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I was a Client Served & Suki, Adoptive Mom


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Our Japanese Adoption was a mixed review. There was non returned phone calls and missing paperwork. Throughout this disorganization my husband and I never gave up. My husband is Caucasian, we had been married barely 3 years with a strong financial portfolio. The birthmother "selected us" I am not sure why or who or whom our money was paid to in the country. Japanese adoptions are not inexpensive nor short. Cara and Shonin have left Across the World Adoptions and started an awesome Japanese program at Partners for Adoption. With barely 30 adoptions from Japan to the USA, it is best to travel ahead of time to get a feel for if this is for you. We love our child and have thought about adopting again through Partners for Adoption

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The Great!
  • I've seen the results of this organization in... Japanese Adoption.
  • What I've enjoyed the most about my experience with this nonprofit is... meeting Cara and Shonin who are now at Partners for Adoption
  • The kinds of staff and volunteers that I met were... good but now started their own Japanese Adoption program at Partners for Adoption.
  • If this organization had 10 million bucks, it could... train the mothers in Japan.
Ways to make it better!
  • My experience would have been better if... I got to meet the bio mother, more like a real open adoption.
  • If I ran this organization, I would... Let adoptive parents know why the birth mother has selected us.
  • In my opinion, the biggest challenges facing this organization are... passion to really help the children. it was more like a business transaction.
  • One thing I'd also say is that... Y. (the facilitator) is great, she flies back and forth from Japan to the USA often.


I was a Volunteer & work for adoption parents advocacy group.


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If adopting from Russia beware, this adoption agency is on the list from the Russian MOE, that they have not completed post placement studies. About the only thing this agency has going for it is very pricy niche open adoptions from Japan. Where the Japanese bio mother selects her child's parents from portfolio$. Just lost 2 employees to another adoption agency. Not a good sign. Not a very transparent organization. Executive director has some issues with being up front. Unfortunately has had some "wrongful adoption lawsuits" Not too professional, agency should use LICENSED Clincial Social Workers not a bunch of college graduates working under the agency license. Should show more transparency with parents and not play games behind people's backs or with their lives. Try being honest and upfront.

The Great!
  • I've seen the results of this organization in... Japan, they have a niche open adoption program. Birth mother selects the adoptive family based on their portfolio $$$$$$$ very expensive. Some "wrongful Adoption lawsuits" Does have a niche with open adoptions in Japan. They are expensive open adoptions where the Japanese Birth mother selects the couple. yeah right!
  • What I've enjoyed the most about my experience with this nonprofit is... Getting to know Lesley Siegel, she is very friendly and meets ALL the adoptive parents. Very professional and doesn't work behind your back (transparent) with no hidden agendas. Ha Ha
  • The kinds of staff and volunteers that I met were... Ok, but they are all gone...boo hoo.
  • If this organization had 10 million bucks, it could... close and spare themselves some very hard years. go out of business and retire.
Ways to make it better!
  • My experience would have been better if... The agency knew the state and federal laws and abided by them. Had consistent employees and social workers. They used a LICENSED Clincial Social Worker, instead of kids that just graduated from college working under the agency license. Young kids 26 years old without the proper license should not be conducting a home study in California or any state. The social workers conducting the home studies were LICENSED, the social worker was not. I found out her title was "Associate Social Worker"
  • If I ran this organization, I would... Make sure the Social Workers conducting the home studies were LICENSED Clincial Social Workers LCSWs. Not a bunch of kids out of college working under the agency's license. Be transparent and work with adoptive parents in a caring, compasionate, and empathetic manner. Professionalism is needed here. Be transparent and honest with the Adoptive parents. I would meet them all and treat them with compassion, kindness and empathy.
  • In my opinion, the biggest challenges facing this organization are... too many different employees. And of course the "wrongful adoption lawsuits" money and organization. the next would be professionalism. keeping their doors open and staying honest/ethical.
  • One thing I'd also say is that... INo more playing games in other countries with other people's children. Worldwide economy has effected International Adoptions. Couples simply are not paying $30,000 for adoptions any more, The Hague regulations got siffer on agencies too. Russian MOE has listed this agency as "naughty" for not performing post placement reports. The Russian MOE has listed Across the World Adoptions as incomplete with post placement home studies. If you are adopting from Russia, please check with the State Department's website and review the no placement adoption agency list.