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Lawyers Can Question 9/11 Mastermind

posted: 6 HOURS 55 MINUTES AGO
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WASHINGTON (Aug. 22) - Lawyers for a Guantanamo Bay detainee will be allowed to question — in writing — accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a federal judge has ruled. The decision is a setback for government lawyers who had sought to limit the scope of detainee lawyers' challenges to the detention and prosecution of terror suspects.
In a written ruling, Judge Ricardo Urbina says lawyers for detainee Abdul Raheem Ghulam Rabbani can submit written questions about their client to Mohammed. Prosecutors say he worked for Mohammed, but Rabbani's lawyers contend he was just a menial servant, not a part of any terror network.
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A judge granted lawyers for a Guantanamo Bay detainee permission to question alleged 9/11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, above.

The ruling says prosecutors may review the answers before delivering them to Rabbani's lawyers to remove any national security information.
Government lawyers had unsuccessfully sought to convince the judge that any questioning of Mohammed by Rabbani's lawyers would risk exposing details of sensitive intelligence programs.
Urbina's 15-page decision says Mohammed may have information that could help Rabbani's case, and allows Rabbani's lawyers to submit "a list of narrowly tailored" questions for Mohammed.
Mohammed has boasted of masterminding the Sept. 11 attacks, and he is the most high-profile detainee of the 229 terror suspects held at the detention facility at the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
His possible testimony was a contentious issue in another terrorism case, the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui. The court ruled in that case that a description of some of Mohammed's statements to investigators could be introduced, but not all.
After he was captured in 2002, Rabbani claims he was taken to a "Dark Prison" where he says that for a period of about seven months he was kept in the dark, deprived of food, chained to a wall, and threatened with hanging.
The detainee claims he falsely confessed to knowing Osama bin Laden as a result of this treatment.
Urbina's ruling comes in a civil court challenge to Rabbani's detention, but if it is upheld it could have broader implications as the government prepares to bring detainees to trial in federal criminal courts and military commissions.
President Barack Obama has ordered the Guantanamo Bay prison closed by January 2010.
Urbina's ruling is dated July 22, and was made public earlier this week. Parts of it are redacted, including a section describing what alleged terror work the government alleges he did for Mohammed.
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Eye on the News
Kouga Teshirogi, 3, sits on his father's shoulders as they stroll through a field of sunflowers in a park in Zama, Japan, on Aug. 22.
Itsuo Inouye, AP
Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. Active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
2009-08-22 21:20:37
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01:29 PMAug 23 2009

Dear virus; it's simple. show everyon here the passage that specifically defines waterboarding as banned "torture'. show us the actual wording in the actual assembly. stop whining that the definition is in one place and the rule outlawin torture is in another. you have already plainly stated that people have been tried and executed "on the basis of waterboarding..." yet we are suposed to believe the were tried and executes without the prosecution being abloe to specifically point out the law banning waterboarding?



01:28 PMAug 23 2009

The United States of America defines waterboarding a torture shortly after WW II General Kenji DoiharaBaron K?k i HirotaGeneral Seishir? ItagakiGeneral Heitar? KimuraGeneral Iwane MatsuiGeneral Akira MutoGeneral Hideki T?j? were all put on trial and executed for the crime of WATERBOARDING........WATERBOARDING IS TORTURE and Torture is in violation of the Geneva Convention,,the U N Convention Against Torture,,,The Uniform Code of Military Justice and,, the 1996 War crimes act,,, this applies to any person held in custody of the United States within or outside of borders....



01:24 PMAug 23 2009

VirusJC1 Luckfibs01:18 PMAug 23 2009VirusJC1 01:06 PMAug 23 2009 Luckfibs01:04 PMAug 23 2009are you going to stop making a fool of yourself today making false comparisons about what ISNT in the Treaties --------------The treaties don't mention a single specific form of torture.=========================================================== another LIE; some treaties DO define what is torture. you just wont find waterboarding as one of the definitions. tsk tsk. your stubborness isnt even admirable at this point; it's pathetic. really pathetic.-----------------Look who is talking about being stubborn. Your going to try to twist this any possible way you can.================================================== you are laughably pathetic. i asked you a simple question. show me where waterboarding is specifically defined as outlawed torute in the "assemblies". you couldnt do it. it's clear who's spinning here.



