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Back up

My blog is back up and running, though because of shitty fucktarded ass shared hosting company I’ve lost some of the most recent data. Some minor changes to the theme and a few posts. But, this time the blog is hosted on my own machine. Only email is still at the hosting company, mostly because I’ve paid for 5 years.

Anyways, I’m working on tracking down that asshole fucker “M0µ34d” with the help of some friends. If you’re reading this, I’ll bet your mom being a prostitute, your father dead, your sister in a wheel-chair with CP and you…… You must be so fucking gay not even the first gaylord on earth was more gay! FUCK YOU!

(That was just me lowering myself to his level for a short while, just so the mentally handicapped skid understands.)

Now, excuse me while I go back to some coding, researching and stuff like that. I may post some detailed personal info about “M0µ34d” soon, hopefully. :P

Published Aug 27, 2009 - Comments? None yet

Fedora revisited

I thought I’d revisit Fedora today. It was very long since I used Fedora. Version 6 I think. Anyway, I downloaded the i386 install DVD, burned it out and booted my testing box with it. Did a media check and continued to launch anaconda. Well, I couldn’t install Fedora since they have a bug in their partion editor causing anaconda to refuse to continue. Some shit just out of random, “Unhandled Exception”. The error appears both when creating a custom partition layout and when letting anaconda create one for you.

Thanks alot Fedora, you’ll not see me again. :)

The machine in question is nothing spectacular. A simple AMD Sempron 3200+ with 1GB DDR2 800Mhz. The one and only harddrive is a standard WDC 160GB SATA2. So I don’t really see why it shouldn’t work. A funny side note is that Fedora sucks too much to own the .org domain. Take a look. :P

Published Aug 09, 2009 - Comments? None yet


Okay, this is a dangerous one. The main concept is to crash/freeze a remote machine without something lame like DDoSing with a huge botnet. This one requires almost nothing except than a Linux/BSD attacking host. The target could be any OS which have TCP implemented.

I’ve read up on it a bit here. After that I coded my own implementation. I then test-ran it against one of my own boxes running Debian. The target froze in under 2 seconds, totally ignoring any network traffic. The screen also lost the computer and asked if the cable was unplugged.

A reboot later and the machine worked fine locally. But not network-wise. I mean, ICMP works like a charm, I couldn’t test UDP as the machine have no UDP network app installed that I’m aware of. And it totally refused any TCP communication. Other machines can send ICMP traffic to it and get replies, but not even ssh works anymore. It’s totally fucked.

I’m not sure if I should release the code for this yet. I mean it could end up in tons of skiddie’s just fucking up each other and the rest of the internet. This is a very harmful piece of software. I really hope Linus Torvalds and the other people working on the Linux kernel patches this very soon. It’s just a matter of time before a working implementation is too widespread.

Published Aug 08, 2009 - 2 Comments and counting

Some new stuff

As some of you might know, I’ll be getting a large sum of money quite soon. So I’ve mad my first order which will arrive just about when I get the money.
So, let me list all the nice stuff I’ve bought. :)

As you can see, this a quite extensive list of nice stuff. My main machine will get a nice upgrade and end up on dual 24″ screens, 8GB RAM and 2320GB HDD space. My web server gets the new 320GB disk. The nettop will be some kind of testing/developing machine and the EEE will mostly be for IRC. I’m waiting with ordering an MSI laptop since I don’t want it in this package in case this package gets delayed. The MSI laptop is in storage @ the shop so I’ll get it like to days after I order it. So I’ll probably order that one in the end of next week.

So tell me what you think now. :P

Published Aug 06, 2009 - Comments? None yet

Creating an executable library

To fully understand this you’ll have to understand how to create a library, and how they work. A good tut on that can be found here.

All programs have a default entry point which is where the execution of them begins. Your compiler suite does all this for you and you don’t have to think about it. Librarys however have a default entry point of NULL, because they aren’t meant to be executed. But try to run “/lib/libc.so*” on a random Linux box. That library is executable! I was amazed by this and wanted to learn how I could do this myself. It took me about 15 hours to find out how. So I’m writing this for anyone to read and learn from so you don’t have to go trough that hassle yourselves. Oh and I did not do all the work myself, d4de have helped me alot in solving this.

Anyway, create a random C source file containing just a simple function. It has to return int, and it has to have a return statement. Other than that, just before the return statement you need to call exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); or your lib will exit with a SIGSEGV.

#include <stdlib.h>
int func() {
puts("This is the default entrypoint, aka func().\n");
return 0;

Now, to compile that into a working library with a default entry point to the symbol of your function, type: “gcc -e func -g -fPIC -nostartfiles -o libfile.so sourcefile.c”. Substitute “func” with your function of choice. And make sure you get the -nostartfiles because otherwise you’d get very strange errors of all kinds when trying to execute your lib. Well, that’s it, I’ll update this article later with a download.

UPDATED: Tarball with sourcecode and Makefile! :)

Published Jun 21, 2009 - Comments? None yet

Owning a noob

Today me and a few people on a random irc-channel had a little fun owning a little noob. He nicks max102. He tried to sell his “community script”, an opensource script which he had put a free design on. Nothing more. He wanted about 200$ for that. :P

The code itself sucked so bad that I couldn’t believe it, no filtering at all on user input in any way. Some people put in javascript alerts and html code to fuck up the layout. Me? I put in an iframe showing meatspin on every single page. :) He shut down the site, crying and very sad. :P

This shows yet another time how important it is to secure your shit!

