

    And the slightly more controversial...

    (I'm not proud of them, but I reckon some of you need some things to get angry over)
    Hits today:
    [Hover for yesterday's]

    Be a Proud Member!


    Guess who has a spanking new member's VIP card?

    Most of us have bought stuff from Watsons before and now we are about to be rewarded when we do so!

    Introducing the launch of the new Watsons card!

    The picture above is of the Watsons card
    itself as well as the welcome pack, which includes:

    A guide to your new card, as well as $150 worth of vouchers!

    To get your card is incredibly simple.

    Just buy your card at $5 at any Watsons store, and this gives you:

    - A lifetime membership! No renewal costs!

    - $150 worth of vouchers

    - And 20 bonus points in the card upon online activation!

    Here are 2 examples of the vouchers found in my thick stack:

    And many more! I especially like the discounts on products that I regularly buy anyway such as make-up or shampoo. From ZA to Maybelline to Gillette to Pantene to KFC rebates and deals, this is definitely not a voucher book that you'd toss away.

    How does the card work?

    It works based on a Points system. The more points you earn, the more you get in cash rebates!

    Not only that...

    2x points whenever you purchase any Watsons' house brands,

    and 5x points the first time you shop at Watsons during your birthday month!

    5x is damn ridiculous lah! At this rate I'm going to do all my shopping during that one day in April only.

    Once you get your card, it's important to remember to activate it, otherwise you won't be eligible for the 20 free bonus points!

    Here's how:

    Easy peasy

    So get your card today and remember to go to:


    to activate it!

    Read The Full Article

    Oxygen For You?

    Note: Blogged one new post under this post.


    Feeling bored at home?

    How about doing something fun and also ultra good for you, like a FACIAL MASK??

    I hate to sound like one of those girls who are always going on about skincare, but it's really time to start. :(

    And yes, I regret not putting in more effort when I was younger.

    I've heard so many aunties say that sentence to me when I was a teen and it irritated me so much that I vowed never to repeat that. But here I am, repeating it! Golden advice!

    Nowadays all my girlfriends who are about my age are putting on face masks all the time! After a mask, skin feels hydrated, rejuvenated, and well... it gives me the illusion that I'm 18 again. Except ironically when I was 18 my skin was damn shitty. But that's not the point.

    I'm constantly on the lookout for better skin care products because the technology is always improving anyway!

    So. I got sponsored 3 new skincare products and I'm gonna introduce them to you!

    Available at SA SA outlets:

    Beauty Talk's OxySolution

    Beauty Talk's OxyMask

    Beauty Talk's OxyAqua

    Maybe some of you have seen, heard of, or even used these before.

    Afterall, they have been featured on Taiwan’s hottest TV programme 女人我最大 before!

    So what's so special about Beauty Talk's products?

    As is obvious from the product names and my blog title, the answer is OXYGEN.

    Did you know that even if you keep a stringent skincase regime, your skin can still appear yellowish and dull if it doesn't have enough oxygen in it?

    "Oxygen is important for our skin as it renews skin cells, promotes metabolism and provides energy to the skin.

    Without fresh oxygen, blood circulation is slower and unable to detoxify, causing dark and dull skin."

    Well. That's kinda lousy news.

    So now we know that on top of moisturizing and hydrating, sunblock, and an amass of other things we need to do to keep looking young, we can now add "giving skin OXYGEN" to the list.

    But no worries, I'm gonna give my skin oxygen if that's what it wants. It's like a demanding girlfriend, never stops requesting for stuff.

    First step is to use OxySolution!

    Give the bottle a little shake to make sure it's mixed well.

    Prepare a cotton pad


    So cute :D

    When it's drenched in OxyGoodness, gently tap on skin!

    This mousse is actually a multi-functional toner.
    It moisturizes and even cleanses while firming up your skin!

    And it can even double as a make-up remover!

    Eyeliner and eyeshadows easily rubbed off.

    Now for the stellar OxyMask!

    Pardon me I'm trying to take artsy shots of me squeezing my mask out.

    Here it goes!

    For demonstration purposes, I shall only do the mask on half of my face:

    Massaging OxyMask into my face in a circular manner as instructed.

    This exfoliates dead skin, treats clogged pores and whitens!

    And I must say I never expect a mask to be so fun!

    After mere seconds the seemingly boring mask starts to FIZZLE!

    Many many bubbles start surfacing, giving me a tickling sensation!
    It's so amazing!

    I even hopped into Mike's room and told him,
    "See? It's has bubbles!! Can you see?? Can you see??"

    Until the poor guy says "Oh yes",
    I go back into my room, still amazed.

    The bubbles popping excitedly

    Here's a close up of the bubbles...

    The mask stops fizzing after a short while, forming a cooling gel mask.
    I suppose they finished their job of giving oxygen to my skin.

    It's now time to wash!


    The mask is supposed to have lifting purposes and make your lighten your labii folds. These are the creases at the sides of our mouths when we smile.

    That is not obvious in the photo I took but CHECK OUT HOW MUCH FAIRER I AM on the right side of my face where I put the mask!

    I won't believe it but I really look brighter and much more radiant on that side! Granted, my left side still has blusher on (strictly no foundation), but you can see that even my forehead lightened!

    Not only that, my skin feels super soft, silky and supple!

    If you think I photoshopped the effects in, do watch this clip and you will be thoroughly convinced:

    Super amazing isn't it?

    Polish off the routine with OxyAqua: Intensive Hydrating Essense and you are done!

    This gel cream moisturiser is water-based and not oily at all. The perfect companion for the toner and mask!

    Celebrate good skin with Camwhoring!

    Here's me with some blusher put on. I can't live without blusher, sorry.

    It's Beauty Talk's 1st BIRTHDAY!

    So to celebrate this successful 1st year anniversary, you are given discounts!

    OxySolution + OxyMask + OxyAqua used to go for $195.70, but now they are selling for $138!!

    Almost $60 off the usual price
    for the 3-pack deal!

    Old customers must quickly grab a spare set and new customers should try it now while it's so cheap!

    Beauty Talk products are available at all SA SA outlets.

    p/s: Just to reillustrate, I didn't put foundation for all these pictures, though I did apply some blusher. Tiny blemishes or zits are also smoothed out, but I definitely did not use photoshop to create the lightened effect on the after photo!

    Read The Full Article

    Triple Pork Fried Rice - totally worth the choked veins later

    Randomly decided to fry rice that day and it turned out really muthafucking yummy so I cooked it again and took some pictures to share the recipe!

    Cooking is definitely not one of my stronger suits**, so if I can make it nice so can you!

    **Although my maternal grandpa and uncle were both chefs. I guess the gene didn't pass on to me.

    Here are the ingredients:

    White rice: 2 cups full

    Coconut milk, half a packet

    Eggs: 2

    Taiwan sausage: 2

    Spam luncheon meat: Half a small can

    1 can 3 layered pork, also known as Kong ba (Hokkien) or Kou rou (Chinese)

    You may notice that I left out the shiitake mushrooms. That's cos I think the fried rice actually tastes nicer without the mushrooms.

    I only added them in this time round coz I had them in the fridge and they looked like they are about to go bad. So it's your choice if you wanna put the mushrooms in!

    First sort out your rice... 2 cups full cooked in rice steamer with 3 cups of water.

    While rice is cooking you may prepare other ingredients, though there is not much to do:

    Dice SPAM and Taiwan Sausage into little cubes.

    Here's the 3 layered pork. It looks FUCKING gross with loads of opaque white fats in it which I already fished out. But it tastes sooo good.

    Slice the pieces and keep the brownish oil.

    Dice mushrooms. I guess if you are a big fan of mushrooms you can add them in.

    Crack eggs.

    I added in about 1 tablespoon full of light soy sauce to the mixture for taste.

    Froth it!

    Here's my favourite bigass frying pan which BFF bought for me.

    Add in oil from the 3 layered pork can!

