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Microsoft Internet Explorer "XMLHTTP" HTTP Request Injection
Secunia Advisory: SA16942
Release Date: 2005-09-26
Last Update: 2005-09-28
Popularity: 39,908 views

Moderately critical
Impact: Security Bypass
Manipulation of data
Exposure of sensitive information
Where: From remote
Solution Status: Unpatched

Software:Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x

Secunia CVSS-2 Score: Available in Secunia business solutions

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Advisory Content (Page 1 of 3)[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]

Amit Klein has discovered a vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer, which can be exploited by malicious people to manipulate certain data and conduct HTTP request smuggling attacks.

Input passed to the method parameter in the "open()" function in the "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ActiveX control isn't properly sanitised before being used in a HTTP request. This can be exploited to inject arbitrary HTTP requests via specially crafted input containing tab and newline characters (spaces are not allowed).

Successful exploitation requires that the HTTP request is sent to a server or via a proxy allowing tab characters instead of spaces in certain parts of the HTTP request.

This is similar to vulnerability #3 in:

It has also been reported that the "referer" HTTP header can modified via the "SetRequestHeader()" function by appending a colon ":" to the header name (normally Internet Explorer does not allow the "referer" header to be changed).

The vulnerability has been confirmed on a fully patched system with Internet Explorer 6.0 and Microsoft Windows XP SP2. Other versions may also be affected.

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