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Human Tetris
Battle at Kruger

Test Your Awareness


安田美沙子(Misako Yasuda)
ほしのあき(Aki Hoshino)
伊藤えみ(Emi Ito)
原幹恵(Mikie Hara)
原沙知絵(Sachie Hara)
山本梓(Azusa Yamamoto)
小泉麻耶(Maya Koizumi)
松山メアリ(Mary Matsuyama)
新垣結衣(Yui Aragaki)
杉本有美(Yumi Sugimoto)
川村ゆきえ(Yukie Kawamura)
浅尾美和(Miwa Asao)
辰巳奈都子(Natsuko Tatsumi)
谷桃子(Momoko Tani)
中山恵(Megumi Nakayama)
南明奈(Akina Minami)
小倉優子(Yuko Ogura)
愛川ゆず季(Yuzuki Aikawa)
相澤仁美(Hitomi Aizawa)
秋山奈々(Nana Akiyama)
秋山莉奈(Rina Akiyama)
浅尾美和(Miwa Asao)
新垣結衣(Yui Aragaki)
杏さゆり(Sayuri Anzu)
安藤沙耶香(Sayaka Ando)
石井めぐる(Meguru Ishii)
磯山さやか(Sayaka Isoyama)
市川由衣(Yui Ichikawa)
稲垣実花(Mika Inagaki)
入江紗綾(Saaya Irie)
岩佐真悠子(Mayuko Iwasa)
大久保麻梨子(Mariko Okubo)
大友さゆり(Sayuri Otomo)
小倉優子(Yuko Ogura)
小野真弓(Mayumi Ono)
折原みか(Mika Orihara)
海川ひとみ(Hitomi Kaikawa)
華彩なな(Nana Kasai)
和希沙也(Saya Kazuki)
川村ゆきえ(Yukie Kawamura)
木口亜矢(Aya Kiguchi)
北村ひとみ(Hitomi Kitamura)
木下あゆ美(Ayumi Kinoshita)
工藤里紗(Risa Kudo)
熊田曜子(Yoko Kumada)
倉科カナ(Kana Kurashina)
小泉麻耶(Maya Koizumi)
小阪由佳(Yuka Kosaka)
後藤ゆきこ(Yukiko Goto)
小松彩夏(Ayaka Komatsu)
佐藤寛子(Hiroko Sato)
佐野夏芽(Natsume Sano)
白鳥百合子(Yuriko Shiratori)
杉本有美(Yumi Sugimoto)
鈴木茜(Akane Suzuki)
高部あい(Ai Takabe)
滝沢乃南(Nonami Takizawa)
辰巳奈都子(Natsuko Tatsumi)
谷桃子(Momoko Tani)
時東ぁみ(Ami Tokito)
永岡真実(Mami Nagaoka)
中川翔子(Shoko Nakagawa)
長崎莉奈(Rina Nagasaki)
中村静香(Shizuka Nakamura)
仲村みう(Miu Nakamura)
夏川純(Jun Natsukawa)
秦みずほ(Mizuho Hata)
浜田翔子(Shoko Hamada)
原幹恵(Mikie Hara)
東原亜希(Aki Higashihara)
福永ちな(China Fukunaga)
ほしのあき(Aki Hoshino)
堀田ゆい夏(Yuika Hotta)
堀井美月(Mizuki Horii)
松本さゆき(Sayuki Matsumoto)
松山まみ(Yukie Kawamura)
南明奈(Akina Minami)
森下悠里(Yuri Morishita)
綾瀬はるか(Haruka Ayase)
矢吹春奈(Haruna Yabuki)
山崎真実(Mami Yamazaki)
山本梓(Azusa Yamamoto)
優木まおみ(Maomi Yuuki)
リア・ディゾン(Leah Dizon)
鷲巣あやの(Ayano Washizu)