    I strongly believe that how yummy fried rice is is directly proportional to how much oil is used so be generous!

    I poured half the can in and added a bit of sunflower oil. I already feel damn guilty about using the unhealthy oil so I tried to make myself feel better by mixing in normal cooking oil.

    Frying the mushrooms first... They don't take to frying that well as they keep leaking moisture and making the oil hop like mad. And also sticks to the pan. But oh well.

    If you are not using mushrooms skip to next step.

    Fry the pork cubes!

    When they are sizzling...

    Add in rice!

    After frying for a bit, add in...


    AND half a packet of coconut milk.

    I know it's unconventional but what doesn't taste good with coconut milk? Ok fine, many things, but generally coconut milk is awesome!



    And done! Worthless self-shot with half of my face in it!

    It's love!

    Read The Full Article

    Watch New Videos!!


    Here's your guide to having everyone call you an intellectual! And watch me solve the Rubik's Cube in it please! I had to practice for mad long before I could remember all the algorithms ok?!

    P/s: My quickest time now is about 1.30 mins.


    Ever felt like you want to punch Kaykay, or more likely, Paul? You should watch them do it to each other.


    Suntanning right smack in the middle of Orchard Road. Seems like a good idea.

    Read The Full Article

    How many times do I have to say it? I DON'T FUCKING WANT AN IPHONE!

    THIS SHITTY ARTICLE I accidentally had the misfortune to read that day pissed me off really bad.

    According to them,

    "iPhone users are happier.

    Their phones are smarter.

    And BlackBerry users have a serious (not minor, mind you) case of iPhone envy."

    I'm sorry to say this, but no.

    ALL the blackberry users I've ever met are exceedingly happy with their berries, with the exception of one lone guy who said he'd rather have an iPhone because he is forced to use a berry by his company. Some are even iPhone converts.

    I don't give a shit about the fucking iPhone and whether it trumps the Berry, but iRetards putting words in our (by our I mean Berry users) mouths saying we SECRETLY COVET an iPhone just FUCKING PISSES ME OFF!

    This article is written by Rebecca Lieb who is CLEARLY an iRetard herself.

    I read the survey by Crowd Science which she based her article on, hell, even went to see the graphs and all, and nowhere in the survey shows that iPhony people are happier, or that their phones are smarter (omg so baseless it's making me bristle I'm so pissed off), or that BLACKBERRY USERS HAVE A SERIOUS (mind you, not minor) CASE OF IPHONE ENVY.

    1) iPhone Envy

    The Blackberry Bold and iPhone 3G BOTH launched in August 2008. A new handset of Bold without a plan is STILL selling for $800++.

    How much are iPhones 3G now? I'm sure you know the answer is embarrassing compared to that of the price of a berry. ;)

    Oh, is that not fair now, because of 3GS coming out? Therefore iPhone 3G's price went down?

    The Javelin Curve 8900 came out AFTER the Blackberry Bold. Smaller, lighter, with a better camera. Both the bold AND curve's prices never dipped. What now, iRetard?

    Don't say I didn't provide statistics: BOLD PRICES VS IPHONE PRICES, by Singtel.

    Oh wow, with a price plan of about $50 monthly, the Bold is actually more expensive than the iPhone 3GS! No wonder unemployed people and students can all afford it.

    I have now proven that Blackberries are generally more expensive than iPhones.

    And this is NOT INCLUDING monthly Blackberry data plans which is almost crucial for every Berry user. The unlimited plans are $36, $63 and $63 respectively for Starhub, M1 and Singtel, ON TOP OF normal phone plans.

    So tell me: Is it even logical that Blackberry users are secretly craving for an iPhone?

    What the hell are we waiting for then? We can actually sell the berry, cancel our data plans, and MAKE A PROFIT... At the same time satisfying our lusty, innate attraction to the mighty iPhone!

    But no thanks, that would make us iRetards.


    2) Stupid surveys are done by stupid people

    Firstly, people who do online surveys are retarded, and we know how many iPhone users are JUST THAT RETARDED.

