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Barry Chamish E-mail chamishba@gmail.com Scroll to see all the articles and links to the other pages at bottom of page. Bookmark and come back regularly for the latest lowdown.
by Barry Chamish
In 1997, an attorney visited me twice hoping to convince me that the president of Israel's Supreme Court, Aharon Barak, was involved in the Rabin assassination. He insisted that Barak is, "the most dangerous man in Israel. He's taken over the state. In my circles, Peres may be the chief suspect but he couldn't have done it without Barak's approval." He added, "Why do you think Meir Shamgar ran the commission of inquiry? He was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and that means the Supreme Court has taken full responsibility for controlling the crime." My problem is the Supreme Court certainly turned down every appeal to it to re-investigate the murder, so it abetted the murderers of Rabin, but I could find nothing on Barak himself. And I just didn't have enough legalize in me to understand how powerful Barak really is.Then, in December 2008, I gave a speech in Omaha and my sponsor was a rabbi, Jonathan Gross, far wiser than I, who had delved in depth into Israel's current decay. He recommended a book he possessed to understand the quick and unstoppable decay in Israel's core values. The book is Coercing Virtue by Robert Bork.
Admittedly, I was reluctant to even look at the book because Bork gained judicial power after Pres. Nixon ordered his attorney general, Archbald Cox, to fire the special prosecutor investigating Watergate. Cox refused, his deputy refused, but Bork, by process of elimination, rose to the office of attorney general by signing the order. That said, my prejudices were overcome by Bork's later integrity, and the good rabbi gave me the book to study at home.
Bork was the inspiration to my finally understanding Barak. He explains how Barak took over the state, substituted justice for oligarchy, and has, indeed, gone to great lengths to protect Peres.Coercing Virtue explains how the Knesset was taken over by the Supreme Court. As the new Prime Minister, Rabin, took office in 1992, a law was passed that was, in essence, Israel's unknown constitution. Without even reading the clauses of the law, without debating its provisions, with fewer than half of Knesset members in attendance, the Knesset passed a law giving executive powers to the Supreme Court. From this point on, anyone could get an instant hearing on their petition to indict any member of the government. The petitioner need not have been personally injured by the Respondent, and no long lower court process was required to get a hearing from the nation's highest court.
The real change of regime occurred when PM Rabin opposed a Supreme Court ruling that his coalition partner, Rafael Pinchasi, could be stripped of his Knesset immunity and tried for corruption. Without Pinchasi and his Shas Party, Rabin couldn't form a governing coalition. Rabin ordered the government's attorney general to present its arguments to the Court and he refused to defend Rabin. The only party legally authorized to defend the government is the attorney general and when he said no to Rabin, he and the Supreme Court took over Israel, including its military forces. We cite Bork's Coercing Virtue:
pp. 111 - Pride of place in the international judicial deformation of democratic government goes not to the United States, nor Canada, but to the State of Israel. The Israeli Supreme Court is making itself the dominant institution in the nation, an authority no other court in the world has achieved. Imagine, if you can, a supreme court that has gained the power to choose its own members, wrested control of the attorney general from the executive branch, set aside legislative and executive action when there were disagreements about policy, altered the meaning of enacted law, forbidden government action at certain times, ordered government action at other times, and claimed and exercised the authority to override national defense measures. No act of imagination is required. Israel's Supreme Court has done them all.
pp. 112 - The extraordinary events cannot be understood without reference to one man, Aharon Barak. From the beginning of his tenure on the Supreme Court in 1978 to his assumption of the court's presidency in 1995, Barak has been the dominant figure in Israeli law...and the single most influential person in Israeli public life.
pp. 114 - Barak has reshaped the law so that practically any subject, no matter how political, may be decided by the court.
Israeli Legal Advice: Fire On Gaza Only In Open Areas
Israel Defense Minister Ehud Barak requested advice from the security establishment's legal adviser to enable the Israeli army to fire into Gaza, due to the escalation in Gaza rocket fire in the past month.
The Legal adviser to the Israel Ministry of Defense, Mr. Ahaz Ben-Ari stated in his opinion that according to international law, fire can only be aimed at open areas, yet not at built-up areas. "There is no blanket prohibition in international law on artillery fire towards military targets in the Gaza Strip," wrote Attorney Ben-Ari. "However, in light of the fact that artillery fire has a very low level of accuracy, and causes a relatively high degree of damage, artillery fire can only be carried out towards relatively open areas, if it is believed that the rocket cells will be hit as a result and that the launches from these areas will be stopped or reduced, and this fire will not cause excessive damage to civilians who may be in the area."
Despite these restrictions, the legal adviser clarified that if repeated fire is identified from a built-up area, "the response can be increased by giving the residents of this area warning of the intention to respond with fire, with a recommendation to evacuate the area within a reasonable period of time."
Mr. Ben-Ari made it clear that in any case, "carpet bombing" was not authorized, even if the population had abandoned the area, in order to prevent complete destruction of civilian property. What Mr. Ben-Ari did not consider was that any warning delivered by the Israeli army of imminent attack on an Arab village would generate a counter response, with the likelihood being that terrorists would invite TV crews and various levels of the civilian population to act as human shields against any planned Israeli attack.
pp. 114 - Even an activity, bearing the greatest political character, such as the making of war and peace, is examinable by judicial criteria...The extremes to which Barak's judicial philosophy can carry him are shown by his statement that the deployment of troops in wartime is a justiciable issue.
pp. 123 - Considering the dangers continually confronting Israel, its responses to terrorist attacks and the threat of invasion have been quite moderate, sometimes arguably too moderate.
pp. 125 - An important means of preserving national security was taken away by the court...Universalistic principles were deployed to harm Israel's security, without adequately weighing Israel's particular circumstance and needs.
pp. 132 - The Knesset is loath to pass laws that it fears a Barak-led court would likely overturn.
Having been victimized by Israeli kangaroo courts, and reporting on endless judicial outrages, I had to find one event as a metaphor for the hideous coordination between the Supreme Court and the government it controls. One incident, found in my book Bye Bye Gaza, stood out as an example of how the court victimizes the people.In late July 2005, over 50,000 people had gathered in Sderot for a protest organized by the Yesha Council, supposedly to march to Gaza and save Gush Katif. We got in our cars for the mission but the police, predictably if you're me, had blockaded our passage. Thousands of cars pulled over to the side and word was spreading quickly to march half a mile to the blockade to confront the police.
In my car were my friends Jerry and Iris. I said, "It's going to happen at last. Let's meet the police and push them out of the way." Iris felt like me, nervous about police reaction, but knowing that if Gush Katif was to be saved, we had to defeat the authorities. Jerry joined us, but was worried how injury or arrest would be viewed at work.
Half way to the police lines, worried Yesha Council workers ran up and down the lines, warning everyone to get back in their cars because, "The Bagatz, (the Supreme Court), is hearing our petition to continue right now."
As I watched the mob return to their cars, I said to Jerry and Iris, "Let's go home. Gush Katif is gone."
Twice as Many Indictments, Half as Many Convictions
Another statistic shows that while the rate of indictments per criminal case averages 14% across the country, in the Judea and Samaria District it was no less than 38% - more than twice the national average.
Even more significant, however, is the rate of convictions: While across the country, 97% of those indicted on criminal files are convicted, in Judea and Samaria it is only 54%. The report therefore concludes that the judicial system ends up doing the “filtering out” work that the police are supposed to do, “and this is a grave blow at the basic civil rights of suspects in Judea and Samaria, who, because of the selective law enforcement policies, find themselves in the status of ‘accused’ who are forced to defend themselves in court, with all that that implies, in order to regain their status of presumed innocence.”
pp. 115 - The court's values implement a socialist impulse to cultural and social affairs. They are universalistic in scope, and to the exclusion of competing values, stress such concerns as dignity, freedom, and equality of individuals. As rhetoric, those words are highly persuasive, as operational concepts, they have often proved highly deleterious.
pp. 120 - There would seem to be less and less reason for the Israeli people to bother electing a legislature and executive; the attorney general, with the backing of the Supreme Court, can decide almost everything for them... Democracy is slowly being replaced by oligarchy.
pp. 127 - Concern for Muslim sensibilities was reasonable, but concern for ultra-Orthodox sensibilities was not. The court's rejection of specifically Jewish values was also evident in its decisions that the importation of nonkosher meat cannot be banned, new communities sited for defensive purposes may not be limited to Jews, and Hareidi youth groups may not be funded by the government as other youth groups are.
pp. 130 - Barak and his court are redefining Israel's values so that, in area after area of Israeli life, the Jewishness of the state matters less and less...According to Barak, when the values
of Israel as a Jewish state cannot be reconciled with its values as a democratic state, the decision must be made according to 'the views of the enlightened community in Israel.'
pp. 131 - In cases where the general public would prefer a value a value specific to Judaism, that public is left without a voice in the ability to govern...realization of the degree to which the public has been disenfranchised and the executive branch emasculated in Israel comes as a shock to most outside observers. The more friendly to Israel such observers are, the greater the dismay.
pp. 132 - The more such cases are adjudicated by a Barak-inspired court, the less Jewish Israel is likely to become.
And as the public's trust in Barak and his court is whittled away, it still protects Pres. Peres with all its contrived might.
The Supreme Court is viewed by the public as the institute which best preserves democracy, as 39 percent of the respondents agreed. and faith in the Supreme Court declined from 68 percent to 61 percent.
Supreme Court Panel: Only the President May Pardon
(IsraelNN.com) In a split decision, a three-judge tribunal of the Supreme Court ruled in principle on Tuesday that the justice minister does not have the option of not signing a pardon signed by the president, according to Maariv/nrg. The ruling requires the government to provide the president with the fullest information possible about any prisoner in question.
The decision was born of disagreement between then-President Moshe Katzav and then-Justice Minister Tzipi Livni about the reduction of a sentence for a convicted murderer, when Katzav overruled Livni's recommendation, based on the convict's behavior in prison. It could be relevant in the release of security prisoners for abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
In his minority opinion, Justice Elyakim Rubinstein said the justice minister's option of not signing was part of the system of checks and balances.
pp. 132 - Israel has set a standard for judicial imperialism that can probably never be surpassed, and, one devoutly hopes, will never be equaled elsewhere. The sad irony is that the Supreme Court, operating with na Basic Law that specifies that Israel's values are both Jewish and democratic, is gradually producing an Israel that is neither Jewish nor democratic.
The new service I'm offering is bringing rave reviews:
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I receive a vast amount of under-reported news and I send the best to you. You choose what interests you and discard the rest. Subscribe and the other world lands in your In Box regularly.
And now, the difficult part for me; payment. I am the world's worst businessman. Some of the people requesting the service have savings, others are struggling more. All are sincere. I receive over 400 letters on a given day. Providing the service means putting a couple of hours a day into these letters, organizing them and getting them to you at least, bi-weekly. I'll commit myself to six months of work in this experimental period.
You decide what it's worth.