PHP マニュアル


Koari Kobayashi Live at STB 139 in 2006. ... Kaori Kobayashi 小林香織Alto Saxophone
●wow....absolutely wonderful...marvelous
●Nice lyrical stuff Kaori. Welcome to the jazz scene.
●Kaori por el hecho de ser mujer transmite un sentimiento único.
●your such an idol.. i love the way you play your instrument.. it shows passion
●You are living Angle -> Angel !
●You are living Angle.
●extraordinaire melomane
●Japanese girls are every bit so cute
●wonder how she feels inside...
●She's so beautiful and talented... what a force of nature! She's incredible. Sugoi!
●Elle joue a merveille , je l'adore. Quand va't elle venir au festival de jazz de Montreal?
●حاجة فى منتهى الروعه والجمال
●Holy crap that was AMAZING! The sounds she makes is so clear! So chill.
●They do know each other in person actually.
●so obvious she's influenced by masato honda
●lovely performance for a lovely woman
●shesgreat!amazing! and beautiful
●carajo esta cancion me encanta!!! eres un prodijio con tu ese saxofon y algun dia quisiera estar en una presentacion en vivo... Me declaro enamorado de ese saxofon y del tacto con el que es tocado ya que es una mescla entre sentimiento, delicadeza y estilo exelente y sin palabras
●She's so amazing!
●i second that :)
●wonderfulllllll simplllllly wonderfulllll
●Oh well. Utada Hikaru's like that too. Amazing artist, but kind of boring as a performer +_+
●bien bien
●she's hot! *drools* :D

Sound Horizon-Roman-03-見えざる腕Lyrics, Composed, Arranged/ Revo Leading Vocal/ KAORI Chorus/ KOARI, YUUKI, REMI, RIKKI, Jimang Voices/ 大塚明夫, 能登麻美子, 飛田展男, 若本規夫, Sublime, 保志総一朗 ... Sound-Horizon-Roman
●She is beautiful.

Koari Rokumekan (White Swan) Ako Hayasaka (Blue Swallow) ... Super Sentai Heroine Choujin Jetman Kaori Rokumekan Ako Hayasaka White Swan Blue Swallow Rika Kishida Sayuri Uchida 鳥人戦隊ジェットマン
●ako is so cute!
●yes, i too
●i likebluethen white
●Uh, the "gorgeous babe" died, remember?
●Ryu marrying Kaori was clearly a plot hole when he had such a gorgeous babe(Rie).
●Well, I like Kaori. I think she looks nice, but Ako-chan was the real "babe" of the Jetmen.
●I can't believe black, yellow, and later on red were into white swan. She's NOT very, ummmm, pleasant looking.
●more jetman pliz....i feel like a child again!!
●im guessing this is the last female sentai tribute lobomibu is gonna upload. Cuz theres nothing for Zyuranger-Boukenger nor Gekianger.
●ako is so beautiful

ALI PROJECT の宝野アリカ様が歌うアニソンのリミックス
●私も初めて知った・・・! 吃驚だぁ・・・。
●こんなにたくさん・・・ 知らなかった。

Method Crew from Wanganui City College Winners of Overstayer Hip Hop Award 2003 Pacifica Beats Best Original Song 2004 Featuring... Verse 1 - Renata Te Koari Verse 2 - Mahana Te Koari DJ - Quinten McG
●excellent work brothers love it a lot should be on da charts
●Good shit man nice.. Love hearing NZ HIP HOP!
●sik cuzzies, first time i hurd this yo, you catz still kickin it? mean gz
●check l3apesta's channel bitch thts got rel songs
●huh u 2 talk u aint got no gud comments at all hater be gon
●how u dl this cant find it anywhere?
●mint - looking fwd to hearing it
●METHOD CREW got signed to raw underground records expect sum new shit soon
●haha funi. cool song bt u aint good rapper lol, check my new rap out from wanganui
●dang dis is da shit.....love em maoriz...ya keep doin yall thang daz wazzup
●chur ren iz dat u?? mean aiite wangaz repn it!!!
●woah young buckz back n the day...now they all grown up ... shot mah n ren dawg...!!
●kia ora tama tane!!!!!!that was da shit aye luvd it & hope you guys r still jammin it....good to see china duan still open!!!!one dollar chip one dollar fish!!!!!
●yeeah ow...
●Dope!!!! Mean!!! Temana - Tahitian From Paris!!!
●Mean MAORI mean.....
●ShOt bOii`sZ yEyAh mAh bRaDa
●some nice sounds!!!
●Is this a school kid? Talent!
●shot rep dat maori shit til we die! yayaaaayyy!
●yeah hard maori 4 lyf.rep-ra-fukn-zent!
●tru der b quintin lol
●Oh yea i go to this school
●Mean Maori's!!! Yeah boooiiiiiii!!!!