    Secondly, the whole Crowd Science survey was CLEARLY iPhone-centered. If you are doing to ask do a survey titled "iPhone vs Other Smartphones Poll", who do you think will answer?

    You think Blackberry users will bother to do your stupid shitass survey about iPhones? THINK AGAIN.

    And I'm proven right again: Click HERE if you can be bothered to see the details of the survey.

    Right there on the last page - It states clearly that they have a puny Blackberry user base. Expectedly so.

    3) Boohoo... Blackberry users don't use wifi!

    According to Rebecca Lieb, "(iRetards) take advantage of a myriad of iPhone features, particularly online apps and services."

    I get it - she's trying to insinuate that people who use smartphones other than iPhones are too dumb to take advantage of the phone's intelligence. Only iRetards are smart enough to use the internet on their phone!

    And what's her evidence of this? According to her article, a stupid Wireless network operating in airports report that their users are mostly iRetards.

    I don't know what sort of journalist does shoddy research like this, but let me tell you this: Blackberry users DO NOT need wifi at airports because Berry users all have Blackberry data plans.

    We don't need to PAY for wifi. Most people with berries have their companies paying for their internet usage.


    I fucking had enough of iRetards and their general high opinions of themselves. I believe that Apple evangelists think even higher of their own IQ than, say, Rubik's Cube Enthusiasts.

    As I twittered, here's my impression of a grunting mentally subpar raving iFanboy:


    Face it: Sometimes people sincerely like oranges, stop shoving your shit down people's throats!

    And since people always like to kao peh about how much better iPhones are than any other phone in the world, I'm gonna give you a list of...


    1) iPhone users includes Plasticzilla and jobless Bradley Farless. If you use an iphone, you are in the same league as them.

    2) Oh, you guy recently just got Push Email? The Berry has been doing it since 2002. My, that's 7 years ago.

    3) You all think you look so cool with all the finger swiping actions. You just look like Tom Cruise in Minority Report: RETARDED.

    4) Our phones don't try to BURN us to death.

    Evidence 1, 2, 3, 4.

    iPhones apparently get so hot they turn red and might actually explode! ALERT ALERT PLASTICZILLA!

    Oh it's ok babe I just checked and silicon melts at 1410 degree celsius. Your nose, chin and forehead are safe! :D

    5) Our batteries are not only non-explosive, they can also be interchanged when our batteries run out of juice.

    6) And speaking of which our battery life is much longer.

    7) Windows hates Apple so your MSN sucks and always will. Sorry.

    8) The mighty Blackberry Messenger. Comes built-in with Berry. Trumps every chat program on phones, hands down.

    Comes with nudges, ability to send files, group chat etc. Tells you if your chat message is unsent, delivered or read. Alerts you when your chat partner comes back to the phone. Ability to send your location. Ability to boardcast message to all contacts. Berry-to-Berry users everywhere in the world chat for free.

    9) I'm sorry, can your applications still not do something as simple as running in the background?

    How basic and important is this? We Berry users try to load a website, let it load in the background, and go on MSN to chat, or check out our twitter updates. It's never boring waiting with the Berry because every-single-application can be run in the background.

    Some applications even update themselves and ding us when we want them to!

    10) Berry users don't need stupid iTunes to upload songs or files. Drag and drop.

    11) Expandable memory card space.

    12) Got a paper cut on your finger pad and had to put a plaster on it? Freezing cold and you are using gloves? You still can use the Berry.

    13) Consideration towards girls with long nails and boys with fat fingers.

    14) Did I mention this yet? We have QWERTY KEYBOARDS if you want a Berry with one.

    15) LED light on the phone has option to flash multiple colours to indicate if you have an email, BBM message, MSN message, FB message, SMS or Missed calls. Why? Because all these functions are in-house RIM (that's Blackberry's company name) programs.

    This is important because you don't even need to pick up the phone to know who's contacting you via which method.

