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Pope Undergoes Surgery for Broken Wrist
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07:32 PMJul 17 2009
Coopsha8 06:35 PMJul 17 2009 So nice for all the mental midgets to be making rude and crude remarks about the Pope....they've nothing better to do than show their moronic ignorance. The Catholic Church has supported the Poor for centuries...............isn't it odd that christian organizations, not only Catholics, often search out people in need as easy targets for their nonsense. They often use basic needs as a carrot to get people to accept their mythological drivel. When people are starving they'll go along with anything to keep their kids from dying. This is shameless. Not all Xtian organizations do this tho. I sponsor a kid in India thru Xtian Childrens Fund. She sends me pictures she's drawn of some of her deities that make me smile.
07:32 PMJul 17 2009
LOL , I guess all that praying to that fictional being was all for nothing. Why does he need to go to the hospital? He can't prey it to heal lol
07:32 PMJul 17 2009
Piss on the holy father LOL with my holy water.
07:27 PMJul 17 2009
I broke my wrist in Nov. 08, had a case, then the rod. It was very painful, especailly maintaining the maintenance of the rob. You are limited with the rob, your hand and wrist is in a arched position. The removal of the rob was worst then the broke. I sincerely hope His Holiness has a quick recovery. God Bless Those who Bless you, God cruse those who cruse you. It's in the Bible. So those who were disrespectful, WATCH OUT.
07:27 PMJul 17 2009
he didn't break his wrist falling...he was trying to fist an alter boy up to his elbow and hit the poor kids pelvic bone
07:26 PMJul 17 2009
Oh poor baby, he fell down and got a boo boo. What do you want? he's older than dirt and his bones are brittle, doesn't mean everyone should make a big deal out of it
07:14 PMJul 17 2009
We have the best religious figures and politicians money can buy.
07:08 PMJul 17 2009
Rreyn1285............I'm not saying the church is not w/o problems but you are condemning all priests and the Pope and certainly that's wrong. As per a John Jay College of Crim Justice study 2007, statistically more abuse occurs / ed within the general public and within other denominations as compared to the RCC. Now one is too many and I share your anger. But the church has done more for all faiths via hospitals, charity and education than any other of the 30,000 denominations combined for over 500 years. So channel your hatred elsewhere. I'll pray for you and the Pope
07:02 PMJul 17 2009
Coopsha8 wrote, " ...The Catholic Church has supported the Poor for centuries...">>> of course you would like to forget the fact that it also kept education only for the priesthood and select few nobles. Until Protestant churches began spreading education to the masses. If you do not teach education to all you really ought to support those that are not educated.
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