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080
Paypal: chamishba@gmail.com
Watch me at:
Get my books on lulu.com including the newest, Bye Bye Gaza, only $10 to download.black and white:
by Barry Chamish
Just a typical week in Israel. A Hamas rocket wounds eight Israeli soldiers, PM Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni lie that they will order retaliation and instead, pardon 230 convicted "Palestinian" prisoners. What they forgot to announce was that a think tank in New York called the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) has banned all real military measures against the "Palestinian" leadership, and they obey the CFR.Then a legitimately bought building in Hebron is evacuated in less than an hour using the same tactics previously employed against Gush Katif. Provocateur Itamar Ben Gvir brings in his hoodlums, and they scare and disgust the minions of good Hebron residents away from the building. Those remaining wear no protection against the police and will offer no serious opposition. While Defence Minister Ehud Barak pretends to negotiate with the Yesha Council, he is awaiting a message from inside the building that everyone has sat down to lunch. Then the order to evacuate is given and Peace House falls like a piece of halvah in an hour.
And the Jews don't blame the real enemy, the CFR, which has banned all Jewish expansion in Judea and Samaria. And Barak obeys the CFR.This is just the beginning of the end, as PM Olmert promises that Peace House is the first step in a mass uprooting of Jews from Judea and Samaria, as dictated by the CFR.
Olmert alludes to looming 'West Bank' evacuations PM says an unstoppable process has started that will ultimately uproot 'tens of thousands' of Jews.http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=17688
Someone put a knife under the throat of Presidential Regent Obama warning him that he may have won the election but Hillary Clinton is the real President of Israel (if not, the US). The Clinton gang is back in power, taking over from Condi Rice (CFR) et al with their plans to castrate Israel into extinction and set the Middle East ablaze for sport. Shall we begin with the Australian rat Martin Indyk who put together a new CFR program for Pres.To Be Obama, that, my goodness, is precisely the Oslo, Saudi, Quartet recipe for the end of Israel?:
Dear Colleague,
Because of your interest in issues affecting the Middle East, I wanted to
share with you a major series of Middle East policy recommendations for the
Obama transition team. "Restoring the Balance: A Middle East Strategy for
the Next President" advocates a new approach to pursuing U.S. interests in
the region, one that refocuses attention from the war in Iraq and the war on
terror, to the challenges of Arab-Israeli peacemaking and Iran's nuclear
program. The report addresses the six most pressing Middle East challenges
facing president-elect Obama: Iran, Iraq, the Arab-Israeli conflict,
proliferation, terrorism, and political and economic development. You can
find summaries of the recommendations here:
This report is the culmination of an eighteen-month long project in which
Middle East experts from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Saban
Center at Brookings worked together in small teams, travelled to the region,
interviewed its leaders, and reviewed their ideas with a prominent Board of
Advisors. The project was co-directed by Martin Indyk, Director of the Saban
Center at Brookings and Gary Samore, Director of Studies at the Council on
Foreign Relations.
I hope you find this report useful. The recommendations are also available
in book form from the Brookings Institution Press:
Best regards,
Martin Indyk
Thank you, Marty. That was beautiful. Would you mind if the guys at the CFR appointed some really loyal members to make your visionary scheme work?
Samantha Powers - She called for an invasion of Israel to impose a
solution to the Palestinian Issue. She has also complained about the
undue influence of the "Jews" in American Foreign Policy.
Obama rehires advisor who wants to invade Israel
President-elect Barack Obama is considering the appointment of Daniel
Kurtzer, former American Ambassador to Egypt (1997-2001) and Israel
(2001-2005), to become his administration's presidential envoy to the Middle
East, a senior Israeli diplomatic source said this week.Kurtzer, 59, joined Obama's primary and presidential campaigns as a senior
member of the president-elect's foreign advisers.
The author of the next news item is Baruch Gordon, who has been reading me for 12 years. Our bar mitzvah is coming up soon. That's a long time to catch on to one of my key messages, but I think he's coming around. Note a big change in the article:
Blair Urges Council on Foreign Relations to Pressure Israel
05 December 08 03:38
by Baruch Gordon
(IsraelNN.com) Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair called for United States President-elect Barack Obama to press hard for Israel to make further territorial concessions to the Palestinian Authority. Blair, speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York on Wednesday, also praised Obama’s selections to lead his national security team, most notably former NATO commander General James L. Jones as National Security Advisor for the incoming administration. Jones was until recently the US special envoy for Middle East security and in that role has advocated sending a NATO force to impose a solution in Judea and Samaria.
Blair is currently the international envoy to the Middle East for the Quartet, which is made up of the US, European Union, United Nations and Russia and has been pushing President George W. Bush’s Road Map for a Palestinian state to be created in parts of Israel. Blair told a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations that the time is now right for renewed pressure on the Jewish state and that much will be riding on what course of action Obama decides to take.
According to the Associated Press, Blair said, “What the president-elect has put together is a very, very strong team; not just with Hillary Clinton as secretary of state,” but also retired General James L. Jones as Obama’s national security adviser.
Noting that he has worked with Jones in the retired NATO commander’s role as US special envoy for Middle East security, Blair said Jones is “someone who understands the situation very well.”
“I think there is a consensus now among the international community – not just America, but everyone – on how to deal with this,” Blair said. “The question is now, what people will watch for: Is it taken forward with the requisite urgency and determination? I have every confidence that it will be.”
President-elect Obama, himself a member of the CFR, has pledged to make progress on the Middle East conflict a key diplomatic priority from his first day in office. He has called for a sustained push to achieve the goal of two states, one Jewish and one Arab, both in the small territory between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River.
Yehuda HaKohen of the Zionist Freedom Alliance told Israel National News that Tony Blair is "one of the biggest obstacles to regional stability" and that so long as the Quartet and CFR interfere in the Middle East, there will never be peace between Arabs and Jews.
“Tony Blair and other foreign leaders are responsible for fanning the flames of conflict in the Middle East,” HaKohen said. He continued:
“In fact, it was the British who originally turned local Arabs and Jews against one another in order to further their own colonialist agenda for our region. And now Western governments arm both sides and then attempt to impose artificial diplomatic solutions. The Israeli government and PA leaderships today both behave as puppets to foreign regimes and both the local Jewish and Arab populations are suffering. The way to achieve real peace between peoples here is to work from the bottom up and not the top down. The Jewish and Arab peoples are both native to the Middle East. We have a great deal in common. But for efforts at genuine peace to succeed, Western governments and multinational corporations need to leave our region alone and let the indigenous Jews and Arabs settle things between ourselves.”
I have no idea what the Zionist Freedom Alliance is, but finally, its spokesman Yehuda HaKohen, condemned the CFR for fueling conflict in the Middle East. I've been waiting to read that in an Israeli news item for a decade and a half. Mine is but an impoverished existence. I seek the most humble satisfaction that occurs when one other Israeli forms an organization and condemns the real enemy. It sure beats reading the half-cocked "analyses" by Israeli writers blaming their troubles on anything from "post-Zionism," mentally ill leaders, self-hatred, corruption, lefties...anything but the truth.
The mayor of Metulla honored me with a response to my previous article claiming that his town was saved from rocket attacks by Rabin's 1987 deal with Hizbullah, the same gang of hoodlums promoted and funded by the Labor Party, to wreck Menachem Begin's justified Lebanon War. The good mayor's claim that arc saved his town, rather than an agreement to sacrifice Kiryat Shmoneh, is up for debate. Nonetheless, we respect him for writing so sincerely:
"As long as the rockets were landing, life did not improve anywhere. Taking
into account that Katyushas cannot be shot at a specific target and can only
be aimed in a certain direction, one never knows where it will land. There
are various Katyushas and the distance travelled varies. Due to the arc in
which the long-range Katyushas were shot, more landed in Kiryat Shmonah and
Nahariya, than did in Metulla and Rosh Ha'Nikra, but this did not make the 2
settlements." Amichai Ma'oz
My new service is working. Everyone loves it. Write me if you want in. Here is what just a few of those who receive it wrote me:
Hey, wow! That's great stuff! You have a lot of friends watching a variety of things, and I'm sure that helps. I look forward to getting the next one ~ thanks for adding us to your list Having this kind of info helps all of us keep track of the variety of things that are going on and possible theories.
Thank you for the "service", it is great !!!
I have found the material so far very informative - the material you are sending is an excellent resource. Thanks.
I haven't read the rest of your letter yet but plan on spending time on it (a lot of time). I like the material you send as it helps me also to connect the dots in many others area.
Good Job.
Welcome to my new service. Here's an outline of what you'll get:
Standard, mainline reports corrected to point out the shadow world we know about but they will not acknowledge. I'll add a few comments, no more, to complete the picture.Unstandard, unmainline reports that I don't use because, believe it or not, I'm too cowardly. If you think my reports are daring, you have to see what is actually sent to me. And you will.
There is the issue of hatred. I never exhibit hatred, except to crime and deceit. But what I must reject are people and groups who viciously despise the likes of Jesuits, Jews, new agers, Christians of all shades, Arabs, bankers, masons, Zionists, Democrats, pro-lifers, Luciferians, Jewish leaders, the medical industry...you name it. I can't include the overly emotional because I must be objective, but buried in their agendas there can be some truth. Sometimes, they are even right on target. You'll get to know them all.
Then there are financial analysts who are usually right on target, so are buried alive by the mainstream.More information is sent to me on subjects I can't repeat because of reader boredom. For instance, I get lots of new reports on Shabtai Tzvi, Rabbi Antelman, Rabin, Vatican etc. I'll send these to you along with readers' comments, eye-witness reports etc. with the writers' names removed.
I don't use deep political and economic conspiracies. I have enough trouble with my straightforward essays on provable conspiracies. I'll send you a steady stream of conspiratorial literature sent to me. I add, much of it comes from places outside my sphere of interest. Do with it as you like.
- And, you'll get the material I finally winnow out for my own articles. Choose the points I should focus on. Add your own input. Help make my work more accessible to those who care about Israel's survival.
Here's how I'll get this done. I'll keep a separate list. I'll send one long e-mail every day or two so you won't be flooded with mail from me. I'll add the correspondence to this letter, no matter how long, and you can pick and choose.
And now, the difficult part for me; payment. I am the world's worst businessman. Some of the people requesting the service have savings, others are struggling more. All are sincere. I receive over 400 letters on a given day. Providing the service means putting a couple of hours into these letters, organizing them and getting them to you at least, bi-weekly. I'll commit myself to six months of work in this experimental period.
You decide what it's worth.
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080
Paypal: chamishba@gmail.com
Watch me at:
Two sites to view:
http://www.vosizneias.com/23683/2008/12/02/san-francisco-ca-police-probing-activists-death- plunge-in-elevator-shaft/
San Francisco, CA - Police Probing Activist's Death Plunge in Elevator Shaft San Francisco, CA - Police Probing Activist's Death Plunge in Elevator Shaft Yesterday at 11:49 PM
San Francisco, CA - A prominent Israel activist was found dead at the bottom of an elevator shaft by workers inspecting the elevator in the historic, nine-story Sharon Building at 55 New Montgomery St. Daniel J. Kliman, 38, was the co-founder of San Francisco Voice for Israel, an affiliate of the national Israel advocacy group StandWithUs, and a well-known pro-Israel activist in the San Francisco Bay area. His body was found in the San Francisco building where he was taking Arabic classes. It had been at the bottom of the elevator shaft since Nov. 25, building manager Brad Bernheim said. There were no classes held last week, and the elevator supposedly was closed for repairs. Police are investigating his death. As news of the discovery filtered out Tuesday, his supporters and friends were in near disbelief that someone so dynamic could be gone."The first words that come to mind for me when I think of Daniel are 'vibrant' and 'alive,' " said Rabbi Judah Dardik of Beth Jacob Congregation, the orthodox synagogue in Oakland where Kliman was an active member. "That's why this is such a shock. Whenever he was in the room, he was such a huge presence."