    16) The iPhone's camera has no flash... Now the 3GS has no flash on BOTH cameras! HAHAHA! That's like having 2 hands with no fingers on them, only slightly better than having 1 hand with no fingers on it. What's that? No zoom too? No wonder your twitpics are always so shitty.

    17) Got people you dial often? It only takes ONE press-and-hold of any key you assigned to them to call them - on the Berry.

    18) Men who use blackberries have larger penises than men who use iPhones. I gathered my statistics from a respectable survey by BiasedforBlackberries.com. I didn't just make that website up.

    19) Ok I'm getting really sleepy now.

    20) iPhone users are smellier. Also survey results. I sniffed a pool of iPhone and Berry users to conclude this.

    21) iPhones are supposed to be cool? How come all the celebrities are using Berries?

    22) iPhone evangelists are twats.

    23) iPhone evangelists are twats.

    24) iPhone evangelists are twats.

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    99) iPhone evangelists are twats.

    100) iPhone evangelists are twats.

    Are my 100 reasons fab or what?

    iPhonies are always licking each others' assholes, saying how they are smarter, more savvy, more fun, richer, better-looking, etc etc...

    The only absolutely proven thing about
    iPhone users is that they are more buay paiseh.

    Geez... Self Praise much??

    (Buay paiseh = shameless)

    Every comment defending the iPhone will be deleted.

    I don't give a shit about your dumbass evangelism and how you are superior just coz you use an iPhone. I hate Apple evangelisers and WILL NOT let you use my blog as your advertising platform.

    Go fucking write your shitass opinions on your own, doubtlessly, zen-looking blog containing photos of the third-world country visits you made. Quit bothering me.

    p/s: If you are an iPhone user who never evangelized to me or have ever acknowledged that the iPhone also has its flaws, then I'm not talking about you.

    p/p/s: Oh and fuck you Rebecca Lieb. Quit spreading lies!

    Read The Full Article

    3cm gone, thanks to CENOSIS!


    When Nuffnang told me that Cenosis was inviting me to go for a slimming treatment, I felt elated and apprehensive at the same time.

    Elated because I saw what they did for Quan Yi Feng (and trust me I saw her MANY times in real life and she's SUPER slim!) and I wanted the same results!

    Apprehensive because let's face it, who trusts Slimming Companies? For some reason, everyone's first reaction is that they don't work. And if they don't work, how the hell am I supposed to write an advertorial for them?!

    I walked into Cenosis and these slim ladies in suits started to talk to me. One in charge of Biz development, another is a nutritionist, and yet another is a physiotherapist!

    We were talking about the slimming industry and I was surprised to see how frank the girls were about how untrustworthy slimming centres are generally perceived to be.

    Since there are no board of governance in the slimming industry, there are loads of misleading ads out there simply lying about slimming technologies, a subject which most clients have no idea about.

    Especially now that the economy is in the dumps, competitors start to get more and more blatant with their lies to get customers.

    Of course, the actual slimming is promised but never fulfilled, and one bad apple starts to ruin the whole basket.

    When Cenosis explained to me how underhanded their competitors can be (by showing me actual ads), I could FEEL their indignation seething.

    I can totally understand it! Just like when Plasticzilla was blowing up her hits and only I know it's impossible but I can't prove it!

    Cenosis wants to CHANGE this perception. They want to show that their slimming methods DO work.

    And so they bought my current favourite robot,
    called a CAVITATION machine.

    This machine is obviously mad expensive and Cenosis is the only slimming centre which owns it.

    So now you are thinking it's just another bullshit machine?


    It's a medical machine.

    PHYSIOTHERAPISTS and DOCTORS can administer this treatment.

    The machine works at 50watts.

    Therefore, it requires an N2 license from the National Environment Agency.

    The N2 license is a safety assurance license to ensure nobody but certified physiotherapists and doctors can handle the machine.

    What IS a physiotherapist?
    I was surprised to find out that physiotherapists are degree holders and they actually have to study for 5 years to get a degree in Physiotherapy before they qualify as one!

    So not to worry, it won't be some untrained part-time girl doing the treatments on you!

