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Blackbirds like small priests walked in the silent fields.


--  Niall Williams -- 


The Corvids
- crows, ravens, jays, magpies and jackdaws, are the Einsteins of the bird family; no other birds even come close to matching their intelligence. Crows live in close knit family groups. They communicate -- some 23 distinct patterns of caws have been interpreted -- and they cooperate with each other. At work, they don't stab each other in the back, and back home, they don't cheat on their spouses -- crows generally mate for life.

I recently watched as a crow repeatedly hopped down inside a dumpster and brought out food, leaving it with its mate, who was keeping an eye out for danger. I've also observed crows taking turns standing guard as the group bathed in a rain puddle.

The "Crow Funeral" has often been written about, but seldom seen. A few years ago, I had the privilege of witnessing one. It was an unforgettable sight.

Then there's the often repeated story of the crow raised by a British bird behaviorist. One day, as the woman was about to walk her dog, she suddenly remembered something she had to do. Dropping the leash, she went into the house. Upon returning, she found that the crow had the end of the leash in its mouth, and was calmly taking Fido for a walk around the yard!

I don't know if there's anything to reincarnation, but if true, I'd like to come back as a crow. And if you are one of those people who have told me how much you hate these birds, well -- look for me under your bedroom window someday in the future. At dawn. There is much to talk about.


Please click on the boxes to view my various corvid photographs

Crow Funeral Bericrow Anting. 
Crow Shots Crow Flight Peaches & The Crow Crows In Color A Raven Portrait  A Visit Home




For the last couple of years, during the summer months, the West Nile virus has made its way across the USA, infecting thousands of wild birds, including crows, and hundreds of human victims. What is West NileVirus? What are the symptoms, and what can be done to reduce the risk of  WNV? To stay up to date on current research, click  HERE for the Centers for Disease Control website.

Crow people are everywhere! Put this on your car and watch them come up to you! The price is only $2.00 each, plus .50  postage and handling (USA, other countries,  p&h  is $1 US). I can send up to three bumper stickers in one envelope for the same postage.  For the mailing address in order to send your check, please send me an e-mail at:

NOTE: Mention ASCAR when you order, and I will send .75 to the Association of Crows and Ravens for each bumper sticker sold. See the link below for information on ASCAR.

Exhibition quality  prints may be available of images on this web site. For prices and information, please click HERE. For information concerning editorial usage or for qualified commercial usage, or for comments and questions, please email

Click  HERE for corvid humor (changes when the muse hits)


Corvids as you've never seen them before!

A Must See!  

(Click on image)


A Few Crow Links

Unwelcome at the Rookery


Researcher, Kevin Mc Gowan's Crow FAQ
 For the Love of Crows

Really cool essay on crows     
CrowCentric: Great photos & artwork!



Your one-stop corvid resource



Recommended books about crows and ravens:

Bird Brains:  Candace Savage

The American Crow and the Common Raven:  Lawrence Kilham

Ravens in Winter:  Bernd Heinrich

Mind of the Raven:  Bernd Heinrich

Corvus the Crow:  Franklin Russell (excellent fiction)

Crows - Encounters With The Wise Guys:  Candace Savage (includes photos from this web site)



This website was honored by WildBird Magazine as their Sept. 2000 Hot Site of the Month!

All photography and text on this website are © Copyright  2002, 2003, 2004 Carl Cook. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission. This includes Internet use. Images are protected by and registered with Digimarc.

For publishing information, or if you have other questions or comments, please email

Corvid pastel reproduction, © Copyright Judith Smith. All rights reserved. Used with permission.  Click on the image for more information about her work.


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