“He was the public face of grass-roots Israel advocacy in the San Francisco Bay area,” said Mike Harris, his colleague at Voice for Israel.
Harris said that he knew of no specific threats against Kliman, but that Kliman had been assaulted before at a pro-Israel rally.
So tell me, did Kliman's fellow students get detention for murdering him? Surely, somebody had to stay after class!
Tuesday, Dec. 16, 8 PM, I'm in Omaha giving my Rabin+ lecture. Let's meet. Here's my host and his synagogue.
Rabbi Jonathan Gross
Beth Israel Synagogue
12604 Pacific Street
Omaha, NE 68154
Allow me to reprint a correspondent's review of my book, Bye Bye Gaza:
Having just finished your Bye Bye Gaza, I wanted to compliment you on
some extraordinary writing skills. Some of your prose actually
"soared"....Point Being: I have read every email you ever sent my way..but
in none of those was your WORDSMITHING ever presented in such a surprising
and wonderful manner. Eventually, you will be hailed as the PROPHET which
you certainly appear to be!Get my books on lulu.com including the newest, Bye Bye Gaza:
by Barry Chamish
Audio: Who Pulled the Trigger?
A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show" with Tamar Yonah Listen Now!
It's 13 years after that dramatic evening, following a rally in Tel Aviv, when PM Yitzhak Rabin walked to his waiting car and was shot. But by whom? Barry Chamish, investigative reporter and author of the book, WHO MURDERED YITZHAK RABIN? says that Yigal Amir, the man convicted of the assassination, could not have killed Rabin. He goes through the reasons why. If so, then who, why and how was he killed? Hear this program where Chamish walks us through the murder, step by step, and shows us how the official story just doesn't add up. Watch the video of the shooting.
Numbered people are 1-Yitzchak Rabin, 2- Yigal Amir, 3-Student Mordi Israel, 4-Driver Menachem Damti, 5-Agent S.N. (Possibly S.G.), 6-Bodyguard Yoram Rubin
The finest memorial by me to Yitzhak Rabin on the Internet:
Watch: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E9A044AE24067CBA&playnext=1
How dare they put an American election on the anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin's murder! Where is the respect? Now since it makes no difference if you vote for the anti-Israel team of Barack and Six Pack Joe or the CFR's Son of Cain and his flake of a VP, let's concentrate on the rollicking fun of Rabin's death commemoration.No article from me today, just good times. And a reminder that even this author has to pay his rent, so if you liked the youtube, invite me to do the lecture in person. Write chamish@netvision.net.il And for the greatest holiday gift ever, order your 3 set Atlanta tour. DVDs one and two, Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust, and the updated
The Vatican's New Crusade For Jerusalem. And let's finish off with the great audio CD of Shabtai Tzvi, recorded in Denver. Just $25 for all three, postage to anywhere for free.And computer experts, I need help with my site and with my lulu.com books. Write me if you'd like to help save a whole country, maybe help with a world to boot.
And another perfect holiday surprise, the hugely updated, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin book:
Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin
Quien Mato A Yitzhak Rabin
For five years, I trusted my buddy Aryeh Gallin to organize the annual Rabin conference, finding reliable venues, acquiring police permission, screening all speakers. We leave for just a few years and look what's become of the event. Hebrew speakers, click on the link to watch the organizers hold their conference outside in the cold:
HOT NEWS: on the last minute, possibly under pressure from 'above', The owners of the hall (in “Raziel Youth Village”) canceled the event, for which we have fully paid!TODAY, we demand that the court will force them to comply with the contract and, simultaneously, are seeking for another venue * If the latter is imposed upon us, the alternative hall will be near by, and we shall all quickly move there,
The conference “THE TRUTH ABOUT YITZHAK RABINLIFE AND DEATH” was partially held
last night in Hertzeliyah’s Park HaYovel, off Yehudah HaNasi Str, about 200 m from the original venue
The police (YaSa”M Yarkon) confiscated our computer and projector, for “illegal gathering” but left us alone “gathering” until our lecture (without pps) was finished Both Arutz2 & Arutz7 TV crews were on site, but only the latter broadcasted (life) parts of the event * Here is the link (H) http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/181140
And that knee-slapping, elbow in the ribs funster Yigal Amir does it again. As Nov. 4 arrives, why he, without anybody's help, nosiree, not Yigal the mischievous imp, decides to grant two phone interviews, to confess to Israel tv:
JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israelis from across the political spectrum on Friday slammed a decision to air the first-ever television interview with the extremist Jew who assassinated prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. Amir told Channel 10 his act was influenced by the rhetoric of right-wing politicians and generals, including former prime minister
Ariel Sharon, Former Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi, and former army chief of staff Rafael Eitan, whom he said made it clear the 1993 Oslo agreement "would lead to disaster."
Of course, Yigal has his own between the lines code, which we all study in depth. Why his inspirers were all murdered by Shimon the Poet and Song Composer Peres. Sharon drank tea with songwriter Shimon and had a stroke within half an hour. He was driven to hospital by the dour shooter of Rabin, bodyguard Yoram Rubin, now the Shabak's Director Of Personal Security. Zeevi was gunned down just hours before he was to leave the government because Shimon was in it, with a rousing speech exposing Shimon the songwriting demon. Eitan was drowned in a tsunami but heck, even Shimon can't stop the waves.
Goffin and King, Leiber and Stoller, Lennon and McCartney, Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore [they forgot the greatest rock 'n' rollers of all time Doc Pomus & Bert Berns] - the list of classic songwriting partners is long as it is varied. But nothing's prepared the listening public for this combination: Shimon Peres and Liel Kolet.
The octogenarian president of Israel and the 19-year-old international pop success story from Kibbutz Kinneret have collaborated on a song called "Ray of Hope" - lyrics by Peres, music by Kolet - which debuted Monday night at "Believe," a gala concert in Tel Aviv marking the 10th anniversary of the Peres Center for Peace.
And did Yigal the Prankster's unexpected tv shows get top reviews! Critics from the Defence Minister to the head of the Shabak lavished high praise for his unique talent. Even the leader of the religious party loved his performance:
Israeli Security Chief Warns of Possible Assassination Attempt
An Israeli security chief has warned that politicians could again be targeted by Jewish militants. Robert Berger reports from the VOA bureau in Jerusalem. Head of the Shin Bet, Israel's Security Agency, Yuval Diskin (file) The head of Israel's Shin Bet security service has warned that Jewish extremists could try to assassinate an Israeli leader.
Associated Press/ October 31, 2008
"Yigal Amir ought to wither in prison for the rest of his life and he should under no condition be part of the mediatised public debate," Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who today heads Rabin's center-left Labor party, said in a statement.
The chairman of the right-wing National Religious Party Zevulun Orlev also slammed the decision.
"I think that the interviews with the despicable murderer have broken the boycott and ostracizing that exists, and ought to exist, on Yigal Amir... I regret that the race for the golden calf of ratings between the private news channels has distorted this principle," Orlev told public radio.
But you just got to love those leaders of the religious and the Right. Without them, Gush Katif could never have been evacuated.
He said that he could not have expelled the Jews from Gaza and northern Samaria in six days without the secret connivance of settler leaders. The police allowed certain protests, he said, so the leaders would not seem like betrayers (IMRA, 1017).
I don't know about you, but my absolute favorite leader just has to be Yesha head Pichas Wallerstein. What magnetism, what panache, what wit! Fresh after removing those pesky Gaza Jews from their unwanted homes, he's back with a moving paean to our beloved Yigal:
The YESHA council's director-general, Pinchas Wallerstein, said the wave of
polemic arises every year as Israel marks the anniversary of late Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin's murder at the hands of Yigal Amir.
"Every November there is a fresh campaign of incitement against settlers.The man who murdered the prime minister came from Herzliya, and yet I still don't think that all residents of Herzliya are potential murderers of prime ministers."
But for blow it out the tuches chortles, some tear-rending guffaws, a wry smirk, and an eery cackle of glee, can you beat the next MK who says he won't join the next government unless, now get ready for this, unless, it's too hot to be cold, unless, yes, you heard it first, unless the Rabin murder is reinvestigated. Stop it, you're killing us.
Rub those tears from our cheeks. This was just the most hilarious Rabin anniversary EVER. How can they EVER top this next year?
MK Eldad: We'll Demand New Rabin Murder Investigation
(IsraelNN.com) MK Aryeh Eldad (NU-NRP) said that his party would demand an official government panel to investigate the murder of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin as a condition for entering the coalition to e
established after the upcoming election.
"There is a national need to renew the investigation into Rabin's murder, to reexamine the evidence and for once and for all set aside the various arguments," he said, referring to theories that Rabin's killer Yigal Amir was not operating alone or independently.
by Barry Chamish
On Yom Kippur, the former Nazi, Pope Benedict XVI, announced that he would approve Pope Pius XII as a saint. Pius, the Holocaust Holy See, could have done much to stop the slaughter of the Jews if at one Sunday sermon, he had warned the murderers that they would face an eternity in Hell. But he would no more do that than the popes would have warned their monasteries that enslaving and working to death millions of American Indians was a crime against his God.His apologists insist that a fascist gun was put to his head during the war, so somehow, he was innocent of the charges of aiding genocide. These same apologists have no answer to the post-war Vatican ratlines, which saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Nazis by hiding them in Vatican monasteries, providing them with fake passports, and liberating them worldwide. Yes, Pius knew and approved.
Everyone, but one in Israel, objected to Benedict's plans to raise the butcher pope to sainthood. Unfortunately, the one who did not object was Pres. Shimon Peres. He was too busy planning the pope's visit to Israel for that.
And then, on Nov.4, the anniversary of the Peres' murder of Yitzhak Rabin, the Vatican will be mending its ties to the Moslems in Rome:
ROME 4-6 November 2008 Catholic and Muslim scholars initiate formal talkshttp://www.newsahead.com/preview/2008/11/04/rome-4-6-november-2008-catholic-muslim-scholars-open-talks/index.php
http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1848707,00.htmlOn Thursday, Benedict put his moral weight (though not yet his signature) behind the cause for sainthood for Pope Pius XII.
At a special Mass on Thursday marking 50 years since Pius' death, Benedict praised his wartime predecessor's actions to save Jews and called on Catholics to "pray that the cause of his beatification goes forward smoothly."
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1029650.htmlPeres on Sunday told reporters the issue should not be a barrier.
"The visit to the holy country is nothing to do with anger or disputes," Peres said. "It's holy all the time, it's holy for all of us."
Benedict has repeatedly defended Pius, saying he worked "secretly and silently" during World War Two to "avoid the worst and save the greatest number of Jews possible.." \
At an Oct. 9 commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Pius' death, Benedict said he prayed the process which could lead to Pius' beatification "can proceed happily."
