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Kidnap Victim Turns Up After 18 Years

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Jaycee Dugard
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
A woman walks into a Northern California police station and says she is Jaycee Dugard
-- a girl who was kidnapped near a South Lake Tahoe, Calif., bus stop in 1991 at age 11. A convicted sex offender and his wife are under arrest in the kidnapping. It's not immediately clear how Dugard spent the last 18 years.
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Mourners Pay Respects to Sen. Kennedy

Miles of mourners line the roads as the motorcade bearing the casket of Sen. Edward Kennedy travels from Hyannis Port, Mass., to Boston. The senator's body will lie in repose at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston until Friday afternoon.
More Coverage: Battle Over Kennedy's Seat Promises to Be Fierce
Politics Daily: Will Democrats Unite on Health Care? | Obama to Deliver Eulogy
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Military honor guard carries coffin of Sen. Edward Kennedy into Kennedy Libarar
Stan Honda, AFP / Getty Images

An honor guard carries the flag-draped coffin of Sen. Edward Kennedy into the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston on Thursday.

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Who Will Carry On Kennedy Legacy?

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The Kennedy Legacy
Joseph Kennedy Sr. and his wife, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, are shown in 1937 with eight of their nine children. The baby of the family, Ted, would end up becoming the family patriarch following the assassinations of his brothers John F. Kennedy Jr., third from right, and Robert F. Kennedy, third from left. Now that Ted is gone, who will pick up the torch?
Keystone / Getty Images
Keystone / Getty Images
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The Point

'Win One for Teddy' on Health Care

Some Democrats hope Ted Kennedy can accomplish in death what he could not in life by pushing a health care reform bill over the top. Tributes to the late senator take many forms on the Web. And Sarah Palin is a no-show again -- except on Facebook. Check out all these stories in today's roundup of what's best on the Web.
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'Moon Rock' in Dutch Museum Is Fake

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Fake moon rock at Dutch national museum
Rijksmusuem / AP
A moon rock on display at the Dutch national museum turns out to be nothing more than petrified wood. The rock had been given to a Dutch prime minister by the U.S. ambassador in 1969. The museum says it will keep the piece anyway as a curiosity.
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Driver, 83, Chases DWI Suspect 15 Miles

After a pickup truck rear-ends him, Frank Canale chases the vehicle all the way from New York to Danbury, Conn. Canale says the other motorist seemed impaired and he feared someone would get hurt. Police charge the pickup's driver with driving under the influence and driving without a license.
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Tropical Storm Danny Moves Toward US

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Tropical Storm Danny
Tropical Storm Danny weakens slightly in the Atlantic, but it could build steam. Forecasters say people from the Carolinas up through New England should keep an eye on the weather system as it heads toward land. Danny has maximum sustained winds of 50 mph and is centered 545 miles south-southeast of Cape Hatteras, N.C.
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Nude Model Arrested at the Met in NYC

A 26-year-old woman is arrested for stripping naked while posing for a photographer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Model Kathleen "K.C." Neill faces a charge of public lewdness.
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