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Wounded Iraq Vet Battles US Army

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posted: 1 HOUR 7 MINUTES AGO
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(July 13) -- He's home from Iraq, but retired Florida National Guard Sgt. Ernie Rivera is fighting a new battle -- with the Army.
Rivera was awarded two Bronze Stars for his service, which he completed in 2007. But Rivera, who was hospitalized for six months, says he deserves a Purple Heart, according to the St. Petersburg Times. The Purple Heart is given to service members who've been wounded or killed while serving.
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Florida National Guard Sgt. Ernie Rivera
Chris Zuppa, St Petersburg Times / ZUMA Press

Florida National Guard Sgt. Ernie Rivera, who served in Iraq, was disabled by a traumatic brain injury.

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Records show Rivera was totally disabled by traumatic brain injury (TBI) related to combat, but the Army said it can't tell for sure whether it came from a roadside bomb that exploded in his convoy in December 2006 because his most severe symptoms didn't surface until weeks after the blast. He wasn't treated for any of his injuries immediately, thinking he'd escaped serious harm.
"I'm being punished for toughing it out," Rivera, 39, told the Times. "I can't see how a person can go through what I went through and still be denied a Purple Heart."
He said that in the weeks after the blast, his condition deteriorated. He started experiencing vertigo, muscle weakness, memory loss and problems with his cognition, vision and hearing. Rivera, a platoon leader, wasn't evacuated from the field until six months after the explosion.
Wayne Hall, an Army spokesman who commented to the paper generally on policy, said Rivera's delayed treatment may have been key in the Army's decision to deny him the honor.
"If it's not treated in pretty short order, there is no way to verify the injury he is now citing came from the blast," Hall said. "No one questions that TBI is a valid injury. But how do you verify what caused the TBI?"
Rivera plans to keep fighting for the award.
"It takes away from the validity of the Purple Heart," he said, "if you have to fight so hard to get it."
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2009-07-13 14:41:47
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05:23 PMJul 13 2009

my uncle got a purple heart he retired from the military after serving over 30 years then became sick from agent orange and passed away



05:22 PMJul 13 2009

Il Capo 05:20 PMJul 13 2009 In the Army, they serve in combat units or non-critical support services that do not require a security clearance. That does NOT, by any means, suggest they are not a soldier. He qualifies for a purple heart, citizen or not. Anyone saying otherwise hasn't a clue what they're talking about. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x In Italy, The Mafia would have assured the soldier receiving the Purple Heart. They'd prevail.



05:22 PMJul 13 2009

First, it appears to me from his name that the soldier is hispanic. So much for that rant. The army is like any other bureaucracy. It screws up. Didn't you ever hear the term "snafu"? No evil intent, just a screw-up that I hope will be corrected.


I M Anne

05:22 PMJul 13 2009

Thank you ll capo, I was checking for that reply. I honestly didn't know if someone wouldn't qualify for not being a citizen. That would be so dishonorable I can not imagine such a ruling. However, government is as government does.


Il Capo

05:20 PMJul 13 2009

In the Army, they serve in combat units or non-critical support services that do not require a security clearance. That does NOT, by any means, suggest they are not a soldier. He qualifies for a purple heart, citizen or not. Anyone saying otherwise hasn't a clue what they're talking about.


Il Capo

05:20 PMJul 13 2009

AnnaLRichard ......... Where did you hear this from? It's baloney! Anyone serving in the United States military is a member of the military. An officer must be a citizen. An enlisted man does not have to be a citizen, but it will seriously restrict where he/she can serve. They won't get a security clearance.



05:20 PMJul 13 2009

The Herd1969 05:12 PMJul 13 2009 Sounds more like some sort of administrative error to me, and NOT an attempt by the US ARMY to deprive this soldier of his Purple Heart medal. IF, he infact earned it, and according to this article, IT APPEARS HE DID, he'll get his rightfully earned medal. x x x x x x THE PROBLEM IS WE NEED TO PRIVITIZE THE MILITARY. IT IS ANOTHER BLOATED INEFFICIENT GOVT RUN PROGRAM THAT SHOULD BE DISMANTLED. IF THE MILITARY WERE PRIVATELY RUN, WE'D HAVE ALREADY BEEN OUT OF IRAQ AT HALF THE COST AND THEN COMPANIES LIKE HALLIBURTON WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO MAKE A COUPLE OF BUCKS.



05:16 PMJul 13 2009

AntiMarxist2009 needs to watch how he/she (probably HE) portrays females in the military. As a FEMALE disabled veteran (who by the way was not given a Purple Heart either), I greatly resent his post. There wasn't a thing that any male in my units did that I couldn't or didn't do. I carry the scars of service the same as any man. I NEVER used my femininity to take advantage of anything in the military, and I earned the respect of my fellow soldiers. It's not cool to generalize; it only shows ignorance.



05:15 PMJul 13 2009

AS bad as the Nam vets who are dealing with Agent Orange they can't prove they derserve a purple heart?? They proved where the Agernt Orange was used they are 100% service connected disabled but nope still no purple heart.


Il Capo

05:14 PMJul 13 2009

Smaximumpain .......... What kind of moronic comment is that? 1) He IS a white guy, despite his name. 2) Numerous Hispanics have gotten the Purple Heart. This is just one of those cases where a beaurucrat is trying to justify his existance and to curb the potential medical claims later. If you get a purple heart, you're definately going to have a better case for disability later on if symptoms reappear.


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