【バンコクで唯一の英国人テーラー】コミュニティーを遂にスタート!!!Let’s GO! “Bangkok’s ONLY English Tailor” Community Launch!!! (For English, please read after the Japanese paragraphs)
明日は、オリジナル ブランド『KISEKI OF LONDON』の第2弾 : 『オーダーメイド ゴルフウェア By KISEKI』のラインアップを進化させたモノをお店にて発表する日!
そんな 『ムチャな事を知らずに手を出して何故か出来てしまう』 自分を、そして裏で一緒にサポートしてくれている仲間共々、これからも宜しく御願いします!
Just launched the Community “Bangkok’s ONLY English Tailor” on MIXI!!!
Although it is now well known that you have to have a Japanese Mobile phone or a Japanese E-mail Account (Which means you have to be living in Japan) after you receive an invitation to join the Sole Mega SNS Service MIXI, I’ll just write this in Japanese, since I am supposed to be working on other things, but just can’t get my brain onto it!…
Anyway, I have just started a new community called “Bangkok’s ONLY British Tailor”. Hopefully, a few Japanese people (2-3 maybe…) would realize it, the importance and quality of knowing such a place, and maybe even find-out that it is most probably the best Tailor-store ever on Bangkok Soil!!!
And I may also be the “ONLY Japanese person working at a Tailor Store in Bangkok!”
Anyway, I will just let time take it’s role and see what happens… Enjoy!