01:24 PMAug 23 2009




01:22 PMAug 23 2009

VirusJC1 01:18 PMAug 23 2009 littleroguemommy01:15 PMAug 23 2009VirusJC1:It is obvious you are not looking for a meaningful discussion. Typical lib. You asked me a question and I answered. As for "generic" mottos as you call them, I think you would do well to learn something from them. I have to go move rocks around in the garden now. Have a nice day.---------------------------------Saying typical lib is part of the problem with discussions. The terms liberal and conservative are so broadly defined that they really don't mean much of anything. How did you let the politicians and our pathetic media suck you into that childish game. Also, what I meant by generic was that they are too easily applied to anything you want and don't hold much weight.=================================================== obama says "typical white people" and that was about his own Grandmother. i dont recall you being bothered about that. i think i know why too.



01:22 PMAug 23 2009

Luckfibs01:18 PMAug 23 2009VirusJC1 01:06 PMAug 23 2009 Luckfibs01:04 PMAug 23 2009are you going to stop making a fool of yourself today making false comparisons about what ISNT in the Treaties --------------The treaties don't mention a single specific form of torture.=========================================================== another LIE; some treaties DO define what is torture. you just wont find waterboarding as one of the definitions. tsk tsk. your stubborness isnt even admirable at this point; it's pathetic. really pathetic.-----------------Look who is talking about being stubborn. Your going to try to twist this any possible way you can. Just define the act. Call it waterboarding, call it slip and slide, call it bucket diving, the action speaks louder than the words, and the action and effects of that action fall under one simple words definition. But, I am done giving these elementary school english lessons.



01:21 PMAug 23 2009

VirusJC101:15 PMAug 23 2009DayvidWillis01:14 PMAug 23 2009from Dr. Mercola's website: "What Happened to Common Sense?The bird flu epidemic hoax reminds me just how uncommon "common sense" is. Folks, where is the sound basic science here? How do they make the giant leap of faith that 60 deaths will translate to 2 million or even 200,00 deaths in the United States from a virus that does NOT readily spread from birds to humans, or humans to humans?"--------------------It's a business opportunity. Millions will be made off of this scare in the form of vaccines.>>>>Unfortunately, this particular virus has a lot of the hallmarks of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, in that the majority of the deaths were of healthy people. It's the way the immune system fights this particular strain that causes it to be more lethal to those with healthier immune systems.



01:19 PMAug 23 2009

If this guy did the 9 11 atttacks then why are we still in Afghanistan looking for Bin Ladin and losing valuable lives everyday there or is it really the oil pipeline and poppy fields that keep us there for drug. oil and war profits?



01:18 PMAug 23 2009

littleroguemommy01:15 PMAug 23 2009VirusJC1:It is obvious you are not looking for a meaningful discussion. Typical lib. You asked me a question and I answered. As for "generic" mottos as you call them, I think you would do well to learn something from them. I have to go move rocks around in the garden now. Have a nice day.---------------------------------Saying typical lib is part of the problem with discussions. The terms liberal and conservative are so broadly defined that they really don't mean much of anything. How did you let the politicians and our pathetic media suck you into that childish game. Also, what I meant by generic was that they are too easily applied to anything you want and don't hold much weight.



01:18 PMAug 23 2009

VirusJC1 01:06 PMAug 23 2009 Luckfibs01:04 PMAug 23 2009are you going to stop making a fool of yourself today making false comparisons about what ISNT in the Treaties --------------The treaties don't mention a single specific form of torture.=========================================================== another LIE; some treaties DO define what is torture. you just wont find waterboarding as one of the definitions. tsk tsk. your stubborness isnt even admirable at this point; it's pathetic. really pathetic.


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Lawyers for a Guantanamo Bay detainee will be allowed to question _ in writing _ accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a federal judge has ruled. The decision is a setback for government lawyers who had sought to limit the scope of detainee lawyers\' challenges to the detention and prosecution of terror suspects.