Pope Benedict made Peres very jealous when he named his plotter buddy, 'Rabbi' David Rosen, a Papal Knight. Not to be undone by his pipsqueak co-conspirator, Peres is pushing hard to be made a knight himself, this time by Queen Elizabeth II of the British Commonwealth.Now, forgetting Sir Assassin's career of murder, let us just concentrate on Rabin. For that story, visit http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E9A044AE24067CBA&playnext=1
And do tune in to the related videos as well.
The Queen should know, as if her intelligence services hadn't already told her, the Israeli public is well aware that Peres knocked off Rabin. November 4 is fast approaching and two phone calls from Israel this week tells the public's story.
Caller one had just watched Israel's most popular reality show, Big Brother. A favored contestant spelled out Rabin's murder in great detail down to the one bullet too many and the murder of Rabin's bodyguard in his limousine. Another contestant broke down in tears hearing it. "It was your book exactly," the caller excitedly said.
The next caller was just as thrilled by a two page report in Makor Rishon 17/10/08. The paper interviewed Ami Meshulum, whose father Rabbi Uzi Meshulum worked to bring Peres to trial for his role in kidnapping 4500 Yemenite babies and toddlers to America, to die in ghastly atomic experiments in the 1950s when Sir Shimon was head of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission. Ami, who I had met at age 11, ran to Canada recently because of threats to his life by the secret services, the Shabak. "They showed me a film of them with Adir Zik, warning him to stop the Rabin research. Then they showed me him getting injected with cancer because he wouldn't shut up. That was my message to escape Israel or I'd be next."
" You were right about Zik all along," exclaimed the caller. Like I didn't know. And no one is telling my story about being in America against my will because I'd be dead any other way.
Peres to be knightedIsraeli president to be awarded United Kingdom's highest honor, hailed as one of Queen Elizabeth's knights. Official presidential tour of kingdom to include meeting with British premier, address at Oxford University
IQueen Elizabeth II is expected to bestow an unusual honor on President Shimon Peres in a few weeks, and name him a knight in her order.Peres is to be awarded the title, regarded as the United Kingdom's highest honor, for his contribution to world peace and the relationship between Israel and the UK.
Peres is expected to leave for an official presidential visit in Britain on November 18. When in London, he is slated to meet with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Foreign Secretary David Miliband.
The highlight of Peres' visit will be a speech before both houses of the British Parliament – the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Oct 24, 2008 0:34 | Updated Oct 24, 2008 8:14
Arise, Shimon Peres, knight commander?
Efforts to have President Shimon Peres "knighted" during a visit to London next month may have been set back by premature publication of the move, Foreign Ministry sources said Thursday.
Yediot Aharonot, under a headline "Sir Peres," reported Wednesday that Peres was expected to be appointed an honorary knight by Queen Elizabeth II in appreciation of his contribution to peace efforts in the Middle East and to furthering Israeli-British ties. While admitting that the embassy in London was working on the issue, the sources said that revealing these efforts prematurely could lead anti-Israeli forces in Britain to try to scuttle the idea.
Queen: For thy boundless energy in assassinating cruel enemies like Rabin, Sharon and Zeevi, for working tirelessly to divide Jerusalem, and for subjecting a generation of your Sephardic subjects to humanistic atomic experiments, I do proclaim thee, Sir Shimon, Knight of the Royal Bounds.
Sir Shimon: Watch that sword. It's going to hit my shoulder. Don't hurt me with that sword.
I don't know why, but as I researched this essay, the words of the formidable Allan Sherman, in his Sir Greenbaum's Madrigal, kept haunting me:
Said he, forsooth, 'tis a sorry plight
That engendered my attitude bluish'
Said he, 'I don't want to be a knight,
That's no job for a boy who is Jewish.'
For anyone who will spread it throughout Israel, my last report, Dead Doctors For Rabin, was translated into Hebrew.Write me and it's yours. chamish@netvision.net.il
A really great package arrived; a two set DVD of my recent lectures in Atlanta, both beautifully filmed. DVD one, The Vatican's New Crusade For Jerusalem. DVD two: Shabtai Tzvi, Labour Zionism And The Holocaust. Just $20 for both. And I'll add my MP3 of Shabtai Tzvi from Denver for $5. more. Three disks for $25. Just write me e-mail or snail mail,
Barry Chamish, POB 840157, Saint Augustine, FL 32080
I just did a great series of lectures in Nebraska. Thanks to Les, Debbie, Robbie, Naa Dei etc. for making the trip a success. Do write me if you want me to speak to your group.
by Barry Chamish
On 18-Feb-07, Dr. David Niv, head of the Pain Dept. of Ichilov Hospital, was shot dead in his car in Ramat Gan, we assume by the Israeli secret service, the Shabak, to keep his mouth shut about the Rabin assassination. We make this assumption because of the long list of dead and nearly dead department heads at Rabin's last stop...Ichilov Hospital. Whether you were there that night or just heard the gossip in the cafeteria, you knew too much.
T.A. court orders release of suspects in murder of prominent physician
The Tel Aviv Magistrates Court on Thursday released the four suspects in the murder of Tel Aviv physician David Niv, though they are to remain under house arrest.
The four - Sami Mughrabi, Imad Mughrabi, Meni Ben-David and Salim al-Baz - were brought for a fourth remand hearing on Thursday morning following criticism by the court of the investigation into Niv's shooting death in February 2007."The evidence at hand, to which nothing has been added in recent days, does not justify lengthening the remand of the suspects," wrote Judge Rachel Greenberg, who ordered the suspects' release.
On Sunday, police asked Greenberg to remand the four suspects for 15 days. However, on Monday she ordered a four-day remand only, citing insufficient progress on collecting evidence. Imad Mughrabi's attorney, Giora Zilberstein, told Haaretz "to save face, the police should let them go this morning rather than let the court do it."
After a police representative informed the court that no progress has been made in the investigation, Greenberg ordered the release.
Following Thursday's hearing, the suspects' lawyers - Zilberstein, Moshe Sharman, David Yiftah, and Eli Cohen - praised the judge's decision as courageous and reiterated the claim that their clients have no tie whatsoever to the murder.
he police said on Thursday that they intend to appeal Greenberg's ruling. The suspects will remain in jail until the appeal is heard.
We congratulate attorney David Yiftah, who previously lost a deadly suit against the Shabak, for saving the current patsies from jail. (see notes).
Needless to say, I covered Dr. Niv's murder and included the murder of Dahlia Eyal, former head of Ichilov's Emergency Dept., her husband and son (see notes), as well as the attempts on two Rabin murder coverup witnesses, Drs. Kluger and Guttman:
...the professional hit, which cut down Dr. David Niv, head of the Pain Dept. of Ichilov Hospital. Let us begin with Dr. Niv.Inside that dreaded hospital, Yitzhak Rabin was shot to death; the third shot which shattered the spine took place in the emergency ward of Ichilov. During the 1980s, the head of that ward was Dr. Dahlia Eyal, who was murdered in her home on January 12, 2002. The government's conclusion; the doctor, her husband and son, who arrived well after their murders, all succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning. How did that happen? It seems a bird had overnight nested on the chimney and caused fumes from the dryer to kill them all. Except birds don't nest in January. Within, you will find the announcement from PazGaz, the energy company which privately investigated the massacre. The Eyal Family died of cyanide poisoning.
Doctors Kluger, the director of the trauma unit at Ichilov, and Guttman, deputy director of Surgery 2, who both operated on Rabin, almost died within three years of a mysterious weight-loss disease suspected as AIDS. This item appeared in the Haredi paper, Kol Hashavuah, and was confirmed on numerous occasions by Ichilov staff, one of whom, a nurse at Ichilov told me after a lecture in Petach Tikeh, "How did you know? We sent their biopsies to hospitals worldwide. None of them identified what we thought was killing Drs. Kluger and Guttman." Dr. Niv's death fits the MO of a hospital haunted by one assassination more than it could handle.
The motive for Niv's murder was Rabin honesty. The patsies chosen had expensive legal representation and the Shabak's plot fell apart. The witness who knew why Niv was rubbed out has been abusing my work, but I believe his testimony. Still, I won't publicize the man. So google Dr. David Niv, his testimony is currently listed second and his name is also David.
Dr. David Niv had telephoned me 5-6 weeks previous and told me that he is the head of his department at Ichilov, a professor, and most important wants to be a good person.
Dr. David Niv knows about the facts of the Rabin murder fraud via my web sites and Rotter.net and he is really embarrassed that he is somewhat involved in the coverup by way of him being in a leadership position at Ichilov. Dr David Niv is telling me that in a not too infrequent basis people are joking with him that his hospital was the place that Rabin got 2 bullets pumped into his back. The official government fairy tale is that 2 bullets were pumped in to the back as Yitzhak Rabin was walking towards his limousine, but we know that Rabin got two bullets to the back after he was already dead at Ichilov hospital. It is not so hard to figure out. Apparently, everyone knows .. and it is just a big joke...
Dr David Niv calls me up and also tells me the situation and I listen.
I tell David Niv that he is not the first person who is calling me, and it is not news that everyone knows ...David confirms that there is really no doubt that Rabin was killed on the way to the hospital and had 2 bullets pumped in his back when he was already dead. David Niv tells me about the infamous chest ex rays that are still hidden from the public.
David Explains to me that he had approached Dr Gabi Barabash, the head of the hospital, with his outrage of the Rabin fraud continuing to this day. Especially since everyone knows that everyone else knows. Which is really weird. David Niv approached Dr Barabash with the proposal to do public things and acts to end the whole fraud ASAP. Dr Gabi Barabash disagreed and threatened or promised that Dr David Niv may be making a mistake that would probably be ending his life.
One of the big Rabin controversies was how much blood was pumped into him. Drs. Sneh and Kluger reported 21 units. Dr Guttman insisted on 8. I was given the infusion notices of Hematology Dept. head, Dr Amiram Eldor. They showed that Rabin received 8 units initially, then he was shot again through the chest, and 13 more were added. Luckily for the Shabak, he is no longer with us to explain the unusual addition of massive blood infusions because:
Professors Yaacov Matzner and Amiram Eldor were on their way back to Israel via Switzerland when their plane came down in dense forest three kilometres short of the landing field. They had been lecturing at an international haematology conference in Berlin and had booked the flight to Zurich so that they could return to their patients early on Sunday morning instead of taking a later flight back with their colleagues. Professor Eldor worked for years at Hadassah-University Hospital's haematology department but left for his native Tel Aviv in 1993 to head the haematology institute at Ichilov Hospital.
The latest Rabin hushup murders were Dr. Dalia Eyal, her husband Nimrod Eyal and son Assaf. Dalia Eyal had been employed at Ichilov Hospital since the early 1980s. Currently, she was director of a health fund located there but shift-worked in the trauma department throughout her career at Ichilov. So far, she has not been positively located in the trauma center on the night Yitzhak Rabin died there but let's not rule out the possibility. What is certain is that she knew the doctors and nurses who attended Rabin and was privy to the truth.Let us repeat the murder motive: Dr. Eyal undoubtedly knew how Rabin was really murdered.
Who conducted the autopsy on the Eyal family? Dr. Death himself, Yehuda Hiss, the head of the police pathological institute, which was raided last week for hoarding the internal organs of 81 corpses without informing the families of the dead. And as we all know, it was Dr. Death Hiss who changed Rabin's wounds in his infamous pathologist's report.
Let us repeat the motive for the coverup: Dr. Eyal knew Hiss lied about Rabin's real wounds.
