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Woman Confesses to False Rape Charge

Man She Accused Has Already Served Four Years in Prison

AOL News
posted: 8 HOURS AGO
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(Aug. 13) -- William McCaffrey has spent the last four years in prison, serving a 20-year sentence for a rape the victim now says never happened.
Biurny Peguero, now married and using the last name Gonzalez, accused McCaffrey of raping her in September 2005, and he was convicted by the State Supreme Court in Manhattan. But in March, Gonzalez confessed to her priest, and later to her attorney, that she had fabricated the rape story, according to reports from The New York Times and the New York Post.
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Gonzalez initially accused McCaffrey of raping her while on the way to a late-night party. According to the Post, Gonzalez now says she lied about being raped because her friends were angry with her for stranding them without a ride when she went off to the party with McCaffrey.
While there was no physical evidence of rape, Gonzalez did have bite marks on her arm and shoulder -- wounds she said were caused by McCaffrey. These bites and Gonzalez's testimony led to the conviction.
In 2008, new DNA testing cast doubt on the case when it revealed the genetic material taken from the bites had no Y chromosome, so it could not be male. According to the Times, court papers showed the district attorney's office refused to overturn the conviction based on the test because the DNA from the sample could have come from the tears of Gonzalez's friends.
Gonzalez now claims the bites and scratches on her body at the time of the alleged rape were caused by her friends, who physically assaulted her in their anger over being stranded.
McCaffrey's lawyer filed papers Wednesday for the rape conviction to be vacated and for his client to be set free. However, Gonzalez has refused to testify on behalf of McCaffrey unless she receives immunity on perjury charges.
For more on the story, read The New York Times and the New York Post.
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A Preventable Crime? Prosecutors asked that a judge lock up Isaiah M.K. Kalebu, who was out on bail pending trial for charges he threatened to kill his mother, after a suspicious fire at his aunt's house killed two people. Six days later, on July 19, authorities say Kalebu stabbed a 39-year-old woman to death. For that alleged crime, a judge set the bail at $10 million on July 25.
Seattle Police Department / AP
Seattle Police Department / AP
2009 AOL LLC. All Rights Reserved.
2009-08-13 11:16:01
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08:23 PMAug 14 2009

How horrible that is. Let him go, he is innocent, what a terrible injustice.



08:22 PMAug 14 2009

This is why the court system wants you to plead guilty to crimes you didn't commit..Because of things like this. I know this Cop who admitted that they plant evidence on a victim to solve a case. Also this cop here in Tucson says that most people are just pukes and the court system is on their side.



08:18 PMAug 14 2009

This is sad indeed !!! And this woman has the ovaries to ask for immunity in order to testify about her lies. Also, what kind of friends beat you up and bite you for not taking them to a party. And the DA, the DNA may have come from her friends tears, what they beat her up and then cried about it. Perjury charges and jail for her, freedom and restitution for the man.



08:17 PMAug 14 2009

So Ms. Gonzalez has refused to testify on behalf of McCaffrey, the man she falsely accused of raping her, unless she receives immunity on perjury charges. In other words, she doesn't want to be punished for sending a man to prison for four years simply because she had left her friends without a ride home. What an evil, ugly woman. Let's hope she will never be able to victimize another person as along as she lives.



08:16 PMAug 14 2009

Another fine example of this country's judicial system. What a bunch of crap. She needs prision time..about 4 years worth. The stinking lawyers need to keep a paycheck coming in, so lets not let him out....BS!!



08:16 PMAug 14 2009

lies,,,just like ciggarettes are ok for u,,,must have been a women that wrote that,,...



08:15 PMAug 14 2009




08:13 PMAug 14 2009

i would demand her ***** be burned and sewn shut,,,so she can beatoff in jail,,grow a dick,,and then be charged that way,,,aaaaarrrrgggg,,im not married because women in america are emasculating ******,,,.............................witches in the new millineum!



08:12 PMAug 14 2009

She wants immunity!!!!! Bitch deserves no immunity, she already confessed and should do the remaing time that was given to him. Mr. McCaffrey should be freed and file a civil suit against this spineless want to be woman. Yes I am a woman and yes i am angry, I am a mother to 3 sons this could have happened to any of them. I am also a mother to 1 daughter whose friend was raped. This bitch did not hesitate to point the finger, now do the right thing and free this man.


My89 300ZX

08:12 PMAug 14 2009

The Jails are full of people wrongly accused. Others use the system to get even with others because they have no other way to do it. Our entire system needs to be scratched and a new one drafted. We need to take some drastic steps to get back on the right track and I just don't think anyone has the balls to do it. And I don't mean violence I mean totaly scratch our current system and seriously down grade our federal government. Get rid of everything that has to do with welfare and our current tax system. You all might think it is a joke but you should really read the "Fairtax" book. Very interesting reading. very interesting concept. Really... read the entire book...if you can read that is.


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A woman who accused a man of rape four years ago now says it didn\'t happen. In confessions to her priest and her attorney, Biurny Peguero Gonzalez says she lied about the rape to cover up a fight with her friends. Previous DNA evidence had cast doubt on the case, but William McCaffrey, the man convicted of the crime, still sits in a New York jail serving a 20-year sentence.