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Florida School Nixes Anti-Islam T-Shirt

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posted: 21 HOURS 46 MINUTES AGO
comments: 3026
filed under: National News
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(Aug. 25) -- A 10-year-old Florida girl was sent home on the first day of school for wearing a T-shirt with an anti-Islam slogan, local media reported.
Faith Sapp showed up at the Talbot Elementary School in Gainesville on Monday wearing a white T-shirt with the words "Islam is of the devil" spelled out in red capital letters on the back, reported.
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School district spokeswoman Jackie Johnson told The Gainesville Sun the child's shirt violated the school’s dress code. The girl was taken to the school office until a parent could come. The parent was given the option of bringing another shirt or taking the student home for the rest of the day, Johnson said.
Faith told WFTV she was expecting a response to the shirt. "I was thinking they're probably [going to] give my parents a call," she said.
The station said Faith's father is a pastor at the Dove World Outreach Center, a northwest Gainesville church that began drawing protesters in July after it posted a sign reading "Islam is of the devil" on its property.
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2009-08-25 17:57:58
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07:07 PMAug 26 2009

I wish that those in the World that believe in invisible supernatural beings would go back to throwing themselves into some volcano to please their "god". Let People that don't believe in make believe guide the delusional. Seriously, can you think of someone that believes in "Santa" that you consider an Adult? Take it one step further and understand how the "Religious" look to Atheists.



07:07 PMAug 26 2009

remember stalin was an atheist 20 million dead mao was an atheist 60 to 70 million dead, pol pot was an atheist 2 million dead, hitler was an atheist 60 million world wide for his troubles, timothy mcveigh was an atheist 240 dead so on and so chruch 60,000 woop de do0



07:07 PMAug 26 2009

jesusvotesrepub06:59 PMAug 26 2009Suicide is against Islam. Martyrdom is not. "Suicide bomber" is a derogatory term invented in the West to try and describe what in Islam is known as a Fedayeen or Shahid... a martyr. The point of the bomber isn't suicide. It is to kill infidels in battle. This is not just permitted by Muhammad, but encouraged with liberal promises of heavenly reward. The Qur'an:Qur'an (4:74) - "Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward."-----------"Sell the life of this world" can be interpreted in many ways. For example, our soldiers may "give their life for their country." Really the same difference. Notice how it says "be he slain" which is like saying "killed in action." The term martyr has been around since long before Islam. Suicide and martyrdom have always been separate. the people are ignorant and it shows.



07:06 PMAug 26 2009

Christianity is of the Devil!



07:06 PMAug 26 2009

STaRgAzEr33154 true,,but Jesusfreak condems every race that is not white...



07:05 PMAug 26 2009

JBJG24M 07:00 PMAug 26 2009 sixeyes, what u just said in your last comment could be considered animal cruelty in some states ! sticking something up anythings a$$ hurts like hell ! Bow Wow to u !@@@@ TSK, TSK..THE CORRECT DOG WORDING IS WOFF BABY WOOF!!! NO MORE KIBBLE FOR YOU..lolol



07:05 PMAug 26 2009

why not have her turn her T-shirt inside out and stay in school for the day,than send her home? Maybe she needed an explanation of how she offendedsome cultures. At 10, I doubt she understood what she had on. And i Thought that in our bill of rights, we have the freedom of press??!!!if some people found it offending, too bad. suck it up. are you so shallow that you are going to let a few words hurt your feelings??!!!people, come on. what, are YOU in the fifth grade?IN OUR BILL OF RIGHTS, IT SAYS THAT WE HAVE THE FREEDOM OF PRESS. DO YOU PEOPLE KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS??? IT MEANS THAT WE HAVE THE FREEDOM TO WRITE WHATEVER WE WANT. THIS IS AMERICA, LAND OF THE FREE. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, GO BACK TO ISLAM!!!!



07:05 PMAug 26 2009

sixeyes, was that odor judges name Simon Cowell ?



07:05 PMAug 26 2009

STaRgAzEr33154 said - Sixeyess4dinner...I SEE YOU HAVE ANOTHER FAN.............................Actually, I have been a loyal fan forever. I sent my kids out with a t-shirt that says "Sixeyess4dinner Rocks My World". I'm still waiting for CPS to come and debate me on my parenting skills, but hey, it's still a free country, right?



07:04 PMAug 26 2009

Orlithdm2 17:49 PMAug 26 2009 Abawi9 05:44 PMAug 26 2009 jesusvotesrepub----there you go. No wonder. What the Mullahs online??? lol. Get your information from someone who has studied the Quran for years. Go ask an Iman or someone who can correct your info. I AGREE ITS IMAM BY THE WAY....OR THEY CAN JUST ASK A MUSLIM!! A REAL MUSLIM LIKE ONES GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS AND FOLLOWING TRUE ISLAM ALSO THEY NEED TO LOOK AT SURAH 2 AYAT 62 "002.062 YUSUFALI: Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." AND THEY WILL KNOW CHRISTIANS ARE INCLUDED AS BELIEVERS YET THEIR BELIEFES ARE A BIT MODIFIED AND THATS DUE TO THEIR LEADERSHIP!!


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A 10-year-old Florida girl was sent home on the first day of school for wearing a T-shirt with an anti-Islam slogan, local media reported.