Now let's look at another really sloppy mass murder.
The Chronology Of A Slaughter
Thursday night, Jan. 10 - Dalia and Nimrod Eyal die embracing in their bed.
Friday morning - Jan. 11 - Assaf, 22, dies sitting upright in a salon chair. According to the Jerusalem Post (15/1/2002): "Police theorize that Assaf came home and found his family dead. Failing to detect the presence of the odorless, colorless gas, he too, passed out and died."Saturday, Jan. 12 - Yona Eliad, Nimrod's brother-in-law, discovers the bodies, as well as the family cats, very much alive.. Police announce that it was an apparent family suicide. Friends and relatives of the Eyals vigorously deny the possibility.
Sunday, Jan. 13 - Police reinvestigate and come up with the answer within a day. From the Jerusalem Post: "They died as a result of inhaling carbon monoxide fumes leaked from the water heater in their closed luxury apartment, after a bird's nest blocked the exhaust pipe." The Post reports that about 100 victims a winter, "are overcome by gas from home heaters," though only one hospital in the country is equipped to revive carbon monoxide poisoning victims.
Now let's start thinking clearly:
The Bird's Nest - Birds do not nest in Israel in January. They do not put up a nest overnight anywhere in any season. They do not put up a nest on a pipe venting carbon monoxide. If they tried, they would not finish the nest.
The weather - It has been cold and rainy for most of the winter. The water heater was not turned on for the first time that night. If a summer nest had blocked the exhaust vent, the Eyals would have discovered it or suffocated by the cold November past.
The cats - The bodies were discovered 48 hours after they had succumbed. The apartment was sealed. The cats should have died as well by then.
The water heater - According to one service dealer :"About 100 Israelis a winter are overcome by kerosene heaters. These are people who live in cramped, primitive conditions and use obsolete oil stoves. The wick goes out and burns, spreading CO. A gas heated boiler would use natural gas which emits methane. It is deadly but it is detected by smell. I'm not aware of a natural gas-run boiler that would emit a CO gas without an odor. If the pilot ring blew out, the police and son would have smelled the methane."
The son - Assaf comes home, discovers his dead parents and instead of immediately calling an ambulance, sits down on a comfy chair and dies.
Ichilov Hospital - Every doctor and nurse who tended Rabin on Nov. 4/1995 has received written and verbal death threats. Two of the doctors, Kluger and Gutman, suffered unexplainable and almost fatal disorders. They learned to be silent afterward. Dr. Eyal, it seems, had not properly learned the lesson.
Thursday, Dec. 30/04, I gave a lecture in Jerusalem about the murders of Raful Eitan and Judge Adi Azar. The next night, the attorney for the government's chief suspect in the Azar murder, David Weiner, is shot in the head in his home. A note was found by the body stating that Weiner wanted to prove he was being honest in his handling of the Azar case.
So he killed himself.
Yeah, sure he did. He joins the long list of suicides and accidents of Israelis who endangered the "peace" process. Here is how Azar was really murdered. Quotes are from the government's indictment.
January, Feb. 03 - Judge Azar rules against Yasir Arafat in two suits brought against him to compensate victims of his terror. He orders Arafat to pay 160 million shekels in compensation and court costs. Further, he forces the Palestinian Authority to reveal its assets in court so the plaintiffs may collect on his rulings. This is not the kind of judge that Arafat or the Israeli peacemakers want around, so the hit squad of the peacemakers is called into action.
April ' 03 - A plan to murder Azar along the exact lines of the Rabin assassination is hatched. The Yigal Amir patsy is Rafi Nekhmani, serving life in prison for murder. He is released on an illegal furlough and escapes. No manhunt is ordered for his return. Instead Nekhmani stays, "in numerous hotels while he staked out nine judges," in six different cities until Azar was chosen as his target.Further, Nekhmani was not located by the police for two years.
July, 04. Enter Avinoam Hajbi, the Margalit Har Shefi of the Azar murder. He is drawn into the plot against his understanding. Nekhmani hires him to drive him to Azar's house three times for ten minutes each. On July 19, Nekhmani took twenty minutes, returned to the car and gave him a gun. He ordered Hajbi to drive to a nearby beach and bury the weapon. Nekhmani explained that, "The plan was to injure the judge so he could negotiate better conditions for Yitzhak Tzeziashvilli." Hajbi told Nekhmani that, "The plan was out of a science fiction movie," and "I didn't know that Judge Azar was actually killed until I saw it on the news later that night."But witnesses to the shooting swore the killer escaped on a motorcycle, not in a car.
ENTER David Weiner. He is Yitzhak Tzeziashvilli's attorney. He believes his client was wrongfully imprisoned for murder and has succeeded once in having an appeal heard. He is approached with an attractive offer by, possibly, Nekhmani. Whoever made the offer said he had knowledge of the Azar murder and would reveal the whereabouts of the murder weapon if Yitzhak Tzeziashvilli's prison conditions and sentence were lightened within 48 hours. Weiner informed attorney-general Menachem Mazuz, and later State Prosecutor Eran Shendar, of the offer, which was rejected.Yitzhak Tzeziashvilli has now been set up to be the Hagai Amir of the Azar murder, that is, the weapons supplier. He, along with Hajbi, are now indicted as masterminds of the assassination. Neither, knew a thing about it.
Meanwhile, Nekhmani got two years on the lam in tourist hotels for his cooperation, and once back in the slammer, you can be certain conditions will be good...so long as he keeps his mouth shut. Like Yigal Amir, he was made to look like the shooter, while the real hit man escaped on a motorcycle.
Yitzhak Tzeziashvilli called the charges against him "fabricated and a load of nonsense." His current lawyer, David Yiftah observes, "All he did was inform the prosecution that he received information on the location of the murder weapon. If he was behind the murder, why would he set himself up and turn himself in? The only plausible explanation is that Azar was murdered over a personal motive and that the charges against my client are meant to cover up the truth."
You can be well certain that David Weiner came to the same conclusion and was about to serve the truth. So one more honest Israeli had to be murdered for peace.
It's here. It's here. Let the bells ring out and the banners fly. It's too good to be true but it's here. My readers know what it is! It's my new DVD from my last engagement in Atlanta;
Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust.
And it's yours for $20 along with the well received MP3-CD of the same title from Denver. Two for $20. I gave both as gifts for Rosh Hashana AND thank you all, you who returned a gift to me.
NOW, I received a DVD of my Atlanta lecture, The Vatican's New Crusade for Jerusalem. It's an update from my Jerusalem DVD of the same name. It's yours if you ask for just $15.
Write www.chamish@netvision.net.il
or write; Barry Chamish, POB 840157, Saint Augustine, FL 32080
I'm in Wahoo, Nebraska for a week beginning Oct.16. If you'd like to meet or see me, write efrayim@live.com
It's Rabin anniversary time. And as Israel disappears in civil war, think about inviting me to speak on the murder that is leading to the end of a nation.
by Barry Chamish
It's here. It's here. Let the bells ring out and the banners fly. It's too good to be true but it's here. My readers know what it is! It's my new DVD from my last engagement in Atlanta;
Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust.And if you're on my list, it's yours for free, along with the well received MP3-CD of the same title from Denver. All because it's the Rosh Hashana gift giving extravaganza.
You've heard me speak:
But those were mere interviews. Try me with a prepared lecture in front of over 200 people. Others did and the response has been overwhelming. Here is a typical response:
Dear Barry,
LOVED THE CD! I got to tell ya...your delivery was superb! I think one thing special that stood out both to me and to my husband was that you were able to take a bit more time in explaining and your speech was not so "speedy". I realize that there is so much information that you are trying your human best to get across to people. Some who have never so much as heard of anything you are telling them and that must be so difficult. Barry, your dots were all connected so well that anyone should be able to understand what you are saying in this CD. And may I say...not just in the CD. You did such a fine job and just at the right pace that anyone who listens to the whole thing should only have to say..."Oh, and I see where it is going from here."
And now the companion visual DVD has arrived. It is my gift for your sweet year. I can't wait to see your reply to both lectures. This is probably my last DVD. It is a beautifully filmed testimony to my most daring claim, that Judaism was infiltrated for its destruction. What more can I add?
To complete the package, I'll e-mail you my book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust. The whole 293 pages are yours in an attachment just for asking. You heard right; the DVD, MP3 and book are yours to celebrate the New Year!
This year was a circus compared to what's coming up. May we all be remembered for doing our best to seek the deepest truths in this one time Rosh Hashana gift exchange.'OUR TOP FIVE STORIES OF LAST YEAR
My patient readers get the scoops just by reading me. And some of the scoops reluctantly turn into news, naturally, without acknowledging the source, which you all know, was me.
Here are my five significant and exclusive stories of the past year:
1. Mercaz HaRav - After the massacre in May at this yeshiva, I went on the Tamar Yonah Show and proved, with the help of one eye-witness, that the police deliberately avoided shooting the killer. She dismissed the evidence. Not two months later, a terrorist drove a front-end loader through downtown Jerusalem past over a dozen armed cops, and was killed by a civilian. The public is still asking, "Why didn't the police shoot?"
2. Red-Dead Canal - I wrote that Israel Bonds nixed an ecological disaster called the Red-Dead Canal. Mere days later, Shimon Peres invited Spanish King Juan Carlos to Israel to help build the disaster in the name of borderless "peace." And look at the PR film selling the "project." It makes you want to hop in your Jetsons' aircar to visit the place:http://www.viewpoint.co.il/movies_valley_of_peace.shtml
3. Got You, Shimon - How many years have I written that Peres wants to rid Israel of its pesky borders? This year, I found the proof from his speech to the Bakersfield Business Conference:
Shimon Peres
Former Prime Minister of Israel. Nobel Peace Prizewinner.
I believe that this man was mostly motivated by fear and a resignation to a state of affair in the world, which from the perspective of a coming world government, dictates the impossibility for Israel (or any country for that matter) to ever be independent.Here are some of his comments:
· "Protecting our lands is not as necessary as in the past."
· "The world has no borders."
· "How can you conduct foreign policy if you don't have an enemy? Enemies stem from nations; dangers are global. It is the same with security; you need security only if there are nations, not if you do not have any."
· "Business is now internationally minded."
4. No Masks For The War - Well before we discovered that Syria and Hizbollah had armed its missiles aimed at Israel with gas warheads, I reported that the Israeli government was taking away the only protection the public had, with no intention of returning it. My readers surmised why.Of the people, a correspondent from near Tel Aviv writes;
"Some weeks ago, crews of hilloni boys in unmarked or rental moving trucks combed through the Rishon LeZion neighborhood I live in, literally going to every apartment and demanding the masks. People were scrambling until well past midnight to comply with the order. After having our gas masks confiscated (supposedly so that they could be upgraded) we learn that there will be no upgrade, and it's obvious that those people about whom you write have decided it's in their interest to make it more likely that there will be mass casualties when the rockets begin falling."
5. Media - Considering the distance from home, I had a good media year with steady reports, for instance, on The Stan Monteith Show http://www.radioliberty.com/ and The Bill Deagle Show www.NutriMedical.com But I was not forgotten by Israel. The Jerusalem Post had me photographed holding a rifle at a strange location for a lecture, while Shofarnews published a front page expose of my whole story and philosophy.
