Download Diablo II MultiRes Mod |
Scris de Dr. Lamer la Sunday, 26 July 2009 (609 hits) in PC Stiri
Dacă mai sunt pe la noi fani de Diablo II, nu cred că există unul care să nu vrea să joace jocul într-o rezoluÅ£ie mai mare decât cea originală, de maximum 800x600 pixeli. Ce-ar fi să vă bucuraÅ£i de Diablo II în 1.280x1.024 sau, mai ÅŸtii, chiar 3.840x1.024? În caz că vreÅ£i să instalaÅ£i modul ce face posibil acest vis, aveÅ£i mai jos link-ul. AtenÅ£ie, însă, cei care au încercat acest mod anunţă încetiniri în anumite zone ale jocului sub Windows XP dar care, bizar, sunt minime sub Windows Vista, ÅŸi faptul că nu veÅ£i putea juca pe, modul fiind un hack. Câteva screenshots comparative, detalii despre mod ÅŸi link-ul spre download direct (cca. 530 KB): De pe ModDb citire: The downloaded "patch" should consist of 4 files: D2MultiRes.txt D2MultiResGame.exe D2MultiRes.dll D2MultiRes.mpq To install, simply copy D2MultiResGame.exe, D2MultiRes.dll and D2MultiRes.mpq to your Diablo II directory. You do not need to copy over or replace any of your files, and none of your files will be changed. At the moment, D2MultiRes only supports the GDI (windowed mode) and DirectDraw graphics plugins. If you are using Glide you'll almost certainly crash. If you're using Direct3D you'll be able to run Diablo II, but expect to see some funky graphic glitches while playing the game. To switch to DirectDraw, run D2VidTst.exe (found in your Diablo II directory) and choose the DirectDraw option. You shouldn't notice any major drawbacks for using DirectDraw over Direct3D, so for most users this probably won't be a problem. To run, start D2MultiResGame.exe. You may use any of the normal command line options available when playing Diablo II, such as "-w" for windowed or "-direct -txt" for mods. Diablo II will start in its normal resolution, however when playing a game you will be able to switch to a new, higher resolution. To do so, just go to the Video Options menu and select the Resolution menu item. This will bring up a new panel that will list your available resolutions. Click the one you wish to play in and Diablo II will switch to that resolution. Download Diablo II MultiRes Mod Detalii despre Mod WidescreenGaming PC Games Hardware,690914/Diablo-2-in-3840-x-1024-pixels/News/ DiabloII ModRes 800x600
Diablo II ModRes 1280x720
Diablo II ModRes 1280x1024
Diablo II ModRes 3840x1024
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