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Specter Faces Hostile Town Hall Crowd

A crowd taunts and jeers Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., as he tries to explain his position on health care -- a vivid display of the angry emotions that have spilled over in the debate over President Barack Obama's plan to overhaul the nation's health insurance system. Also See: Obama Takes on Critics of Health Plan
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Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., left, listens to an unidentified man voice his complaints during a town hall meeting Tuesday in Lebanon, Pa.
Bradley C Bower, AP

Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., left, listens to an unidentified man voice his complaints during a town hall meeting Tuesday in Lebanon, Pa.

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In Deep Space, a Cosmic Pileup

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colliding planets
Astronomers announce the collision of two planets in deep space. This planetary fender bender took place thousands of years ago -- a recent event, cosmically speaking. Researchers at NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope were able to deduce the event from the plumes of vaporized rock and lava still orbiting a distant star.
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The Point

Lawmakers Retreat on Buying Jets

Top House Democrats change their minds about spending more than $300 million on passenger jets the Pentagon doesn't want. Armchair analysts weigh in on Hillary Clinton's angry response to a student's question. And the secretary of state joins ex-governor Rod Blagojevich on the video countdown of best and worst dancing politicians. Check out the best of what's hot across the Web.
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24 Trapped on Roller Coaster for Hours

Rescue crews pluck 24 people from a roller coaster at a Northern California theme park after the passengers spent up to four hours trapped on the ride. No injuries were reported.
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Most Say Brides Should Change Name

A huge majority of Americans -- about 70 percent -- think a woman should take her husband's last name when she gets married, a new study finds. A large number of people believe the government should require women to change names.
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Pilot Made Fatal Choice in Midair Crash

The pilot of the airplane involved in a deadly crash over the Hudson River on Saturday was given a choice: Fly over the water, or go southwest. Tragically, Steven Altman chose the river route, and ended up colliding with a tourist helicopter.
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Deadly Crash Over Hudson
Divers on the Hudson River, above on Monday, are hoping to recover more wreckage and the last two bodies following a midair collision on Saturday. Nine people died when a small plane and a tourist helicopter collided, sending both aircraft into the waters. Click for more images from the accident.
FR77522 AP
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'Hero' Dog Guards Dead Owner's Body

A dog stays by his master's body after a car crash in Australia, helping to draw authorities to the scene. The victim's wife says they could never have found her husband's body without the family pet, Moja, barking for attention.
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Nearing Hawaii, Felicia Weakens

Oahu and Maui County remain under a tropical storm watch even though Felicia, which is heading toward the islands, was downgraded to a tropical depression. Meanwhile, newly formed storms in the Atlantic and Pacific gain steam.
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Tropical Storm Felicia churns off the coast of Hawaii on Tuesday

Felicia, now a tropical depression, churns off the coast of Hawaii on Tuesday.

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NewsmakersEunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of the late President John F. Kennedy and founder of the Special Olympics, dies at 88.1 of 6

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