Kate Hudson & A-Rod Are Really a Couple

Alex Rodriguez, Kate Hudson BALD DANO20 GEVA JSGS/GSI Media

Kate Hudson and Alex Rodriguez were photographed together for the first time this past weekend, meaning two things: They're really a couple, and it's been going on for about two months. That's longer than anyone could have ever expected from these two.

A-Rod's been hanging out on the West Coast for the past few days where he played and lost to the Anaheim Angels. The rest of the Yankees have since moved on to St. Louis, but A-Rod stayed behind for physical therapy due to an injury.

Lucky for his girlfriend, his "physical therapy" appointments take place at Barneys New York in Beverly Hills. So she can shop while he gets his therapy.

Or they can both shop, pick out outfits for each other, try (and fail) to throw everyone off by sneaking out separately. And then they can spend the rest of their weekend hanging out by the pool and hitting up local Newport Beach restaurants, which is actually what they did.

—Additional reporting by Ken Baker

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