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Drug Found in Jackson's Home Recalled
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• King of Pop Dies at 50
• Taxing Healthcare or Distribution?
• Legal Pot Would Bring in $1.4B
• King of Pop Dies at 50
The FDA has announced a partial recall of Propofol, a drug found in Michael Jackson's home at the time of his death.
Vials within two specific lots of Propofol Injectable Emulsion, manufactured by Teva Pharmaceuticals, were found to contain eleveated endotoxin levels which resulted in flu-like symptoms for 41 people who used the drug. High levels of endotoxin have been known to be life-threatening. (Get the FDA's Press Release on the Recall Here.)
Denise Bradley, a spokesperson for Teva, said the DEA had contacted the drugmaker, but that the specific lot numbers found in Jackson's home are apparently not a part of the voluntary recall.
Propofol has been under increased scrutiny since Jackson's death, which prompted federal regulators to consider making the drug a controlled substance.
A nurse for Jackson told Reuters this week that she was asked by the star to administer the anesthetic to treat his insomnia. As it is not recommended for such use, she says she refused.
Memorable Michael Moments
Tom Zimberoff, Getty Images
Time & Life Pictures / Getty Images
Ron Galella, WireImage
Steve Allen, Liaison / Getty Images
Rusty Kennedy, AP
AFP / Getty Images
Chris Pizzello, AP
OK! Magazine / AP
2009-07-17 17:10:46
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It pains my heart & soul as I know it would MJ's to see all the hate all the pointing fingers. I looked in the mirror decades ago and I am a better person for it.....why can't you look in the will never regret it.