The singer managed to update fans while very pregnant right up until the day she was ready to pop. Her last pre-labor tweet came on July 19 when like a true pregger she gave chocolate chain Max Brenner a nice shout out. Kelis took a break from the social networking/micro-blogging service while she gave birth to her first bundle of joy, but returned this morning.
"I was in labor for 3 of the longest most painful days of my life. I don't understand when women say they don't remember giving birth," she tweeted.
The couple announced the pregnancy in January -- during seemingly happier times. Since then, Kelis and Nas have publicly split. The pair's impending divorce has been the subject of constant TMZ news alerts with Kelis claiming Nas left her high and dry while pregnant. To make matters worse, it was reported Nas was not allowed to witness the birth of baby Knight.
On a lighter/brighter note, Kelis seems to be in goos spirits despite her marriage woes and 72-hour labor. "I will remember for the rest of my life. He's kinda perfect btw," she wrote.
Reader Comments(1 of 4)
Phillipat 7-23-2009
Little pickee ninnee did not want to show his face!
yaofans001at 7-23-2009
I found a great dating site_____Wealthyloves.com_____. .where you have the opportunity dreaming about dating a millionaire and make it true! u dont have to be a millionaire.but u can meet one. I thought everyone needed to meet some miracle after all the terrible stuff in the news and the economy .-----------------------------------------------
horaciokunkunat 7-23-2009
Kelis's topless video here
movieola21at 7-23-2009
To Phillip
Little pickee have got to be kidding. I found this VERY INAPPROPRIATE. I am sure I am not the only one. A woman in labor for 72 hours is a saint. Show some respect.
pretty girlat 7-23-2009
Why don't you show your face devil! I can't believe you are so disgusted with your miserable life you, have to try to disrespect a new born baby! The most innocent creature on Earth. That's probably why she didn't show the baby pic, because of evil forces like you conjuring evil with your negative mentality. Im sure the baby is beautiful. When will you salty crackers come to terms with the fact you are jealous because your ancestors were born with dark skin and nappy hair, but because of incest, climate, and intermarriage, gave you a different look. But we are all the same. I don't mean to offend any one, just these evil,bigot idiots, why don't you make the world a better place and shoot yourself, and when you do I bet it won't make the news(nanana boo boo) Fools I rebuke you in the name of JESUS!
bjsparkerat 7-23-2009
I am in love and his name is Mr. Oxy Pure ( ) ! This is by far the best cleansing product available. I saw it on Oprah and thought I would give it a try. Oxy Pure has pretty much changed the way I live my life. My daily chores are done in a breeze and I have more energy, not to mention more time in my day since I don't mind jumping out of bed in the mornings at 7:00 am now. This is not just a cleanser. It is also a detox. I can feel it working and have only been using it for 6 weeks.
I owe my life to
Cindy Staufferat 7-23-2009
Does moronic idiocy run in your family gene pool? What a dumba$$ statement to make, you must be a sorry excuse for a human being, assuming you are a human being. Shame on you, now put on your white sheet and pointy hat, and go to your KKK meeting
flyerdu444at 7-23-2009
I found a great dating site _________Meetrich.com_________ .where you have the opportunity dreaming about dating a millionaire and make it true! u dont have to be a millionaire.but u can meet one. I thought everyone needed to meet some miracle after all the terrible stuff in the news and the economy .-----------------------
littlewing1217at 7-23-2009
You're an idiot
melishajakobeat 7-23-2009
Kelis's topless video here
grant87887at 7-23-2009
freakin hilarious, pickee ninee
melisadickmanat 7-23-2009
I believe a father should have more rights that they are given. A woman has way too much power when it come to being pregnant and having babies. He had every right to be there regardless of how he treated her. I'm sure he will be supporting this child. That is an awsome bound from the start, watching the miricle of birth and shame on her for not allowing him that. It might have helped them to get along better too. After all they share aperson together. It is always easier to get along than to fight.You are just a plan selfish ass if you can not get along for the childs sake. I don't care what happen, you must find away to get along. Life is to short and precious to waste time being cruel.
Grow up so that your kids can learn to get along with others too.
Stephanieat 7-23-2009
Tell all of that crap to Nichole Brown-Simpson. Sometimes the "can't we just all get along" card don't play. As for men having MORE rights to their children? How about this, let them try carring one in their tummy for nine months and going through 72 hours of labor without whinning and crying like little babies themselves then we will talk about more rights. Women give up their bodies and their lives to raise the child. Give me a damn break PLZ!!
Emilee Durhamat 7-23-2009
He showed up to the hospital drunk which is why he was no allowed into the room. It is not like she was not letting him in, he was sloppy drunk, what was supposed to happen??
dianenfeloat 7-23-2009