But this week, Maariv asked me to write my Slichot for Yom Kippur: Yes, the Maariv which published the poll of the year, proving at last, that my Rabin work had not been in vain:
Poll carried out last week by Teleseker of a representative sample of 500 Adult Israeli Jews for Maariv the week of 5 October 2007 and published in Maariv on 8 October 2007. Statistical error 4.4 percentage points.
Percentage believing Yigal Amir's claim that he was not behind the murder: General population 28% Religious 46%
I could have bluffed my response, with phoney atonement and regrets, but that wouldn't have been me. Here is what I wrote. Let's see if it makes the paper next year.
In the late 1930's, associates of Zeev Jabotinsky went to Eastern Europe to warn the Jews to get armed or get out. They were admonished by the Jews wherever they went, calling them extremists and fear mongers. And when they were exterminated by the millions, do you think those who warned the Jews asked for their forgivenessToday, the six million Jews of Israel face another Holocaust. These Jews include my children, family and closest friends. They didn't heed my warnings and I hope I never have to say to them from this world or the next, you should have listened. But I don't want anyone's forgiveness and I don't wish to give it out. Taking it would be an insult, and I don't respect the others enough to give anything, forgiveness or not, to them.
I left Israel until the Jews wake up, because a series of near fatal "accidents," put me in jeopardy. I reported on Ariel Sharon's stroke, half an hour after he drank tea in a private meeting with Shimon Peres. He was taken to Hadassah Hospital by the man I proved murdered Yitzhak Rabin, bodyguard Yoram Rubin. The same assassination squad was back at work. There, Sharon was found to have weak blood vessels in the brain, so naturally, he was injected with blood thinners to finish off the murder.
And just when I was putting the puzzle together, at age 52, I had a stroke.
Ever since the Rabin murder and the emergence of Kach leader Avishai Raviv, I had been warning the victims of Israel's secret war against religion, that Kach was infiltrated by the Shabak. So while battling the stroke, Kach's Itamar Ben Gvir sued me for reporting his role in the final destruction of Gush Katif. But he is not the only force I exposed while the Jews of Gaza were left to their abandonment. Shall we begin with the government-controlled Yesha Council who organized "protest" rallies in Kfar Maimon and Ofakim and Tel Aviv, anywhere but Gaza, the only place where a protest had to take place?
Now if I was forced to hear forgiveness from anyone, it would be from those who carried out the roles of the criminals we call our government. Yediot Ahronot defamed the members of the Committee To Reinvestigate The Rabin Murder. So we sued. The attorney representing us, one Nitzana Darshan-Leitner, prepared a deliberately hopeless suit, guaranteed to hush up our fight for justice. Her "success" assured the end of Sharon. Then, there are the rabbis of Yesha, led by one Shlomo Aviner, who used enough religious gobbledly-gook to win the trust of the youth of Yesha, all the while he was working with the government to throw their relatives out of Gaza.
Do we dare mention the IDF who threw the Jews out of their Gazan homes and beat them without mercy at Atzmona? And what of the Shin Bet working with the PLO to murder the higher ups like Rehavam Zeevi to the lower downs, the dozens of proud Israelis who wouldn't work with the authorities, who offered a proud Jewish voice of morality and survival, and who were hushed up for not joining the establishment mafia?
I don't forgive the active participants of the IDF or Shin Bet, and I don't anticipate they'll even ask me for forgiveness. If there is divine justice, someday they'll need to beg forgiveness from a Higher Force, and He will never grant it.
So now I'm in the United States and my 31 years of reporting from Israel are in demand on numerous radio shows; and my website receives hundreds of thousands of visitors on all its pages. This is my life in the past year. I tell my new audience of my interview with Ron Pundak just after he authored the Oslo Accord, how he admitted the Americans were behind the agreement and how his boss, Yossi Beilin doesn't believe in borders. That Oslo will end with a borderless Israel melded into a regional bloc. I tell my listeners of my interview with the water negotiator of the Jordanian peace accord, and how he predicted the Kinneret would die in 20 years from all the water we are giving to Jordan. I relate my work with Israel Bonds and how they decided that a Red-Dead canal would make the Dead Sea literally boil and permanently pollute the Negev Aquifer. I let them know that back in 1994, Israel had promised the Russians sovereignty over much of downtown Jerusalem. Or how Peres had promised the Vatican control of ALL the city's holy sites. And this all became news in the past year.
And I tell the audience that Israel's leaders like Peres and Beilin take orders from the Vatican, while the others march to the dance of America's diplomatic headquarters, a think tank called The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). And it's all true. But my audience is largely gentile because the Jews have been persuaded to believe that Israel is all good, therefore, by implication, I must be all bad.
And while the Israeli people are mostly good, their leaders, all of them, are thoroughly corrupt or have been corrupted thoroughly. The moral leaders have been forced out by severe threats or are unnaturally dead. And to defend the living crooks of Israel, the likes of Daniel Pipes of the CFR, have been wasting their lives spreading lying rumors about me on the internet, to the point, and this is no exaggeration, that I'm a Holocaust denier.
However, those who know me are aware that I'm using my writing/talking talents to prevent a new Holocaust. And it may be too late. Israel is surrounded by 100,000 missiles. A mere 4,000 rockets spread over 34 days emptied northern Israel of people two summers ago. Imagine 10,000 missiles hitting Tel Aviv in the first day of the next war. Then imagine Israel knocked out right after. Then imagine the Arabs taking towns and separating the men and women. They rape the women in front of their husbands and then shoot the men in front of their wives.
That is called a Holocaust.I have much to be sorry for. I'm far from Israel and feel safe. But I terribly miss my family and the goodness of Israel's people. Still, if my talents can somehow wake enough Jews to stop the deluge, I'll be thanked by some people some day, but never forgiven by anyone. That is how I'd want it to be.
Olmert resigned this week and now Tzipi Livni sits on the throne. It'll be nothing but fun with this monster at the helm of the Good Ship Israelpop. The Gush Katif refugees have written nothing but fruitless complaints, getting them nowhere. But one, Rachel Saperstein, finally struck gold:
In my book Eviction (Pavilion Press, 2005), a compilation of my blogs, I included a chapter titled "Imagery of the Holocaust". In this chapter, I described the plans being developed by the Kadima party to harass the people of Gush Katif. Livni was quoted from the Jerusalem Post of that period. These are excerpts of quotes attributed to Justice Minister Livni:
"Internment camps are being made ready for those who refuse to leave willingly."
"The Jews will be relocated."
"All possessions of those who oppose the expulsion will become state property."
"Children of demonstrators will be removed from their parents homes and sent to be re-educated."
"Parents will be indicted for putting their children into danger."The internment camps for families were built deep in the Negev area. Activists who fought for Gush Katif were imprisoned there without trial. Today, the camps are used for African refugees who have entered illegally from Egypt. These primitive camps, in a sweltering climate, are a testament to the perversity of Tzipi Livni.
by Barry Chamish
Who failed to notice that the President and Vice-President missed the Republican National Convention? So where did they go? George oversaw Hurricane Gustav and Dick was in Rome taking care of Israel.
http://www.imemc.org/article/56839Palestinian president to meet with his Israeli counterpart Thursday evening
Thursday September 04, 2008 15:49 by Rami Almeghari - IMEMC & Agencies
Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas will be meeting his Israeli counterpart, Shimon Peres on Thursday evening in Italy.Israeli sources said that both leaders will be discussing outstanding political issues, security and economic concerns. The meeting comes ahead of a special conference in Rome on Friday, over relations between Israel and the Arab World, where Peres is suppose to meet with the vice-President of the United States, Dick Cheney, as well as the representative of the European Union, Manuel Brosu, the sources revealed.
Bet you thought Cheney was away from the convention just so McCain wouldn't be tarred with the reputation of the current administration. But no, meeting Peres and Abbas in the capital of Roman Christendom was far more important. And perhaps you'd like to know what they were discussing. Here is the real Shimon Peres, from the Bakerfield Business Conference, October 10, 1998:Shimon Peres
Former Prime Minister of Israel. Nobel Peace Prizewinner.
I believe that this man was mostly motivated by fear and a resignation to a state of affair in the world, which from the perspective of a coming world government, dictates the impossibility for Israel (or any country for that matter) to ever be independent.
Here are some of his comments:· "Protecting our lands is not as necessary as in the past."
· "The world has no borders."· "How can you conduct foreign policy if you don't have an enemy? Enemies stem from nations; dangers are global. It is the same with security; you need security only if there are nations, not if you do not have any."
· "Business is now internationally minded."
How often have I said that Peres' true goal is the end of Israel? That his Israel would soon be borderless, followed by the end of ALL NATIONS. But it turns out, it's just me and the beat of my heart.I'll bet you you've never heard about the Italian, Forum Villa d'Est. This central and secretive affair invites the leaders of the world to discuss the business of the planet. Forget, for now, that all the Americans are or were members of the CFR, just look who Peres meets with in Italy besides the pope; Candidates John McCain and Joseph Biden:
Forum Villa d'Este
In early September, at Villa d'Este in Cernobbio (Como), The European House-Ambrosetti organizes the forum entitled "INTELLIGENCE ON THE WORLD, EUROPE AND ITALY", which has come to be acknowledged as one of the most important annual meetings worldwide.
Heads of state, top representatives of European institutions, cabinet ministers, Nobel laureates, businessmen, managers and experts from around the world have come together each year since 1975 to discuss current issues of great importance for the world economy and society as a whole.
The FORUM presents forecasts of the economic and geo-political outlooks for the world, Europe and Italy, and analyzes the main scientific and technological developments and their impacts on the future of public and private institutions, business and society in general. This is accomplished through meetings, debates and presentations of special, ad hoc studies.
Among those who have taken part in recent years: H.S.H. Albert II Prince of Monaco, José María Aznar, Silvio Berlusconi, Joe Biden, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, José Manuel Durão Barroso, Renato Dulbecco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Valéry Giscard D'Estaing, Christine Lagarde, Vaclav Klaus,[B] John McCain, [/B]Giorgio Napolitano, Alain Juppé, Rita Levi Montalcini, Henry Kissinger, Mario Monti, Shimon Peres, Romano Prodi, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Michel Rocard, H.M. Rania Al-Adullah Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Card. Joseph Ratzinger, Helmut Schmidt, George Shultz, Jean-Claude Trichet, Umberto Veronesi and James Wolfensohn.
MY, my, what a fine co-incidence that two of the candidates for the next American administration meet in Italy to plot the fate of the borderless world. That it doesn't make a damn bit of difference who you vote for, you get the same agenda. So let's forget the incredibly tarnished Presidential candidates and look at the VPs to be. Plagiarist Joe Biden terrifies Israelis in the know for his legislative kowtowing to Iran and his real hatred for Israel. But to point this out is alright:
Biden Threatened to Cut off Aid to Israel
This may give some insight into Joe Biden's approach to Israel. Back in March 1992 Moshe Zak recounted that the Senator made the mistake of Confronting Prime Minister Menachem Begin (June 22 1982) during his Senate foreign relations committee testimony. After Biden threatened to cut off aid to Israel. Begin just let him have it. Read this report of their confrontation, that was published by Soccer Dad almost two years ago (way to think ahead Dave) and another recount of the issue from Time Magazine 7/5/1982:
It's one Sarah Palin that is off limits to, especially, Christians. And I paid dearly this week for pointing out the game she is being used for.When she was first introduced, I had no idea she claimed to be Christian. Her children's names Track, Trig et al are not Christian names. In fact, get ready for real trivia, Track and Trig were the sled dogs of Dudley Doright of the Mounties. We recall the cartoons with him mushing his sled with a whip and shouting, "On Track, On Trig."
