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Old Aug 10, 2009 6:54pm
Djrmenace's Avatar
Member Since Aug 2009
Dollar Looking for EA (MQL4) programmer


I require the assistance of an MQL4 programmer (Query language designed for the MT4 "Meta Trader 4" platform).
I have a trading strategy which is much more complicated than some I have seen out there but also infinitely more versatile in my opinion. I need someone who has coded an "Expert adviser" in MT4 (MQL4) before and is quite confident with the code languate and it's limitations. I would preferably want someone in Queensland Australia but not mandatory.

Here is a link to a description of MQL4 in case it is similar to another language you know well:

This person will be required to:
1) Tutor me / give me a kick start in picking up the MQL4 language / syntax and limitations / capabilities.
2) Help me start my project (only enough for me to take over as I can not afford to leak this strategy yet).

I am willing to pay some $$ for this. I'm thinking about $50 per 1.5 hr session for a few sessions. Maybe 2 per week over 2 - 3 weeks max should easily do it. (We are not talking about big money / big job here, just want to make it worth your while)

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Please post here if you might be able to help me and I will check this thread again soon.

Thank you,

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Old Aug 10, 2009 10:59pm
Trading&Programing as Hobby
Member Since May 2009

Hi, i'm interested.
Currently, i'm making EAs as freelance jobs, i lived in Indonesia (GMT+7)
If you want me to tutor you so you can build your own EA i can do it.
$50 per session seems to be good for me.
If you're interested PM me your YM/MSN/ICQ id and let me know on what time you want the session start.

But, if you're willing to leaks the strategy out, by searching around this forum you'll find people who will create the EA for free.
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Old Aug 11, 2009 12:58am
Djrmenace's Avatar
Member Since Aug 2009

Hello AdamN,

Thank you for replying.

I figure that having an EA made entirely for me means I don't fully understand it to be able to build on it etc, aside from the fact that yes, my strategy could be leaked (not too worried about that at this stage).
My other option would be to study the MQL4 book for a long time before I would be capable of creating a complex EA.

I'd love to use Skype or MSN to comunicate. I'll let this thread run a little longer then call you if I decide to go ahead. I'm hoping I might be able to pay you through Paypal? I would probably only pay using another method if the person was in my country.

Thank you for keeping this thread alive:

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Old Aug 11, 2009 3:45am
Trading&Programing as Hobby
Member Since May 2009
Thumbs up

No problem, i would like to see other people posts in this thread also
And PayPal would be fine by me.

And also, if you only learns all the functions in the MQL4 book without practicing to see how it works will just make you confused because there are so many functions.
My advice if you want to learn it by your self, is to modify the sample EAs and test out the functions you find interesting or important to see how it works.
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Old Aug 11, 2009 9:23pm
akukaya's Avatar
Member Since Jul 2008
Default Hi Djrmenace

Originally Posted by Djrmenace View Post

I require the assistance of an MQL4 programmer (Query language designed for the MT4 "Meta Trader 4" platform).
I have a trading strategy which is much more complicated than some I have seen out there but also infinitely more versatile in my opinion. I need someone who has coded an "Expert adviser" in MT4 (MQL4) before and is quite confident with the code languate and it's limitations. I would preferably want someone in Queensland Australia but not mandatory.

Here is a link to a description of MQL4 in case it is similar to another...
I had teach a couple of traders to write their own EA and I am coding an EA as hobby too.

Here is what I can offer, I can help you create your own EA system which i believe you dont need to learn the whole MQL4 functions.

By doing hands on your own EA, you will learnt the basics and faster learnign curve and should be able to tweak or create other functions in the future(your next EA .

Additional of this offer, I will give you one of my profitable EA.
In case your EA not perform well, you can try mine.

Let me know if you interested.
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Old Aug 14, 2009 1:18am
Djrmenace's Avatar
Member Since Aug 2009

Hello Akukaya,

Thank you for your response.

I am interested in your offer. I will send you a PM soon to get an idea of what your charge rate would be and we can go from there.

In the mean time, AdamN you are so far on the top of my list. Still undecided so far though.

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Old Aug 14, 2009 9:57am
trendchaser's Avatar
Member Since Oct 2007

heres a tutorial i made for newbs like you


if youd like more teachings, il teach you my way of coding
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Old Aug 14, 2009 11:14am
19 Yr old Trader/Programmer
Member Since Jul 2007

Other resources in the way of teaching:

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Old Aug 19, 2009 11:01pm
Djrmenace's Avatar
Member Since Aug 2009

Great stuff guys, thanks for this. I'll have a chance to check it all on the wekeend. Much appreciated.

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Old Aug 20, 2009 7:16am
Scientist's Avatar
Programmer/Software Engineer
Member Since Mar 2007
Default Hi

I can help you with MQL. I have been coding MQL4 for 2 years now and have built a lot of EAs, both for myself and for clients.

I can give you some of my ready to use routines so for simple EAs you will only do copy/paste.


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Old Aug 20, 2009 8:47am
Programming for a better future.
Member Since Jun 2008
5 Vouchers  557 Posts

Have you had any programming experience? MQL is quite easy to learn but having prior programming knowledge will help in understanding logical statements.
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Old Aug 21, 2009 2:08pm
Member Since Aug 2009
Default Need a EA (MQL4) Programmer to create an Original EA for FOREX

I am looking to pay an experienced programmer to create an original EA. Only experienced, communicative, reliable programmer will work for this small project. Please reply ASAP. Thanks!
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Old Aug 22, 2009 12:24am
Programming for a better future.
Member Since Jun 2008
5 Vouchers  557 Posts

Originally Posted by gotideas View Post
I am looking to pay an experienced programmer to create an original EA. Only experienced, communicative, reliable programmer will work for this small project. Please reply ASAP. Thanks!
hahaha... that's rather paradoxical...

