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Baby Locked Inside Day Care Center Alone

posted: 1 HOUR 32 MINUTES AGO
comments: 239
filed under: National News
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JOHNSTON, R.I. (Aug. 15) - A 9-month-old baby was left alone at a locked Rhode Island day care center for nearly an hour when workers shut the place down for the night, apparently forgetting the child was there.
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The baby's mother, Julia Castillo, says she came to pick up her son Monday at the My Special Place Early Learning Center in Johnston, only to find the center locked and no one around. A neighbor heard her yelling and banging on the door and helped her get inside, where she found her baby boy crying in a crib.
The day care owner, Jessica Faiola, says the child's mother did not sign the baby in when she dropped him off. She calls it a "crazy mistake" and doesn't want to point fingers.
Kevin Savage, of the state Department of Children, Youth and Families, says the center has been put on probation.
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Seattle Police Department / AP
Seattle Police Department / AP
Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. Active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
2009-08-13 12:49:52
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08:26 PMAug 14 2009

What a horrible day care center that is. You mean they overlooked a baby lying in his crib. That is a little hard to understand now isn't it?



08:25 PMAug 14 2009

This was probably an illegal alien or if she's not, she can barely speak English. No wonder there was no communication between herself and the day-care people. It's still inexcusable that the child was left there alone.



08:25 PMAug 14 2009

Even if the mother didn't sign-in the baby, which from my experience working at a childcare center/school that took in infants and offered a kindergarten class happened at least once a day between the 5 different childcare levels offered, it still does not make an excuse as to why any of the employees and director should have overlooked this baby.



08:25 PMAug 14 2009

Jcstarkman 08:23 PMAug 14 2009 Why wasn't the mother there to pick up her child before the center closed?***************************************************************** *******************************Because she hadn't gotten off work yet.



08:23 PMAug 14 2009

Im not sure what kind of crack you people are smoking.. But it must be good.. Considering your comments... Regardless if the mother forgot to sign her child in, its the daycares fault for forgetting him there.. Im sure they feed and changed his diaper throughout the day... How in the hell could they forget him at the end of the day?? Thats just pure negligence.. And as far as this lady getting walfare for what you people call an "anchor baby".. I'm pretty sure most people don't take their kids to daycare to sit on their asses..



08:23 PMAug 14 2009

NBRTEN; go to sleep and not wake up, please, you sound stupid. The mother on welfare but leaving her child in daycare? No, dumb-ass, she was working... "How wonderful it is to be living illegally in the USA." your ancestors did it.



08:23 PMAug 14 2009

Why wasn't the mother there to pick up her child before the center closed?



08:22 PMAug 14 2009

WashougalRvr you are totally IGNORANT for sure. You need a reality check. I am one of the lucky ones that can stay at home with my children. Right now, I wouldn't have it any other way, absolutely, without a doubt. I've never regretted that decision. Now that they are in high school and I would like to go back to work, however, I think it will take extra time to work myself up to where I was before. There are ways to keep yourself active while at home worthy of putting on your resume. Just because I stay at home doesn't mean I watch soap operas all day. I'm disgusted with all you working moms that think that stay-at-home moms can pick up the slack for them because we "stay at home all day and do nothing." Guess what, we do a whole lot more than you do, so get over it....and we're proud of our decision! As for WashougalRvr, keep your opinions to yourself. I've seen some very successful children grow from successful out-of-the-house working parents.



08:22 PMAug 14 2009

why is no one going to check every room to make sure no one there ,bathrooms,and all cribs etc.



08:21 PMAug 14 2009

Point fingers???What is that suposed to mean? She didn't sign in the baby in the AM so they didn't know that the baby was there? Did anyone care for the baby during the day..they knew the baby was there, what a STUPID remark ! If ANY of the other mother's that take their children there are reading this, I'd advise you to NEVER take your kid back there for sure. What a horrid thing to happen.


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A 9-month-old baby was left alone at a locked Rhode Island daycare center for nearly an hour when workers shut the place down for the night, apparently forgetting the child was there.