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The Point

Police Stupidity and the New Cronkite

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posted: 6 HOURS 46 MINUTES AGO
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(July 23) -- There were no real fireworks in President Obama's news conference last night until Politics Daily's Lynn Sweet lit the fuse with a question about the arrest of Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates.
The president declared "police acted stupidly" in charging the black scholar with disorderly conduct for breaking into his own home. Police dropped the charge, but the uproar has only grown louder in the wake of Obama's remarks and the white police officer's refusal to apologize.
Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley says he went by the book and he's not a racist. He points out that, as a campus cop in 1993, he gave mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to black NBA star Reggie Lewis when the Boston Celtics player suffered a fatal heart attack during an off-season practice at Brandeis University.
The Daily Beast has a look at the top 5 moments from Obama's prime time pitch for health care reform and this is the full transcript of the news conference.
New Life for the Birthers
You have to say this for the conspiracy theorists who think Obama isn't really president because he's not a U.S. citizen -- they're persistent. Half a year after he was sworn in, skeptics are still demanding to see his "real" birth certificate.
Liz Cheney even got into the act with a comment about the "birthers" on Larry King Live. The former vice president's daughter said people are "uncomfortable with an American president who seems to be afraid to defend America." Later, she denied she was questioning the legitimacy of Obama's presidency.
It's worth noting that many of the president's most vocal critics have refused to jump on the birth certificate bandwagon. Media Matters for America has a roundup of their comments.
The Daily Palin -- Plus Arnold
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is tweeting her response to the latest ethics charge against her, calling it an "inaccurate story." And a trustee for the Palin defense fund in question insists the governor "has not been involved with this trust."
Palin will step down this weekend -- about 18 months ahead of schedule. But don't expect her to fade into obscurity. CNN says the GOP star's resignation is hardly a curtain call.
Still, with Palin out of office, the Daily Beast wonders who will take over as America's hottest governor. So it's doing a poll.
One of the contenders is California's Arnold Schwarzenegger, who raised some eyebrows by brandishing a huge knife while taking about budget cuts in this YouTube video. Was the former actor channeling Crocodile ("That's a Knife") Dundee? Schwarzenegger explained he was just having a little fun because he doesn't want to come off as ''El Stiffo.''
And That's the Way It Is
Walter Cronkite's funeral is today in New York. It's been decades since a poll found him to be the most trusted person in America. But his passing has some wondering who might claim that title today. The Washington Post collected dozens of suggestions -- from Barack Obama to Miley Cyrus.
TIME has done its own poll and come up with a clear winner. With 44 percent of the vote, America's most trusted newscaster is ... Jon Stewart, host of Comedy Central's 'The Daily Show'
Is that the way it is, Thursday, July 23rd, 2009?
2009 AOL LLC. All Rights Reserved.
2009-07-23 11:05:13
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06:36 PMJul 23 2009

It is easy to see that rightwingers are going to jump in this with both feet. You would think by now all of you would have learned.



06:36 PMJul 23 2009

obama is still the best choice we had the last election.



06:36 PMJul 23 2009

Gates was happy the day came and he could play the race card. If it was a black cop making the arrest we would not even be discussing this.



06:35 PMJul 23 2009

Hookmrl 06:33 PMJul 23 2009 jim first off I walked to school can you say anything in here about any one without insults cause you are a pathic little worm that one one talks too-----------"That one one talks to"? Did you mean no one? Except you Hook old buddy. I know you'll talk to me. Or at least your best attempt at "talking"



06:35 PMJul 23 2009

3rdparty; so he could rant about the injustices in america, perpertrated by whites, some of you are slow learners this guy is a black liberation theologist aka jeramiah wright all over again.



06:35 PMJul 23 2009

Of course Obama is anti police, he is anti America. So are his friends. If you hate the cops, you are a criminal.



06:35 PMJul 23 2009

Alaenart - No, the difference was a tape showing the beating of Rodney. This arrogant SOB was screaming, yelling, uncooperative and the officer was a complete professional. Obama acted "Stupidly" last night. Once the tape of this ******* are aired, people will praise the officer for being so cool.



06:35 PMJul 23 2009

Last I checked the officer was doing his duty. Had the officer been other than "white" it would of been laughd off as the mistake it was. Comments like the ones made in this incident only fuel racial issues. The officer is owed an apology by the President.



06:34 PMJul 23 2009

Last night Obama dished out the ultimate insult to every hard working doctor in this country by suggesting that doctors only order so many tests in an effort to pad their pockets. This pres. has a lot of nerve! Doctors in this country are working long hours to help their patients. If it appears to Obama that doctors are ordering too many tests then perhaps Obama should introduce tort reform. Obama's comment is insulting to our entire health community.



06:34 PMJul 23 2009

Get used to it all.. this country is FINISHED.And you better learn Spanish and Ebonics.


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Politics Daily






(July 23) -- There were no real fireworks in President Obama\'s news conference last night until Politics Daily\'s Lynn Sweet lit the fuse with a question about the arrest of Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates.