC). It looks better, but the screen is displaced to the right (only half the screen appears visible). The game has a "adjust screen" option but it's not enough to center it (still leaves about 25% cut). Your application help says I can change the vertical offset with the "DY"option... but is there some way to change the horizontal offset?
Thanks and greetings from Spain! ∵

無題 - イリス
2009/06/09 (Tue) 23:04:55
Re: 無題 - asmodean
2009/06/10 (Wed) 00:11:28

Abyss - Julian
2009/05/17 (Sun) 03:27:36
I am working on a Tales of Symphonia (NGC) Undub, and it's complete, except for one thing: the skits... Like in Abyss, just replacing with the Japanese skits isn't enough. I don't know if it would be the same method in Symphonia, but on the off chance that it may be, do you think you could help me out? ∵
Re: Abyss - asmodean
2009/06/04 (Thu) 08:47:34
In Tales of the Abyss, playing skit voices was compiled out of the game. Identifying the specific change involved static analysis and execution tracing of both versions. Knowing where they diverged, patching the responsible function was trivial. ∵
Re: Abyss - Julian
2009/06/05 (Fri) 08:10:03
Thank you for your response. I've already found out that the skit voices are from the NGC executable .DOL file. I've tried looking for differences and changing them via a hex editor, and have also tried disassembling them, but I have next to no experience with powerpc assembly.

I'm clueless as to what to do next. I'm probably in way over my head trying to do this, but it's so irritating leaving this like this when I'm so close to being finished.

If there's any ideas, or tips, or anything that you could supply, I really appreciate it. Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. ∵

無題 - rr
2009/05/31 (Sun) 00:55:53
Re: 無題 - asmodean
2009/06/04 (Thu) 08:48:08