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How to remove cmd error

The free file information forum can help you find out if cmd.exe is a virus, trojan, spyware, adware which you can remove, or a file belonging to a Windows system or an application you can trust.

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cmd.exe file information

The process Windows Command Processor or Windows Kommandolinjefortolker belongs to the software Microsoft Windows Operating System or Microsoft Windows Operativsystem or cmd.exe or Internet Explorer or MicrosoftR WindowsR Operating System or Proccess ID or Outerinfo or cmd.exe by Microsoft Corporation (www.microsoft.com).

Description: cmd.exe is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32. Known file sizes on Windows XP are 388,608 bytes (65% of all occurrence), 375,808 bytes, 526,848 bytes, 389,120 bytes, 391,680 bytes, 781,312 bytes, 378,368 bytes, 388,096 bytes.
It is a trustworthy file from Microsoft. The program is not visible. Therefore the technical security rating is 8% dangerous, however also read the users reviews.

Recommended: Identify cmd.exe related errors

If cmd.exe is located in a subfolder of C:\Windows\System32 then the security rating is 73% dangerous. File size is 23,040 bytes (90% of all occurrence), 36,864 bytes. There is no file information. The program has no visible window. It is not a Windows core file. The application uses ports to connect to LAN or Internet.

If cmd.exe is located in a subfolder of C:\Windows then the security rating is 72% dangerous. File size is 648,192 bytes. There is no information about the maker of the file. The program is not visible. It is an unknown file in the Windows folder. File cmd.exe is not a Windows core file. cmd.exe is able to record inputs, hide itself, monitor applications.

Important: Some malware camouflage themselves as cmd.exe, particularly if they are located in c:\windows or c:\windows\system32 folder. Thus check the cmd.exe process on your pc whether it is pest. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security. It is one of the Top Download Picks of 2005 of The Washington Post and PC World.


User Comments

It started to trigger after infection by svcipa.exe in a drive by. Zone Alarm alerted me about that and i dealt with it but now cmd.exe keeps triggering when opening apps etc which is very annoying but it seems to be a signed MicroSoft file not malware although it didn't start playing up until after the drive by infection. I have decided to use Winrar to archive it and delete the file after archive creation, this way it cannot do anything while Rar'd and i can replace it if necessary. more info about what triggered this in link.
  DeltaPan   (further information)
combat error caused by cmd
  p kuchiba  
it keeps popping up everytime the internet is connected, after infected
ms-dos command prompt
this file about ms-dos in windows in run
  amarkamaj   (further information)
I think it has to do with running different screen resolutions temporarily. (I closed my laptop and when I opened it up again the resolution was smaller than normal. So small in fact, that I had to scroll to see all of the screen. I noticed that this program was running while this was happening. I closed my laptop, opened it up again and the glitch fixed itself and was back to normal. cmd.exe process was still there. I'm not positive if it has to do with resolution, but that's all that I can tell.

Summary: 4 users think cmd.exe is essential for Windows or an installed application. 1 user think it's probably harmless. 2 users suspect danger. 3 users think cmd.exe is dangerous and recommend to remove it..

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cmd scanner


Security Task Manager shows all running Windows tasks including embedded hidden functions (e.g. keyboard or browser monitoring, autostart entry). A unique security risk rating indicates the likelihood of the process being potential spyware, malware, keylogger or a Trojan.

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Registry Booster free scans, cleans, repairs and optimizes your system.

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