
bombersjacket さんのチャンネル
メンバー登録: 2009年05月18日
最終ログイン: 8 時間前
見た動画: 4,825
チャンネル登録者: 5
チャンネル再生回数: 1,471

Peace is my thing.
War is not.
国: アメリカ合衆国
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bombersjacket さんが rbmilburn さんと友だちになりました (4 時間前)
bombersjacket さんが lizziespence さんをチャンネル登録しました (1日前)
bombersjacket さんが ShiraLazar さんをチャンネル登録しました (1週前)
bombersjacket さんが mahalodotcom さんをチャンネル登録しました (1週前)
bombersjacket さんが fingercallous さんと友だちになりました (1週前)
チャンネルのコメント (75)
AuzzieBoyMate (1週前)
We should kick those japs/Nips out of our country. They stink like crap and they got body odour.
A japanese kid at my school suggested that Australia should get rid of beer, i got so pissed off, i got up and gave him a bleeding nose. I got suspended from school but I don't regret it. That little bugger deserved it. Nobody talks shit about my country Oz.

Cheers mate

PS: I'm Danny/Daniel
tigerroar08 (1週前)
Stick that sausage up your ass and suck on it.
AuzzieBoyMate (1週前)

There's nothing wrong with Aussies living in China. You should be proud that we're living in your country. It means we like your country.
I told you before, i been to China, and yes, China is a beautiful country. My girlfriend is Chinese and she loves China and Australia.
So please stop using racism.
You can insult America, but don't insult Australia. And don't insult Kevin Rudd either, he is China's friend.
tigerroar08 (1週前)
Get the fuck out of America. Go back to whereva you came from.
tigerroar08 (1週前)
Your PM kevin Rudd is just a fucking cheap assfucker who came to my country to wipe my ass with his own ugly face. Tell your fucking PM to stay out of my country. His mandarin sux and he talks like a fucking bafoon. Go eat a frog you cheap son of a bitch.
tigerroar08 (2 週前)
LOL an aussie living in the US.
Tell ur aussies to get the fuck out of my country first.
Amezarak1 (3 週前)
HAHAHA fucked your mum jokes are shit. I've fucked more white women than you have, and I've degraded them because that's what they deserve for being white women. I'll bet you've only ever fucked hideous white women because the smell of their rotten pussies turns you on.

My next goal is to fuck your little sister thats in your background pic. I wanna smack that ugly face around so hard while I'm tearing her asshole open. I'll bet she like to be treated like a piece of shit in the bedroom.
Amezarak1 (4 週前)
HAHA you're a faggot go back to one of your white CUNTries before you become minorities in your own colonies. Oh that's right, even Europe is being over flooded with migrants that it won't have white CUNTries in it anymore. Oh well, poor you and your inferior race.

Go practice your Judaism somewhere else you Ashkenazi poof.
Hesse990 (1月前)
i couldn't care less I'll still be able to piss people off. lol whoomp there it is.
planarexplosion (1月前)
you're so mean, go awaaaay bombersjacket.
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