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Snow Leopard threw me off the web: WiFi and T-Mobile 3G USB Stick connectivity woes

Aug 28, 2009 11:52 AM
Rating: (Total Clicks 4)

I just upgraded to Snow Leopard and immediately found myself severed from the Internet: I couldn't connect to the BTOpenZone WiFi network (or see any other networks) and neither could I connect with my T-Mobile USB stick. Removing the Automatic location in System Preferences → Network → fixed the T-Mobile USB stick issue (you have [...] (translate)

Getting Terminal Visor for OSX working with Snow Leopard

Aug 28, 2009 11:52 AM
Rating: (Total Clicks 4)

Visor for OSX (Visor.bundle) is a lovely Quake-like interface for Terminal that I absolutely couldn't live without. Unfortunately, upgrading to Snow Leopard disables it. Re-enabling it, thankfully, is very easy: Go to Applications → Utilities, ⌘-click and select Get Info (or press ⌘-i) and check the Open in 32-bit mode checkbox. Finally, start [...] (translate)

Flex + Snow Leopard, the results…

Aug 28, 2009 11:48 AM
Rating: (Total Clicks 9)

I have installed Snow Leopard… and now the Flex compatibility results. Flex Builder 2 - FAIL. Changing some configuration files did allow me to open Flex Builder, and I was able to compile some apps, but my large app with embedded images failed to compile. Flex Builder 3 - SUCCESS Unfortunately I had to buy Flex Builder 3… anyway… [...] (translate)

2 Flex Developer Job positions in Leeds

Aug 28, 2009 11:31 AM
Rating: (Total Clicks 7)

Hi Flex Developers, I've offer in my inbox for 2 Flex Developers in Leeds. If you are searching for Flex Job, this can be your chance. If you are intersted please write me in comments (fill up your email, it will not be displayed on page) and I will contact you with recruiter. (translate)

Tijdelijk bericht dat wordt gebruikt om het thema te bepalen. (eb240cd3-8e9b-4716-a1b0-5cb5ea3d1119 - 3bfe001a-32de-4114-a6b4-4005b770f6d7)

Aug 28, 2009 11:31 AM
Rating: (Total Clicks 1)

Dit is een tijdelijk bericht dat niet is verwijderd. Verwijder het handmatig. (83d5455a-904e-4c53-816d-35ab0b9d4cad - 3bfe001a-32de-4114-a6b4-4005b770f6d7) (translate)

Working on

Aug 28, 2009 11:26 AM
Rating: (Total Clicks 3) has selected Issuu among 2009's 50 best websites, and naturally it makes me very proud. (translate)

Project Quindici = MAXwidget

Aug 28, 2009 9:58 AM
Rating: (Total Clicks 10)

If you’re following me on Twitter, you may have seen me Tweet about Project Quindici. Quindici is Italian for 15. Project Quindici is actually a widget that (among other things) allows you to record your own testimonial and thus claim your 15 minutes of fame. I’m happy to announce that the project is now live. The [...] (translate)

Tutorial: Sexy transitions with Flex 3 (as used in the MAX widget)

Aug 28, 2009 9:57 AM
Rating: (Total Clicks 21)

When I showed the first versions of the MAX widget to a few colleagues, most were very surprised to hear that this was all built with the Flex 3 framework and that no Flash Catalyst or Flash CS4 was involved in this. “Including the animations?“, was a question I got a lot. And yes… Even the [...] (translate)

Gis' a job...

Aug 28, 2009 7:51 AM
Rating: (Total Clicks 19)

It's with a somewhat heavy heart that I write this but my company has sadly announced that it will be making a number of redundancies and my department is one of those affected.At the moment it's just the start of the consultancy phase but having been through this before I know it's prudent to start seeing what jobs are out there as soon as possible.So if anyone knows of any ColdFusion developer jobs within a commutable distance of south-east London please get in touch with me through Linked In (the link to my profile is on every page of this (translate)

No, my glasses do not need buffing. They just need a little javacast (StringBuffer gotcha)

Aug 28, 2009 7:10 AM
Rating: (Total Clicks 19)

I was working with the StringBuffer class earlier and ran into a small gotcha. I needed to create a StringBuffer with a capactiy larger than default (16 characters). So I used one of the alternate constructors: <cfscript> sb = createObject("java", "java.lang.StringBuffer").init( 256 );</cfscript>As I tested the results, I noticed some numeric characters kept appearing at the end of the string. At first I thought was it was a mistake in my code. The base data did contain a lot of numbers. (Did I mention the string was reversed as well?). Yes, eventually I realized the value I kept seeing was (translate)

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