Published May 29, 2009 - Comments? None yet

How to become productive.

This is not a very magical list of things to become more productive. It’s more of a list of common sense things that most people seem to overlook and don’t think of. I’ve fallen into this pit myself, but I’ve found my way out and will now help you do that. This should be very obvious to anyone but still it’s not. One of the most important things is to have a system and environment that you feel comfortable using. Having the right editor for you and a compiler you like. You’ll also need to have some kind of reference material or manual readily available. And for when you can’t find the answer on your own, you need to know where and how you can get help.

One thing that helps very much is to have some kind of “mentor” that knows whatever you’re trying to learn very well and has gained alot of experience. This mentor should be a person you can reach at about any time with questions, but don’t bother the mentor with questions you could have looked up in the manual. Another thing your mentor can help you with that’s extremely valuable is to look at your sourcecode and tell you which practices you should stop with and what you could do better, different ways of encountering a task and which way is better than the others and why. That’s something a newbie couldn’t ever tell since that requires experience.

Other stuff that helps keeping your productivity up is how your environment around the computer looks. Is it clean and well organized? It means alot more than you may think. You’ll be at better mood when it’s nice around you and when you can find your stuff without searching for hours and becoming more and more frustrated each minute. That affects your productivity very negatively.

The last thing is for then you become frustrated and angry, do you have a way to calm yourself down? Take me for example, I can become very angry and frustrated, extremely easy. And when I do that, I just take a cigarette or a cold beer. That makes me calm down real fast. So in a way, smoking is good for me. It’s good in another way too, although a little off topic. Cigarettes contain some kind of chemical that makes you less hungry, and I spend alot less on food since I started smoking. The cost of the cigarettes is less than what I save on the foods, so I actually save money by smoking. Plus it keeps me calm. So whatever is your way of keeping yourself calm, find out how.

I hope you start becoming more productive now, and share alot of nice and interesting source-code. :P

Published May 24, 2009 - Comments? None yet


I’ve read alot of different viewpoints about what a hacker is, and how you should do to become one. And I thought I’d share my point of view on the topic. A hacker is not what media thinks it is. The people that breaks infrastructure, attacks random targets out of boredom and just destroy for others are NOT hackers. They’re merely crackers. But most of those people doesn’t have a real clue about what they’re actually doing, they’re just running exploits and “hacking tools” they’ve downloaded from the internet. Thus they are script kiddies, or short skiddies.

A real hacker has no malicious intents, he just wants to learn about systems. How they’re built, how they work and what makes them run. He seeks knowledge, far beyond what any half-assed “IT-expert” have. A hacker may exploit a system or service and break the security around it. But only to learn how the security subsystem works and which shortcomings it has. A real hacker then examines how the security could be improved and sends his information to the responsible administrator so the insecurity can be fixed.

A hacker never sees problems, he sees solutions. If something is in the way, we find another path, around whatever was in our way. If something is malfunctioning, we fix it. A real hacker can make any system do anything he can imagine. If you can think of something you’d like a particular system do, make that happen. That’s what a hacker does. I don’t consider myself a real hacker yet, but I’m on my way. I still need to learn alot of things, and I’m still waiting for a hacker to call me hacker. Until then I can’t consider myself a hacker. It’s not something you just become, it’s something you deserve to be called.

And don’t ask me how to become a hacker, that’s something you should have figured out by now. But I warn you, if you just want to break shit and behave like a new-born baby, I’ll guarantee you that you will not be treated very well by hackers.

Published May 24, 2009 - Comments? None yet

Open WIFI’s are the future

We are moving to a more open world, the future lies in open source software, and an uncontrolled non-censured internet. I’ve opened up my wireless network to everybody now. The only restrictions that apply for this open network is that clients cannot reach my own computers in my local network, and they can’t use more bandwidth than 10Mbit/s down and 5Mbit/s up. I’m not giving away my bandwidth, I want some for myself. But other than those two things, there’s no restrictions at all. So anyone within the range of my wireless network can use it for whatever they want. I don’t care if they’re torrenting, reading email or just surfing. That’s not my business.

Networks like this, make the IPRED law worthless. This since you can use someone else’s connection to download copyrighted material. And no one would ever know who it was that actually downloaded the stuff. I recommend everybody with a WIFI capable device to do like this. It’s not hard and most devices have options built-in for enabling a guest zone which cannot communicate with your own computers. I had to do it with firewall rules on my firewall but that’s only because of my very odd network setup. (Two external interfaces, three internal, many ports forwarded and a billion of other odd things.)

Come visit me on my wireless network with the SSID “Anti-IPRED”. :P

Published May 21, 2009 - Comments? None yet

Two IRC tricks for you

I’ve found out two pretty sweet things you can do with your irc client. One of them which I’m not sure whether it works in other clients than xchat. (Since it rocks and everything else sucks I only use xchat.) The first one is how you hide your ctcp info, especially the CTCP VERSION. Just type ‘/ignore *!*@* CTCP’, it even works in windows! And you don’t need to fiddle with cryptic ctcp settings in your client’s preferences.

The other trick I’m going to share is how to run two irc commands in one line. It’s very simple, you just have to create a newline character. With xchat(maybe other clients too) you do this by holding in Ctrl+Shift and typing u and a in that order. It will appear as a little box with binary numbers in it. So it will appear something like this: ‘/say hi$$/say lol’ where $$ is the little box. Have fun on the irc now and show everybody you’re leet. :P

Published May 18, 2009 - 1 Comment so far