But that's okay. We'll say she discovered Christianity when it was good for her governmental ambitions. What was not okay was McCain claiming she was a "reformer" who stood up to "big oil." Meaning Bush, we assume. In fact, Palin wants to open Alaska's nature reserves to drilling, is pushing to build a natural gas pipeline with state money and has taken illegal donations from incriminated oil lobbyists. She is not fighting the oil corporations, she was chosen because she fights for the oil corporations. Even if it means hunting down all the wildlife blocking her desires.
So, I lose my Christian supporters but, YOU'VE BEEN HAD.
Now here is a picture of the person who you've taken to your hearts:
Dear friend,
I am a resident of Wasilla, Alaska. I have known Sarah since 1992. Everyone here knows Sarah, so it is nothing special to say we are on a first-name basis. Our children have attended the same schools. Her father was my child's favorite substitute teacher. I also am on a first name basis with her parents and mother-in-law. I attended more City Council meetings during her administration than about 99% of the residents of the city.
So many people have asked me about what I know about Sarah Palin in the last 2 days that I decided to write something up . . .
You have my permission to forward this to your friends/email contacts with my name and email address attached, but please do not post it on any websites, as there are too many kooks out there . . .
While Sarah was Mayor of Wasilla she tried to fire our highly respected City Librarian because the Librarian refused to consider removing from the library some books that Sarah wanted removed. City residents rallied to the defense of the City Librarian and against Palin's attempt at out-and-out censorship, so Palin backed down and withdrew her termination letter. People who fought her attempt to oust the Librarian are on her enemies list to this day.
First, I have long believed in the importance of being an informed voter. I am a voter registrar. For 10 years I put on student voting programs in the schools. If you google my name (Anne Kilkenny + Alaska), you will find references to my participation in local government, education, and PTA/parent organizations.
Secondly, I've always operated in the belief that "Bad things happen when good people stay silent". Few people know as much as I do because few have gone to as many City Council meetings.
Third, I am just a housewife. I don't have a job she can bump me out of. I don't belong to any organization that she can hurt. But, I am no fool; she is immensely popular here, and it is likely that this will cost me somehow in the future: that's life.
Fourth, she has hated me since back in 1996, when I was one of the 100 or so people who rallied to support the City Librarian against Sarah's attempt at censorship.
Fifth, I looked around and realized that everybody else was afraid to say anything because they were somehow vulnerable.
Anne Kilkenny
I have not changed my position one bit. No responsible citizen should vote. It's the only out. The system has been hijacked. And in my circle, no other voice can say the words: Obama or McCain, the dismembering of Israel carries on as usual.
End Part One
The hijacking of Israeli protest continues unabated while Peres, Abbas and Cheney plot to remove the borders of the nation. Here is one morning of correspondence, with Israeli errors in English untouched. Why do these fine people think I can help them when I'm so alone?:
August 31, 2008
At 10:40 AM 9/3/2008, you wrote:
This morning at 6:45 came 20 persones of the regional concile and national religious settler moovement, "Amana" with many cars to the compound of the magenm david farm/ they entered by force evan into my house. They destroyed all water lines and pipes, all electrical wire system and the waste water system, took my equipment away and did beat my up, with some pick axe the beated my on my head and my back as well in my stomage.They have had no order or any official paper to do so, no judge or goverment office did sign on it. Just anarchism.All water and electrizety is closed down, animals have no water and a lot of chicken did die. several times i was beaten up. now we have to bring water in from talias farm, 3 km south, by tractor. the police did let everybody go and did not arest anyone. I rported a complain to police. I request to puplish the storry and to help the farm in any way that is possible.
At 05:58 PM 9/2/2008, you wrote:
Barry, I think you are a little bit wrong. Everybody in Israel is afraid of the Shabak. Look at yourself. You ran away from Israel to save your life. Everybody knows that Shabak is dangerous. You cannot expect this silly lawyer to tell you the truth that she has been contacted and most probably threatened by Shabak. Especially when the Shabak threatened her to cooperate with them against you and not tell anybody about it. As you said yourself, the whole system in the country is rigged. You cannot expect an honest treatment form anybody, be it private or official person. I fled from the country and know that I cannot expect anything from anybody there. A typical example is what you told me about the "treatment" of the police regarding your "accident". Such an evil treatment ist applied to everybody in Israel, not only to you. This is why I am pessimistic as to the survival chances of this country. A healthy state has to exhibit a minimum of decency and justice in order to exist. I am sure this is not the case with Israel. Sorry to disappoint you.
At 11:59 AM 9/2/2008, you wrote:Barry,
When I got on the wrong side of Ben Ami, I left my home, family and life in Israel......otherwise I would have ended up as one more "freak accident".Sadly, there will not be any revolution. Chaim and Oded Ben Ami's families have established comfortable "retirement" residences in New Jersey.............Olmert can choose between European countries, and the rest of the Nation will face a terrible end.
At 02:02 PM 9/2/2008, you wrote:THE BEST!
As I got close to Reut, there were tons of police - they stopped me b/c i had an orange ribbon on the car - and they told me it was forbidden for me to enter. They told me to go straight back to J'lem,but I went into Reut anyway and there was massive police presence - stopping anyone who looked religious..........they arrested a few people for coming to an illegal demonstration....
nothing new.
At 06:39 AM 9/3/2008, you wrote:
Dear Friends,
Baruch Hashem, a success last night.Not only did tens of citizens succeed in reaching the house of Central Command Officer Gad Shamni and hold a vigil there in protest against the eviction orders, but we managed to remind everyone that the Olmert-Livni regime is a totalitarian and Bolshevik regime that persecutes loyal Jews instead of fighting against Israel's enemies, the Arabs and the international anarchists.
The tens of citizens who were arrested around 6:45pm while driving on the 443 highway and in other roads, were accused of "wanting to participate in an illegal gathering". They were all brought by the Israeli "thought police" to the police stations of Modiin and Ramle.
Placards, flags and megaphones were confiscated and not returned. On different occasions the police used brutal violence, inside and outside the police compound, against innocent bystanders, among them elderly women, children and journalists.Shmuel Medad, head of the Honenu legal rights organization which helps nationalist-camp members who are arrested during the course of their activities, told IsraelNationalNews.com at around 5 PM, "The last of the 15, Itamar Ben-Gvir, is having his hour in court right now. He is demanding to know why he was arrested in the first place." Ben-Gvir is a veteran of legal struggles in these matters, and is said to know his way around the court system better than many lawyers.
There were hundreds at the rally and a couple of dozen arrested. Naturally, the squealer Itamar Ben Gvir was one of them and naturally, he was the last to face a hearing, after he gathered enough dirt on us for the cops.
Peres And The Vatican; King Juan Carlos, The Vatican's King Of Jerusalem And Its Holy Places, is invited by Peres to build the ecologically disastrous Red-Dead Canal. More:
Peres invites King Juan Carlos to Israel
Solar energy, electric cars and water management were among the numerous subjects that came up for discussion in the president's meeting with Spanish Ambassador Gutierrez, who told him that Spain wants to make a contribution to peace in the Middle East and also wants to be part of the Red/Med canal project. Peres invited King Juan Carlos to visit Israel, and Gutierrez passed on a joint invitation from the king and Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero for Peres to visit Spain.
The king and the prime minister wanted the visit to take place as soon as possible, said Gutierrez, because they wanted to show Spaniards a side of Israel besides the conflict.
Write me for my DVD - The Vatican's New Campaign For Jerusalem. Have a look at some of the presentation:
Folks, the last letter sent by the producer about my Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust DVD:
Thank you for the offer, but my company always pays for hotel when I travel, but I would still like to visit or get together somewhere when I'm in the area. Now to getting your video done and out!
It's coming I hear. Now here's an offer. If you'd like it whenever it gets here, write me at chamish@netvision.net.il and it's yours for free OR for whatever you think it's worth. At the worst you'll get an audio CD of the same lecture.
The book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust we learned has to be reformatted at www.lulu.comAfter being out for many weeks, I just received a small shipment of books from Israel. Write if you'd like a signed copy.
Also sent Save Israel and Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin.
Order books or help the poor author with integrity:
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080
or chamishba@gmail.com
by Barry Chamish
I received a note from an Israeli correspondent. Here it is with mistakes untouched:
Berry,First thanks for the info.
second, the system in the country of which you write so much about is corrupt beyond belief. I am now connected with some of them and if I could I would give you an earfull. examples like; the cost of fuel being 30% less if you are a company using the "dalkan" or similar. large companies recieve big price breaks, why?A system that knows how the national building plan will be implimented, for the next 20 years and aligns itself for maximum return on investment, all due to insider knowledge. extended family has its benifits. also extended friends with allot to say.
the use of blackmale is standard fare, keep your mouth shut until you can kill someone then "just do it" seems to be the moto.
Keep you head down, the action is about to get more intense.
Over the years, I've received countless similar claims meaning, the system is rigged. It doesn't matter if the complaint is from The Institute For The Blind, to the IDF, the charges are the same: corrupt, thieving, bigoted, run by outsiders, dirty, or just plain murderously rigged.
We have all faced the institutional corruption and some of us tried to fix it, only to be met by threats, firings, and positively unJewish crimes of vandalism up to murder. Here are a few of my experiences. Let's start with the Rabin murder:
INFILTRATING TRUTHMy book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, made me the Israel's leading spokesman for the movement to have the crime reinvestigated, and Arye Gallin's annual Rabin truth conferences turned him into a respected Israeli patriot and truthseeker. We are both now in the US awaiting the revolution in Israel or the final demise in war. I left when my health and longevity were at stake. Arye left more recently out of frustration and disappointment.
In the year 2001, Arye's conference finally made national news as a result of his roster of distinguished academics and one prominent doctor who spoke out proving Rabin, physically, could not have been murdered by the patsy Yigal Amir. Life has not been good for all of those involved. Arye and I are hiding from Israel in America, the great journalist Adir Zik caught sudden throat cancer and died in 2004, while the brilliant historian Dr. Hillel Weiss, now faces sedition and slander charges in court.
In the wake of the conference, the country's biggest circulation magazine, Yediot Ahronot, printed a 7 page cover piece in its weekend edition, actually accusing the speakers of
dancing on Rabin's grave and sucking his blood. A meeting was held, and a committee was formed to sue Yediot. At last the Rabin murder would become a national issue. I suggested a lawyer named Nitzana Darshan-Leitner to represent us. The suit died after that, because as Arye and I knew, she was working for the murderers of Rabin, the secret service agency called the Shabak or Shin Bet.If I was smarter, I would have known. She was my attorney in a suit against Knesset member Ophir Pines, who, bless his heart, from the podium of the Knesset, ordered all bookstores not to sell my Rabin book. The book became a national bestseller after that. If you want your book to sell, get a Knesset member to ban it. It was during this trial, that Nitzana was likely turned. She called me one morning and told me to get to the courthouse. Judge Boaz Okun had a change of heart and was going to shut down my suit. I rushed to the courthouse, argued that Pines had abused all slander laws to ban my book and was ordered to pay $8000 for the right to have my suit heard.
