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Assemblywoman Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco) will present legislation, Assembly Bill 1519, to prohibit the commercial profit and public display of human bodies or remains without the documented informed consent of the deceased or next-of-kin. The bill will be heard in the Assembly Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism, and Internet Media Committee at the same time that the “Bodies Revealed” exhibit is on display in Sacramento. Exhibitors of such shows, who often obtain bodies from China, run galleries and displays of what may be unwilled remains in distasteful poses generating lucrative profits, while claiming the case of providing the public with health awareness. AB 1519 requires exhibitors of human remains to provide a paper trail of informed consent and obtain a permit from local government to ensure bodies were donated, not exploited. Violators will face a civil penalty of $10,000. The bill sends a message to exhibitors that California appreciates learning about the human body but does not accept the commercial exploitation of unwilled bodies.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
9:00 a.m. (Note: Assemblywoman Ma will also be available for interviews immediately after the hearing.
State Capitol, Room 444
Assemblywoman Fiona Ma