    Back to Cavitation... What does it do?

    It breaks down fat cells membrane through the bursting of micro bubbles. The complex fatty acids then are broken down into simpler fatty acids, which are passed out when you poop.

    (I got horrified at this point and asked if it's like Xanical and thank god, it isn't. Just regular poop.)

    Other slimming centres (I'd love to name names but Cenosis wants to remain nice) have been coming up with ads of 'imitation' Cavitation machines.

    Since cavitation involves penetrating deep in to break the fat cells membrance, other less strong machines won't be able to do it, so don't fall for cheaper deals that don't work - just go for the real thing!

    But first, because I get to try Cavitation, I must first get on the Body Composition Evaluator.

    There it is

    I hate this stupid thing because
    it told me I should be IDEALLY...

    39.5 kg!

    I know it sounds like it's very little but I'm mad short so that should be my ideal weight.

    I always knew I was pudgy lah but I so did not need to see confirmation of that. Hmpf!

    But first, the ladies bring me on a tour to see what's actually going on inside a slimming centre. Not any slimming centre of course. Cenosis!

    Look at this mad awesome jacuzzi!

    The jacuzzi is open for ALL CUSTOMERS to use after their treatments, for free, so that they can have a completely relaxing treatment session. Imagine going with your girlfriend for a treatment then gossiping in that tub in bikinis? Fun!

    Steam rooms and saunas are both available!

    The "Infu-slim".

    It uses water treatments for massage and slimming effects!

    The treatment rooms are specially designed for clients' comfort.

    Looks like a normal bed? You are WRONG!

    The bed is some like complicated machine that has a remote for you to adjust your own head rest, foot rest and back rest!

    And there's a phone attached to it too so you can call the front desk at any time!

    Best thing is, you can play your own cd if you don't like Cenosis' music! I'd totally blast my therapist with JA JAM BO!!! Too bad they don't play cassettes.

    Some more pictures of their rooms with machines:

    The slim wave

    The Aero-Slim

    The Heat Blanket

    And amazingly enough, there are more!!!

    CHECK IT OUT! There must be a million dollars worth of equipment in there!

    And so I change into my robes...

    And camwhore for a bit before my physiotherapist comes in!!

    My favourite machine after my blackberry/LX3.

    I have no idea what this is for... They were stuck on me before treatment begins!

    And they decided to do my thighs for me!!!

    So fat, no wonder...


    Measurements show that
    I lost 1.5 cm on each thigh!!

    Not only that, after a mere 20 min treatment on each thigh, I could literally FEEL the difference! I could feel it being slimmer and I swear I'm not lying!

    For some reason the treatment hurt my left thigh more than my right (the pain is really very tolerable, like a buzzing sensation) so the voltage used on my right was 80 or something and on my left was 45!

    And amazingly enough, I could see that my right thigh was visibly smaller than the left!!!

    I'm totally sold on it man!

    But wait! The treatment doesn't stop here!

    After buzzing me up, Cenosis gave me food! Yes f-ing way!

    It's the 1st Slimming Centre that launched a Nutri-bar right there in their centre... It even has a kitchen that serves food to clients planned by in-house nutritionists!

    Awesome boh?

    Afraid you'd succumb to KFC after slimming treatments? Well, just have your fill of healthy food at Cenosis!

    First I get served a drink...

    Honeydew and Plum!

    I drank all of mine. It's sour and totally refreshing! The pulp from the fruits are all left in the drinks for extra nutrients. And I know it looks gross but it's really nice!

    The menu that day was Indian styled cooking, so we had briyani and spinach...

    Together with Fish Curry!

    I won't say it's the best meal of my life. In fact, it's bland but I love it! I love how the food is not oily and over-powering in taste like most outside food.

    After eating you definitely won't feel unwell (if you know what I mean, like your stomach is protesting), and you'd feel totally refreshed! And it tastes like comfort food, like the family dinners grandma used to cook!

    I probably love unhealthy food more than the average person does but it feels really detoxifying to have something so healthy for a change.

