QuickTime 7.6.4 for Windows
About QuickTime 7.6.4 for Windows
QuickTime 7.6.4 includes changes that increase reliability, improve compatibility and enhance security. This release is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.
For detailed information on this update, please visit this website: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3661.
For explanation of what a SHA1 digest is, please visit this website:About SHA1 digest
For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website: Apple Security Updates
Important Notice to QuickTime 6 Pro Users
Installing QuickTime 7 or later will disable the QuickTime Pro functionality in prior versions of QuickTime, such as QuickTime 6. If you are a QuickTime 6 Pro user and you proceed with this installation, you will need to purchase a QuickTime 7 Pro registration code in order to regain QuickTime Pro functionality. After installation, visit the Apple Online Store to purchase a QuickTime 7 Pro registration code.