Michael Jackson's Kids to be Raised By Aunt

Rebbie JacksonMultiple sources in the Jackson family tell us even if Katherine Jackson gets custody of Michael Jackson's kids, Michael's big sister Rebbie Jackson will raise the children.

The 59-year-old singer, who shares a home in Las Vegas with her hubby of over 20 years, has kept a low public profile, but privately she has been deeply involved in the lives of Michael's children.

We're told Rebbie is currently living with Katherine at the family's Encino home and is caring for the kids day-to-day. As for the kids ... they all adore her.

Although the family is divided on many issues involving Michael's estate, we're told there's no argument when it comes to Rebbie caring for the kids. Whether she eventually becomes the custodial parent in name or not, she will end up with the primary responsibility of raising Michael's three children.

Michael Jackson's Family Pictures Click to view!

Katherine and Kids Need Money -- STAT!

Lawyers for Michael Jackson's estate, along with Katherine Jackson's lawyer, went to court this morning, seeking temporary financial allowances -- and Katherine claims she needs the money to live.

The matter was put off until August 3, when lawyers will all appear in court.

UDATE: 2:29 PM PT:
Lawyers for the estate wrote in a written declaration, "We are informed that Mrs. Jackson was also financially dependent upon Michael Jackson and that other than extremely modest social security benefits, Mrs. Jackson has no independent means of support."

The declaration continues: "Michael Jackson died 4 weeks ago. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the Special Administrators to be authorized to pay family allowance for the benefits of Minor Children in order to ensure that the Minor Children's needs for maintenance and support are met."

The document also says other than social security benefits which the kids have not yet received, they are totally dependent on the estate for their care and support.

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Reader Comments

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1. Michael Jackson's terrible secret revealed! Video here: http://tr.im/tISU

Posted at 2:19PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by Alex

I dont care about this.i am still sad that Michael Jackson was passed away,but we will remember the king of pop forever!He made a big contribution to the world. I just got a big amazing rumour that he was dating a GAy on http://tinyurl.com/celebcupid Someone even found the gay's usename that is "jasonfall" on that site!it is true?just curious!you are my super star.God bless you,dear Michael!

Posted at 2:23PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by lucy

3. I think Rebbie would be a good person to help Katherine raise Michael's children. I pray that the children will have a successful life. May God bless them.

Posted at 2:27PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by ct


Posted at 2:44PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by MZ M

5. ....really could not care any less about M. J. or whether he dies or not but would hate to see trash like Debbie Rowe have anything to do with raising them......don't you think her on camera actions etc , and signing documents that she did not want them is enough to let everyone know she would not make a decent parent............

Posted at 2:49PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by Bill

6. this take 4ever

Posted at 3:01PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by San Jaunita

7. You know the thing that worries me is that people can live and thrive off another persons issuse and can't even correct there own. Michael is a very unique person and god gave him a specail gift. But his family and his children have nothing to do with it and should be off limits. Don't people know that people are dying more and more as the years, months, weeks and days go bye and the only thing someone can worry about is someone who is a celebritys personal problems. He is a regular person with amazing gifts. Gossip media, news, and regular people in general need to leave this man alone and let him rest in the grave with peace. He is not here to defend himself so quit talking. If it was your child, husband, son, brother, cousin or even close friend you would want respect. So give it to him!!!!!!

Posted at 3:09PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by lauren

8. thats really weird

Posted at 3:11PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by sally

9. Michael Jackson was nothing more than a child molester an just like OJ he got away with it because he had money. if that would have been anyone else they would have been in jail for sleep with or touching little boys. it just goes to show you how much like animals the black race really is. if you ask me they all belong in cages. an as far as him being the king of pop yea he was. THE KING OF POPING PILLS

Posted at 3:12PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by world ender

10. Unbelieveable!!!! Mrs. Jackson lives off of Social Security?? Oh my Gosh! Her children must be helping her and if that help is not reported to the Social Security Administration, she committing fraud! How could she live in that MILLION (s) dollar home. Who pays the bills? She can't do this on SS! Now she's begging for SS for Michael's children? Yes, they deserve it, but begging for it.. COME ON! The Jackson's are making a carnival out of MJ's death! It's now a Social Security Carnival!
Seems like to me the entire family are SICKOS!!

Posted at 3:18PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by Philomena

11. For the person that claims she found out Michael was dating a gay man...WHO CARES?????? He was still a human being, a son, a brother, a father,a uncle and the worlds most famous entertainer. Remember him for what he has done and stay out of his personal life...DAMNNNNN!!!!!

Posted at 3:20PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by Penny Green

12. #6 Why don't you take on that very difficult project. I'd be the first to see if you have the courage and heart. I already know you don't have the brains.

Posted at 3:23PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by jsloroll

13. Philomena,
Mrs Jackson isn't commiting fraud unless she has a 'paid' position and fails to report it. She can collect her benefits and live in a multimillion dollar house, travel anyhere she wants and eat the best food if it's provided by someone else. The copy said the only income she had was SS and they are requesting funds from MJ's estate not SS for the kids. It's OK honey.... calm down.

Posted at 3:28PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by dart

14. i tohught Elvis Presly was the King of Pop.....but then micheal died and all of a sudden he is (thats gay)

Posted at 3:28PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by courtney

15. Only thing i care bout is the kids of Michael Jackson's thats the only thing, like where are they going to end up???..???

Posted at 3:31PM on Jul 23rd 2009 by CountryLover01

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