taskmgr.exe description
The taskmgr.exe process is the file used to launch Windows Task Manager. When the taskmgr.exe file is launched, it displays information about the processes and programs running in your system. This MS Windows utility also shows centrally used performance statistics based on the activity of the processes.
Through the taskmgr.exe file, the activity of the running processes can be assessed with the use of more than 15 parameters, review graphs, and data on CPU and memory usage. For instance, a computer connected to a network will appear on Windows Task Manager with almost every bit of its network status information, and the user can view how the network works with these details.
Users connected to the computer network can be seen on the user interface of the taskmgr.exe file, and the programs used by each user are listed on Windows Task Manager.
Click to run a free scan for taskmgr.exe related errors.
taskmgr.exe should not be disabled, required for essential applications to work properly.. It is highly recommended to Run a Free Performance Scan to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings.
taskmgr.exe general information
Microsoft Corp.
Part of:
Microsoft Windows Operating System
Common Path(s):
Security & Performance
Fix taskmgr.exe Errors
Boost taskmgr.exe Speed
Security risk (0-5):
No (Quarantine)
No (Quarantine)
No (Quarantine)