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07:41 PMJul 17 2009
RightWingBlows 07:37 PMJul 17 2009 nothing going on here but a right wing circle jerk, with gigantosapiens in the center..............Like a fifth grader being able to add nothing to the conversation your statement is the equivalent of a flustered fifth grader saying my dad is smarter than your dad. LOL
07:41 PMJul 17 2009
Blow is my #1 fan. of the liberomorons. Yes I am in the center. You are far to the left of Stalin, with Skippy licking the peanut butter on you.
07:41 PMJul 17 2009
Gigantosapiens 07:33 PMJul 17 2009 Any "stimulus" no matter how big is sentenced to fail. At best, it is a political ploy to temporarily try to improve the situation so that the low brow lefty morons are happy. It is nothing more than raising us now to drop us from higher ground later.---- I think someone raised you up earlier and dropped you from higher ground onto your head.
07:39 PMJul 17 2009
Minimum wage goes up the 24 of July to $7.25 a hour. More layoffs??? Higher Happy Meals???? Both????
07:39 PMJul 17 2009
I suspect that very soon the Obama machine will change their rhetoric from the stimulus created jobs to the line the stimulus saved jobs. They'll repeat it, the left will spout it and soon a new myth will be born.
07:38 PMJul 17 2009
However, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute said in a paper released Thursday that tensions in the group's leadership and the release of former members from prison "raise the possibility that splinter factions might now seek to re-energize the movement through violent attacks."--------------------------------------Just wait until all the scumbags at Guantanamo are released!!! Exucute them all now & save thousands of lives later!!
07:38 PMJul 17 2009 , two, three, must be the grades you went to school before you "Exit" it. Moron, even feudal lords did not try to run their fiefdoms to the ground. They depended on it for their existence.
07:38 PMJul 17 2009
Anyone else besides me feeling hood-winked.......bamboozled?
07:37 PMJul 17 2009
nothing going on here but a right wing circle jerk, with gigantosapiens in the center
Sud Ple
07:36 PMJul 17 2009
HisMightyLight 07:27 PMJul 17 2009 Current unemployment rates: Michigan=15.2%....Rhode Island=12.4%.... Oregon=12.2%....South Carolina=12.1%....Nevada=12% --------Yes, passing that STIMULUS aka SPENDING BILL sure has created some jobs, hasn't it! It's so funny I could hurl..------@@@@@@@ Right on the money His, but that does not take into account those that have exhausted their benefits and assistance, those that have reduced their income like my wife that has been reduce 30 percent of her work week, or those that have just gave up. A reporter from "US New and World Report" stated in an interview yeasterday on one of the talk shows that his research indicates our unemployement in the area of 23 - 25% of all that needs and would like a full time job.
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