    Pah! Food is totally the worst hindrance when it comes to losing weight. I think it's awesome that Cenosis came up with this!

    And of course, a lovely hot cup of tea to polish everything off.

    Don't know if you guys have heard of the Slimming Glass House Challenge. Last year, Cenosis had Quan Yi Feng do slimming treatments in a glass house for everyone to see, so that people will know what the treatments are like.

    This year they are doing it again and a fellow blogger, Winnilicious, is chosen! Do support her in her quest to become slim! :D

    p/s: A trial Cavitation treatment is at $33 so call Cenosis at 7000 700 6626!!!

    Read The Full Article

    The Best Decisions

    Today I was thinking about life and how decisions let us either make it or break it.

    People often look back upon the decisions and even if it's an obviously wrong one, they go like, "Yeah but I'm not bad now and I think that decision made me wiser/stronger/fiercer etc". Or maybe that's just me coz I'm madly optimistic like that.

    Well, I think my life is pretty darn good so here are all the best, totally life-changing, decisions I think I've made in my life!

    Not in order of bestness.

    1) Answering his email.

    Many of you have asked about the love story between Mike and I. Well, to cut a very, very long story short (I still hope it'd be made into a movie although it has no ending, yet), we met on the internet.

    Mike sent me an email. A rather typical one I'd say... He sent me that email because he likes short girls and wanted to correct me on my perception that all men love tall chicks!

    That email was rather funny but afterall I get quite a lot of emails from readers and I don't bother to reply most of them.


    His email had a picture attached to it. It's a CUTEEEEEE picture.

    Still, he's from America and what's the point of flirting with him when I'd probably never get to meet him, right?!


    So anyway, I replied, and a few more funny email replies from him later, we started to chat on msn... The rest is history... Or at least another blog post saved for another day!

    Even if he breaks my heart now at least I still had 3 of the happiest years of my life and nothing can take that away!!

    Are they my happiest years? Ok I just thought about it and they are indeed. Cheers!

    2) Starting this blog.

    Thank god I was bored that one day in April 2003.

    3) Persevering through haters.

    So many times I've wanted to give up and shut down the blog after reading hurtful comments. Keep in mind I wasn't earning any money at those points so I basically was getting spewed vitriol at for nothing!

    Luckily for me, I'm bloody thick-skinned and an attention whore.

    Surprisingly enough, nowadays haters just make me feel even more secure about myself.

    I go like, "Boo, this sad little fellow is spending all his time writing me a longass email trying his darnest to hurt me but the tragic thing is that I can't even be bothered to reply!"

    4) Checking through my spam that one fine day.

    The first advertorial/sponsorship on my blog is by Localbrand. This has NEVER been done in Singapore and the idea was conceived by Localbrand's owner and founder, Turodrique Fuad. (His name is mad funny right?!)

    His email went into my spam folder. (With a name like that obviously go into Spam ahahahaha!)

    And for some reason I went to check it and saw that Turodrique wanted to sponsor and pay me to wear his t-shirts on my blog! Not wet white see-thru ones either!

    I was a poor student part-timing as a banquet waitress at this point so obviously I jumped at the chance!

    This received local news coverage (thanks Newpaper!) and made my hits jump from 500 daily to about 3,000.

    We discussed more about how to do this (ie be honest it's an ad, or just do it sneakily? You can guess which route Turodrique advised me to choose - another great decision) and till today he remains one of the greatest mentors I've ever had.

    Just for example, the Pixel Grid, which has earned me more than $10,000 to date, was suggested by him. (And he found it on milliondollarhomepage lah, just that he suggested I incorporate it on the blog).

    I love you TurorororodridridriQQQQQue!

    5) Getting a nose job

    $12,000 nose job in exchange for letting the whole world know I'm part plastic. Yes or no?

    My mom, relatives, some friends (yes you Howard!) and even MIKE were deeply opposing the idea.

    It's funny how nobody EVER praised my old nose before and suddenly I'm filled with comments here and there saying "IT LOOKS OK WHAT!".

