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Military/NATO/Letter time zones

The following table lists the Military time zone abbreviations, click on the time zone links for more information about individual time zones and where they are used.

The basis for this is Z - Zulu time - Zero meridian time - the same as UTC It's a convention to assign letters to time zones, where Z= Zero meridian, and Zulu is the word that represents the letter Z, when it's used in communication. It is sometimes used in the US Military and NATO in conjunction with 24 hour clocks, and is also popular to use in movies to reference time.

Other letters/words are used for other time zones than UTC, most based on the right or reverse order of the Alphabet. Note that 'J' is skipped ('J' - Juliet refers to current local time of the observer). There are 25 time zones defined here, but 26 letters in the English alphabet.

AbbreviationFull nameOther abbreviationsTime zone
ZZulu Time ZoneUTC
YYankee Time ZoneUTC - 12 hours
XX-ray Time ZoneUTC - 11 hours
WWhiskey Time ZoneUTC - 10 hours
VVictor Time ZoneUTC - 9 hours
UUniform Time ZoneUTC - 8 hours
TTango Time ZoneUTC - 7 hours
SSierra Time ZoneUTC - 6 hours
RRomeo Time ZoneUTC - 5 hours
QQuebec Time ZoneUTC - 4 hours
PPapa Time ZoneUTC - 3 hours
OOscar Time ZoneUTC - 2 hours
NNovember Time ZoneUTC - 1 hour
AAlpha Time ZoneUTC + 1 hour
BBravo Time ZoneUTC + 2 hours
CCharlie Time ZoneUTC + 3 hours
DDelta Time ZoneUTC + 4 hours
EEcho Time ZoneUTC + 5 hours
FFoxtrot Time ZoneUTC + 6 hours
GGolf Time ZoneUTC + 7 hours
HHotel Time ZoneUTC + 8 hours
IIndia Time ZoneUTC + 9 hours
KKilo Time ZoneUTC + 10 hours
LLima Time ZoneUTC + 11 hours
MMike Time ZoneUTC + 12 hours

Time zones in other regions

More regions will be available later

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