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03:34 AMJul 12 2009
The Queen of Indifference here...RaspberriesO...ALWAYS expresses her belief that any liberal blogger is a "paid Obama Blogger" or (my fave) "ACORN hired Obama bloggers".In contrast...real Conservatives post their CRAZY comments freely and seemingly...endlessly.Hate filled "libs" are just "gnats" that the Queen swats away with a smug comment {yuk-yuk} or a simple {rolling my eyes} comeback.TRUE STORY: One of the right wing bloggers here e-mailed me...first to say the usual sh*t...he hates me and would like to kill me....and then out of nowhere...the OLD MAN goes off and stated that RaspberriesO is that OLD MATTED HAIRED WOMAN at the McCain rally that said "he's an...he's an...ARAB".Hey...I don't want to believe that The Queen of Indifference is really that MATTED HAIRED CRAZY OLD LADY.But, why would that RIGHT WING BLOGGER even e-mail me that CRAZINESS ???You guys are really STRANGE.That's that Barack Obama's fault.There's something deeper going on with you guys.
03:34 AMJul 12 2009
illfartonyou614 - You mean fake.......I saw one of his buddies today Klcoates123.There still trying to disrupt the boards.
03:33 AMJul 12 2009
I'm fairly certain that modeling the 'government option' for health care after Medicare is not particularly wise. But then again, what did you expect, these are politicians, not health care experts.
03:33 AMJul 12 2009
Stinky ! ! ! ! ! ============ Wiggle your toes ! ! ! ! !
03:32 AMJul 12 2009
momtina gave me herpes , then told me that she got them from Tr444514's boyfriend
03:32 AMJul 12 2009
Obama- "The economy is still in the toilet and I may want to steal another half or three-quarters of a trillion dollars from the little people... how can I get away with it"? Holder- "I can divert attention with an investigation of Bush or Cheney".....
03:31 AMJul 12 2009
WWWelling03:27 AMJul 12 2009momtina01,The domestic terrorists are already here. They are people like William Ayers, Students for a Democratic Society, and the thousands working for ACORN. There is also an apologist for terrorists about to become a Supreme Court Justice. She has worked to free FLN terrorists and is a key person within Laraza. Oh, and lest I forget, the new black Panther Party who stands at polling places with clubs and get protection from the Obama administration. ////////////////////////////////////// Sounds like a Glenn Beck rant.
Cecil Joy
03:31 AMJul 12 2009
ummmbamalied03:27 AMJul 12 2009How many of the poor slobs who thought so much of Obama's extra $13 a week still have a job?? 500,000 more unemployed just last month..... Add the jobs lost due to cap and trade, his "carbon tax" and our economy is doomed.>>>>>>>>>>POOR SLOBS, Hmmm? Another phony Christian. You guys just keep racking up the points, no surprise to me.
03:31 AMJul 12 2009
my my.... TR is lost out there somewhere and Rigth wing b... suddenly appears??
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