    Totally don't look ok lor. Muthafucking huge.

    I only remember Kaykay telling me to go for it. LOL!

    I used to feel so conscious everytime my photo was taken coz I know the nose would be so goddamn mushroomy.

    And yet I chose to go against all these people who meant well for me and did it! The nose is SO MUCH SMALLER NOW!

    I totally can't dig my nose with my finger anymore but it's totally worth it. Believe it or not, I use the less severe end of the pimple picker (like a spatula) to scrap out boogers while showering. If you ever use my shower, I advise you not to use my pimple picker.

    Why the hell you using other people's pimple picker anyway?!

    6) Not apologizing to the Plasticzilla.

    Coz she smells like armpits and smegma. HAHAHAHA! No lah seriously... I knew she had no balls!

    7) Meeting/believing in Gillian.

    For those of you who have no idea yet, Gillian is the founder of munkysuperstar pictures. She also created shows like Eye for a Guy, S factor... And of course the whole of Clicknetwork.tv's spew of great internet films and my very own TV show Girls Out Loud, co-hosted with Rozzie.

    So the story goes like this: Two 'directors' arranged to meet me during 2006... Just so happens at about the same time.

    I met the first director and nothing happened with her. She just said she wanted me to star in a film and then disappeared! Maybe my nose was too big.

    When Gillian wanted to meet me to discuss a tv show with me, I felt pretty apprehensive but went to meet her anyway.

    She was 26 then and honestly looks like she's too chio to be accomplishing anything of value.

    Anyway she was speaking in these vague terms about creating a reality show based on my blog. She sounded really excited and said she'd draft up episodes and discuss with me again.

    Sounds great, right?

    Except the woman disappeared after that. Like for 3 months or so. Fucking waste my time and raise my hopes!! Fine, I do have a lot of time to waste but that's not the point.

    Afterwards she called me again and said that she had the episode ideas ready and would like to meet me again!

    And guess why she didn't contact me? Coz her appendix ruptured during the start of a 10-hour plane ride and almost killed her!!

    People was in hospital recovering from near-death experience and there I was, telling my friends what a lazy ass that director is, all looks no substance etc. HAHAHA!

    Ahem. I think I'm really quite a nasty person. I'm surprised I still have friends left. I guess it must be my dashing good looks and seductive scent. Cough.

    Anyway, months and months and months later, this reality show idea, without much credit to me, morphed into Girls Out Loud and made me a TV star! An 8-episode local TV star but a TV star nonetheless!

    And of course till today munkysuperstar is managing me and we have just celebrated our 50th Guide to Life episode!!

    Most Guide ideas are from either her or Munky's awesome staff... With them I've experienced so much more in life, including putting Mayo on my hair and almost getting pinched to death by crabs...

    Gillian is the one encouraging me to write the movie script and applied for the $6,000 grant, which we got! Hopefully it gets made into a full-length feature film!

    And not only do we have a good (I hope) working relationship, she's also an awesome friend!

    I bless the dua pek gong for the day I met her!

    8) Not dating shitty guys anymore

    One day just snapped out of it and realised that I'm at least worth a guy committing to me instead of just playing me around. A man who'd love me and think I'm perfect. Not a man who thinks the next girl might be better or more suitable for him than me.

    Fuck that shit. I fucking had enough of JERKS who think they are all that! I'd rather be single than be treated like a dispensable and slightly used plastic fork!

    Right on cue Mike appeared. I believe there must be a Love God.

    Ok actually Mike appeared when I was still dating a jerk, but thank god he hung around for a bit longer while I talked to him about my Jerk Woes.


    Ok fine. Upon re-reading my post I realised no. 2, 4, 7 are more of a luck thing than a decision thing. Whatever! They still involve at least a weee bit of decision-making on my part!

    And so these are some of the best decisions I've made in my life! As Homer Simpson would crudely correct me, the best SO FAR!

    Hopefully more to come!

    What are some of the best decisions you've made that changed your life completely??

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