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Apollo Sites Spotted by Lunar Scout
posted: 4 HOURS 34 MINUTES AGO
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(July 17) - For stubborn folks who still believe the Apollo astronauts never landed on the moon, NASA has new images — definitive proof — that clearly show the Apollo 11 lander that carried the first astronauts to the lunar surface 40 years ago.
The images were taken by NASA's first lunar scout in more than a decade, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. They show the Eagle lunar lander at Tranquility Base, where Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on July 20, 1969. They were snapped between July 11 and 15 of this month and released by NASA on Friday.
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The image does not reveal whether the U.S. flag planted there is still standing or not.
The Apollo 11 landing site wasn't the only one that the LRO's camera system (dubbed LROC) photographed: It also snapped pictures of the landing sites of the other five Apollo landings. (The remaining site, for Apollo 12, is expected to be photographed in the coming weeks.) The lunar modules for all of these sites imaged are visible as small dots; their shadows can also be seen. A few more details can be seen in the image of the Apollo 14 landing site, including scientific instruments and astronaut footprints.
"The LROC team anxiously awaited each image," said LROC principal investigator Mark Robinson of Arizona State University. "We were very interested in getting our first peek at the lunar module descent stages just for the thrill -- and to see how well the cameras had come into focus. Indeed, the images are fantastic and so is the focus."
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Follow the Moon Landing 'Live' Online
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Track the Apollo 11 moon mission in real-time from the July 16 liftoff through the July 20 landing at Chronicle the four-day odyssey exactly as it happened 40 years ago by experiencing the trip as the astronauts did via animation, real mission audio, video, photos, real-time tweets and more.
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As LRO gradually descends to a lower orbit, the images will improve and provide closer looks at the lunar landing sites.
The images of these sites are expected to show scientists how the sites have changed since the astronauts trod across them, whether there are any new craters and how the leftover human artifacts have fared in the lunar environment.
About the size of a Mini Cooper car, the $504 million LRO probe, an orbiting satellite, launched toward the moon on June 18. The probe is expected to spend at least one year mapping the moon for future manned missions, as well as several more years conducting science surveys.
Some people have questioned whether NASA really went to the moon or if the whole thing was faked. No serious and level-headed historian, researcher or space industry analyst doubts the moon landings, however.
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2009-07-17 17:05:02
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12:10 AMJul 18 2009

Let me ask these questions of the skeptics: What was gained by "faking" the landings on the moon? How were they able to keep this secret for all these years? Most of all, WHY didn't the Soviets--who would have had to KNOW if America DIDN'T go to the moon--blow the whistle on such a fraud?



11:19 PMJul 18 2009

ph9teen 53404 11:12 PM: HEY ! IDIOT ! Quit littering up science articles with your irrelevant BS ! ! GO back to pimpin' your mom on the streets ! ! OH sorry......that's how you ended up here to begin with......



11:12 PMJul 18 2009

Dr. Dennis J. Woods wrote a book on my mother's life entitled "Love and Charity' the Life of Mrs. Louise Hunter and the Love and Charity Homeless Shelter. Mrs. Hunter is the Mother of 21 natural children, (18 living today) 61 grandchildren, and 55 great-grandchildren. He co-wrote the screenplay, and he would like to know any Producers that would be interested in telling my mother's story? He has a script for a feature length film. Please advise and let me know. Sincerely, Paul L. Hunter



11:10 PMJul 18 2009

This is very heartening. I cheer a little bit every time that i read an article about space exploration, because it means that the idiots are still hung up trying to figure out how to lodge their complaints. These idiots of course being those who say, in as many words, "NASA IS A WAST OF MY MUNNY, WE GOT ENUF PROBLEMMS TO FIX HEER, ETC." Thank god that nobody listens to them.


Talo 821

10:09 PMJul 18 2009

Yes, it's all becoming clear now... The "There is a moon" hoax was created by the leaders of the 6 top "pasteurized cheese food" nations. Known a the "cheesy six" they first faked the landings to support the clandestine mining of real cheese from the moon, and have for forty years stored it in abandoned Nazi tunnels in the Lime caverns of France where they have secret wine tasting with the "real thing"... It is most likely tied somehow to the Masons...



10:00 PMJul 18 2009

PJRAYHO SAID:"...When I was a young teenage I followed the Apollo missions too. As I became older and more knowledgeable, I have realized what was televised was a farce. Apollo 1 thru 12 were studio creations ...." IT SUCKS TO BE YOU, CAUSE EVEN WITH MODERN MEDICAL SCIENCE THERE IS STILL NO WAY TO FIX STUPID!



09:57 PMJul 18 2009

The Moon Landing and Obama deception at its best.........LOL.......So I suppose NASA lost the equipment used to record this historic event also????I heard the cameras used had to with stand tremendous heat because of the lack of atmosphere and radiation..


Talo 821

09:50 PMJul 18 2009

The lander is real.. It's the MOON that is fake! Done with mirrors from the space station. You don't think they REALLY get cheese from COWS do you? Get real! Yep, we ate the moon on Ritz... explains why the packages in the grocery stores now read "Cheese Food"... All the real cheese is gone..



09:44 PMJul 18 2009

If fox news is propaganda then MSNBC is government media.........



09:43 PMJul 18 2009

Any conspiracy theory: Ask the following questions. 1. ALWAYS (!!!) ask this question: How many people would have to be involved? If more than a handful someone ALWAYS TALKS. 2. If that's not enough ask how complex it would and if it can be rehearsed. If it's complex something very likely will go wrong. If complex and not rehearsed almost certainly. 3. How expensive would it be and what would be the benefit of the expense ? ( A faked moon landing would involve thousands of people all sworn to silence -- and remaining that way. ) Gives new meaning to the word preposterous !


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