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Sanford Opens Up About Husband's Affair

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Jenny Sanford
Jenny Sanford, the wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, opens up to Vogue magazine about her husband's affair with an Argentine woman. She tells the magazine that his relationship with Maria Chapur was "almost like an addiction to alcohol or pornography." Politics Daily has more on the story.
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Conservative Pundit Robert Novak Dies

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Robert Novak
Getty Images
Conservative columnist Robert Novak, a central figure in the controversy over the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity, dies of cancer at age 78. Novak was also known for his role as co-host of CNN's 'Crossfire.'
Politics Daily: ''The Prince of Darkness'
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Jackson's Doctor Breaks His Silence

Michael Jackson's personal physician, who's currently under investigation in the death of the pop star, breaks his silence in a video posted on YouTube. In it, Dr. Conrad Murray thanks his supporters and says, "I told the truth and I have faith the truth will prevail."
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'Public Option' Not Dead, Gibbs Says

As liberals sound off on the idea of dropping a government-run "public option" from any health care overhaul, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs insists the Obama administration has not shifted its goals or distanced itself from the idea. Gibbs says reports that the president is ready to abandon the plan are overblown.
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Gunman Leaves $225,000 to University

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George Sodini
Allegheny County Police / AP
George Sodini, who killed three women at a Pennsylvania health club before taking his own life, leaves $225,000 to his alma mater. Court papers filed by the gunman's brother reveal the bequest to the University of Pittsburgh, where Sodini got a degree in computer science. A university spokesman has already said the school will reject the money.
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Son Saw Parents' Slaying, Investigators Say

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A Shocking Crime
Byrd and Melanie Billings, above in 2005, were shot to death in their home in Beulah, on the Florida Panhandle, on July 9. One of their adopted children, a 10-year-old boy with Down syndrome, told investigators he witnessed the deadly confrontation with masked gunmen who had burst into the home. The boy was sleeping in his parents' bedroom when they were attacked.
Karena Cawthon, The Pensacola News Journal / AP
Karena Cawthon, The Pensacola News Journal / AP
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Woman Charged With Cyberbullying Teen

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Elizabeth A. Thrasher
A Missouri woman is charged with cyberbullying after she allegedly posts a 17-year-old girl's photo and cell phone number in a sexy ad on Craigslist. Elizabeth Thrasher is the first person charged with felony cyberbullying under a law passed after the suicide of 13-year-old Megan Meier, who was the victim of an Internet hoax.
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Dozens Feared Dead in Russian Accident

Twelve workers are crushed or drowned and another 64 are feared dead after an explosion and flood at Russia's largest hydroelectric plant. The accident blows apart an engine room, trapping workers as the area fills with water.
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Damage to the Sayano-Shushinskaya power station in Russia on Aug. 18.
Russian Emergency Ministry / Siberian Branch / AP

Monday's deadly explosion shut down the Sayano-Shushenskaya power plant, Russia's largest hydroelectric plant. The Siberian facility produces electricity for a wide region, and it was unclear how long other plants could fill the gap.

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