Its always amusing to hear people coming in here saying they have some bright ideas and want one of the programmers here to do it for them at a fee. And that programmer is expected to be "experienced, communicative, reliable", etc... before being considered for the "project".

Don't you see the lapse in logic with that? I mean... you won't know if the programmer is REALLY "experienced, communicative, reliable" until you actually work with the person isn't it?! or you're just satisfied with him/her TELLING you he/she has those traits?

btw, next time please start your own thread. or at least be polite enough to apologise to the thread starter that you're high-jacking his. This is basic forum etiquette since you're asking for a programmer for a different purpose.

another btw, I'm an experienced, communicative, reliable programmer and that is the truth.

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Old Aug 22, 2009 2:30pm
Member Since Jan 2009


I sent you an email. Please reply.

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Old Aug 22, 2009 10:36pm
Member Since Aug 2009

Originally Posted by Zen_Leow View Post
hahaha... that's rather paradoxical...

Its always amusing to hear people coming in here saying they have some bright ideas and want one of the programmers here to do it for them at a fee. And that programmer is expected to be "experienced, communicative, reliable", etc... before being considered for the "project".

Don't you see the lapse in logic with that? I mean... you won't know if the programmer is REALLY "experienced, communicative, reliable" until you actually work with the person isn't it?! or you're just satisfied with him/her TELLING...

Before responding in a more direct manner to your post, I feel it necessary at the outset to apologize on behalf of the person who apparently ruined your day before you crafted that response to my posting. Perhaps my apology will cool the apparent ire you harbor and spare another innocent individual merely seeking programming assistance from your combative, inarticulate verbal assaults.

Although I would not normally respond to a post such as yours (for the same reason an individual does not respond to an insult levied by a mentally challenged child), the degree of faux superiority you attempt to impress upon your audience is simply nauseating. Additionally, even though a part of your criticism is perhaps on point, the manner in which it is imparted is neither constructive nor respectful. So, as a favor to the forum specifically, and perhaps mankind generally, I will make an exception to the “insulting mentally challenged child” rule and respond directly to your post.
Your laughter, in response to a genuine request for assistance, evinces both your immaturity and your egocentricity. In case no one has told you before, the weather up there on your high horse is undoubtedly colder than it is down here with the peasants. Perhaps one day you should take a vacation down to the warmer weather where us mere mortals live - who knows it may turn out to be a humbling experience.
“that's rather paradoxical...”
This, in addition to spelling the word apologize with an “s” (which perhaps can be explained away depending on where you are from), clearly shows your limited dexterity with grammar and syntax. My request for help is not “paradoxical” according to any definition of the word. Revisit your 8th grade English dictionary for further assistance.
“Its always amusing to hear people coming in here saying they have some bright ideas and want one of the programmers here to do it for them at a fee.”
I don’t see the point of this sentence. I am simply looking to hire a programmer to create an original EA. Nowhere in my concise post did I solicit your opinion or your comment. If you are not interested in the job, why waste the time and energy responding? Additionally, it is evident you have not spent much time in the corporate world as you seemingly do not understand the simplest aspects of an employer-contractor relationship. Do you honestly expect someone to hire you in light of your belligerent response? As they say, you only get one chance to make a good first impression. If this is your normal mode of attack to job-seeking, I shudder to think of the lifestyle you must be forced to lead.
“Don't you see the lapse in logic with that? I mean... you won't know if the programmer is REALLY ‘experienced, communicative, reliable’ until you actually work with the person isn't it?! or you're just satisfied with him/her TELLING you he/she has those traits?”

Again your prowess of the English language is shown to be lacking. For your convenience and in case you did not revisit your 8th grade dictionary as suggested above, I will define the three quoted words (as per www.merriam-webster.com.

Experienced: made skillful or wise through experience.
Experience: practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity

As per this part of the requisite criteria, I am simply looking for someone who, in his own view, is not a newbie when it comes to programming. My project will require someone who is experienced. If this concept is confusing and/or too vague for you, I would suggest not referring to yourself as “experienced.”

Communicative: tending to communicate
Communicate: to transmit information…

As per this requirement, I am simply looking for someone who will be readily available for this project and is able to articulate his needs, both logistically and financially, to accomplish my goal. If you have trouble with this prong, I would suggest both an 8th grade English teacher and a certified financial advisor.

Reliable: suitable or fit to be relied on

As per this requirement, I seek simply someone, again in his own view, is dependable and can be relied on. There have been many times in my professional life in which I would have to decline business because I was going to be preoccupied with other, more pressing, engagements. It thus would be unfair to take on new business if I was not going to be able to give it my 100%. This requirement simply conveys my desire the applicant be dependable and see the project through to completion. I have no suggestion for you if you do not understand this aspect; perhaps buy and read books on “ethics in business.”

There is no “lapse in logic” to requesting the applicant have these attributes. Plenty of people, apparently unlike you, can be honest with themselves and determine they do not have the experience, time, energy or wherewithal to complete a programming project involving forex. Welcome to the world of humility – told you the weather was warmer down here.

“btw, next time please start your own thread. or at least be polite enough to apologise to the thread starter that you're high-jacking his. This is basic forum etiquette since you're asking for a programmer for a different purpose.”

This is your sole valid point. However, as I said above, by the time I got to it after reading your diatribe thus far, it fell on deaf ears. But, in the spirit of repentance and reform, I admit I should have started a new thread and not hijacked the current one. Oh, please, ye judge, jury and executioner, please spare me from your wrath from go back from whence you came! (i.e. cooler weather above.)

“another btw, I'm an experienced, communicative, reliable programmer and that is the truth.”

Now THIS is front page stuff. Call the newspapers.

To everyone else: I apologize you had to witness this. Forgive me.
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