I gave up. Who had $8000 to throw away on a rigged suit? Who had $8000 at all? Nitzana compromised and arranged that I pay 1000 shekels to any charity to leave the suit unscathed. Too much later, journalist Shahar Pilovitch read the trial records and turned furious. "Your lawyer didn't represent you. You were the plaintiff, why were you fined by the court?" And he concluded, "She was working with the state to hush you. Deliberately!"
Dr. David Chen, a department head at Kaplan Hospital, developed a magic bullet theory, complete with near 360 degree turns inside the body, that defied all five of the books on the murder, which concluded that Rabin was shot with three bullets, one more than Amir shot at him, and a filmed documentary aired on the country's most popular tv station which actually found the third bullet hole in the front Rabin's shirt and jacket. Nitzana ignored my work and built a pro-government suit based on Dr. Chen's cockamamie speculations. Naturally, by doing so, she spread division in the committee, I quit, then Arye quit, the suit died, Judge Okun was named registrar of the Supreme Court, what remains of the committee sell uninspired and divisive murder scenarios and Nitzana: well, she proudly announces that she is working with the Shin Bet:
Join with doctors, attorneys, accountants, programmers and other professionals from around the world on an unparalleled and unprecedented Israeli reality-check:
Briefings by Mossad officials and commanders of the Shin Bet.FUN CHARITY WORK
When I first began writing for charities, my United Jewish Appeal (today Federations) boss Hesh Kestin warned me, "Don't bank on this being your career. Most people don't last six months. If you have extreme tolerance, count on a year."
The problem all us writers faced was extreme deceit. We came to Israel expecting work in real writing and discovered that only one depressing outlet existed in English, The Jerusalem Post. So we took our talents to the only game in town, the well-paying but well-rigged charities.The issue ruining the organizations was that none of the leaders were elected and they were not liked by the fast assimilating and just as fast, disappearing, Jews of the diaspora. So since the public they led were viewed as "pledge givers," the struggling masses yearning for inspired leadership but struggling with bills, were of zero interest to those supposedly working for their interests. The result was the leaders threw dinners to "honor" their "friends," at least as long as they could afford to pony up pledges, and after a few god-awful speeches, they handed them cheap prizes purchased at the local trophy store.
And to keep their powers, the federations used pledge money to run, literally, all the world's Jewish newspapers which were propaganda aimed at keeping the leaders in perpetual power. Those writers who lacked all integrity were rewarded with articles in Hadassah Magazine and editorial posts for charity scams in Israel.
I will not name the next writer because she is in my, our newsgroup and occasionally still gets freelance charity assignments. Anyway, she disputes the following version but I recall it clear as a bell. She interviewed poor Israeli children for a typical shlock piece and one young boy said he wanted to be a bus driver when he grew up. She submitted her piece to an editor named Wendy, who pencilled out "bus driver" and wrote in "doctor." The writer was aghast. "A bus driver is not a doctor," she exclaimed. To which her editor replied, "It doesn't matter what he said, what's important is what he should have said." The writer was stunned by the reply and said this was dishonest journalism, to which the editor answered, "Who will know? He certainly can't read it."
Not that there wasn't some fun in all this. I was assigned to the Israel Bonds Hollywood Mission and got to interview the likes of Monty Hall, Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon.
That evening, Matthau and Lemon did something genuine and appeared on tv before a large audience of real non-pledge giving Israeli soldiers at an air force base. For the only time in his trip, Lemon was not confronted with handpicked political hacks, third rate security officers or articulate new immigrants...and he was genuinely moved. He gave a heartfelt monologue to these brave non-givers.I spent the next day with Sidney Lassik, recall, he was lobotomised before Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. By the way, it was type casting. We saw Jack Lemon outside Jerusalem's walls, I told him his tv appearance was very moving and my Israeli friends were still talking about it. He became choked up and I received a genuine, not Israel Bonds interview from the man. Okay, for those who will inevitably ask, he was shorter than I imagined.
Then there was the time I stole the floor from Shelley Berman at the JNF (Jewish National Fund) Fishin' Mission. I pride myself on my gifted sense of humor, but try as I did, I couldn't get Shelly to laugh. At the final banquet, he gave a funny enough summation, then I was asked to say a few words."You're not going to tell a joke, are you?" he asked.
"No," I promised. "Just a little fishing anecdote."
"Alright, then," he rejoindered.
"You know," I began, "Fishing was slow on the trip. It's not my only slow trip. I grew up in Canada and used to like ice-fishing. It was a pretty cold Sunday and I augered a hole on my side of a bay. I was going after splake, a hybrid lake and speckled trout. I froze for maybe two hours without a bite, while across the bay, an angler was catching fish every time he put his line in the water. I decided to ask him what he was doing right. So I trudged across the bay and said, "Excuse me sir, how are you catching so many fish?"
He answered, "MMM-MMM-MMM.MM"I'm sorry, "I didn't catch that."
"He continued, "MMMMMMM- MM- MMMM."
"I'm sorry. I missed that."
He spit into his hand. "Ptui," and said, "You've got to keep the worms warm."
A sudden roar of laughter from the assembled. Shelley Berman wiped a funny tear from his eye and said, "Alright. You caught me."
But Hesh was right. The deceit got to me after a year and a half. I had outlasted his prediction by six months. The UJA had arranged for me to write an article for the Jerusalem Post. And it was published. The subject was the opening of a new and very significant community center in the impoverished town of Gan Yavne. I had done so many of these things, I could have written it without showing up. First, a tour of the slums, two interviews with slum residents, two with mission leaders, ending with the grateful town sending a children's choir to serenade the donors.I arrived in what I thought was Gan Yavne Heights. All the houses were large and sported manicured lawns. The kids were not snot-nosed nor in rags. I must have been in the wrong town. I stopped the car and asked a pedestrian, "Excuse me, where are your slums?"
"Slums? We don't have slums?""I'm looking for a new community center to raise your people out of poverty."
"It's down the block, two streets on your right."At the center, the donors and mayor enjoyed a wine and cheese party, and I mean expensive wine and cheese. Then I started snooping until a town leader told me, "We are a suburb with only a few new immigrants in an ulpan (language school). They'll move when the course is over. They're our poor people. The mayor is old buddies with Shimon Peres and he arranged to have this center built."
With that statement all the missing and stolen funds came rushing out of my memories, followed by the coopting of local bigmouths, the fiberglass sidings fronting as home improvement, the do-gooders from America shipped over to do no good, the perpetuation of Israeli poverty while the American leaders get richer by the mission, the isolation of American Jews from their heritage, and the chicken soup I was writing in their papers to keep the corruption flowing.
One down, only the Bonds to go.
Israel's biggest engineering projects are largely funded by the sale of Israel Bonds at less than prime interest rates. The Bonds' last big project when I began working for them was Ashdod Port, a multi-billion dollar task that was deemed a success. I was hired to write about the new winner, The Med-Dead Canal project. The goal was to raise half a billion dollars for it in the first year. So off I rode to the Tel Aviv Hilton to use my writing talent to raise some of the funds during its inaugural, kickoff convention.
The Dead Sea was drying up and fast. Dangerous sinkholes were appearing on the exposed shore. The Southern end had already been desiccated and water had to be pumped ten miles to keep the hotels relevant. The new scheme would use gravity to pump Mediterranean water 1300 ft below sea level to refill the Dead Sea. After the canal was built, a Red-Dead Canal would be built from Eilat to the Dead Sea for the same purpose. I was coached to write about the beautiful water parks, fishing holes and beaches along the routes of both canals.
So, on night one, I took all the literature and reports up to my room and prepared for my assignment. It was the section on environmental effects that ruined my night. The chemical compositions of both Med and Red water were so vastly different than the Dead Sea's potassium, potash and magnesium mix, that the sea water wouldn't mix with the Dead
Sea. The sea water would float on top of the Dead Sea creating a greenhouse effect that would boil the Dead Sea to Death. Before then, some Med chemicals would mix and create
a witch's brew of "snowballs." The greenhouse effect was so pronounced that one Ben Gurion University professor named Branover was actually running electric turbines on Dead Sea water covered with a layer of common seawater.A Red-Dead Canal would be even worse. Not only would the same chemical effects take place, but leaks would eventually turn the saline Negev aquifer salty, ruining Israel's natural desert water reserve supply.
In the morning I turned to my boss with all the environmental objections. He said, "Don't worry. The canal is not going to ever be built. But we sunk too much into the project to stop selling it."
"So I'm here to fool these delegates?" I asked.
"We'll invest the money in better bonds and everyone will get their dividends. No one will complain."
And if you underestimate the damage the Zionist organizations are doing to the Jews, here's the latest news. It concerns the World Zionist Congress, formerly headed by Edgar Bronfman of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR). After being caught approving massive embezzlement, he reluctantly gave the reins of power to Ronald Lauder (CFR).
Venezuela's Chavez Meets with President of World Jewish Congress - AUG. 23
President Hugo Chavez met with Jewish leaders on Wednesday, pledging to work together against anti-Semitism and open up channels of communication despite strong differences on Mideast politics.Both Chavez and leaders of the World Jewish Congress called the meeting a success.
"There may be some differences of opinion on some issues - on major issues such as Iran and also the Middle East," Michael Schneider, the organization's secretary-general. "We mentioned our concerns about anti-Semitism and asked him what his position was," Schneider said. "And he said he was certainly not an anti-Semite."
Aug. 28, 2008
Agents of Hizbullah and Iran's Revolutionary Guard have deployed special forces in Venezuela intended to kidnap Jewish businessmen and smuggle them to Lebanon, Israel Radio reported Thursday.Hizbullah has strengthened its grasp of Venezuela following the warm relationship that grew between Venezuela and Iran.
Folks, the last letter sent by the producer about my Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust DVD:
Thank you for the offer, but my company always pays for hotel when I travel, but I would still like to visit or get together somewhere when I'm in the area. Now to getting your video done and out!
It's coming I hear. Now here's an offer. If you'd like it whenever it gets here, write me at chamish@netvision.net.il and it's yours for free OR for whatever you think it's worth. At the worst you'll get an audio CD of the same lecture.
The book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust we learned has to be reformatted at www.lulu.comAfter being out for many weeks, I just received a small shipment of books from Israel. Write if you'd like a signed copy.
Also sent Save Israel and Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin.
Order books or help the poor author with integrity:
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080
or chamishba@gmail.com
by Barry Chamish
Here is the sad story of the Halamish brothers, rotting in Israeli prison. The crime: they were security officers defending themselves.
The Halamish brothers, as part of their reserve military service, were members of a security response team organized, equipped and trained by the Israeli Army to help protect their community and surrounding region from Arab attack. On Feb. 21, 2004, the brothers were summoned by another security officer, Feldbaum, to help expel Bedouins who trespassed into the Jewish community of Sdei Bar and were encamped near a student dormitory. Bedouin tribes in the area had been deemed responsible for the killing of several Jews in the area in previous years.Under the direction of Feldbaum, the Halamish brothers ordered the bedouin squatters to leave. The Bedouins refused, and about 20 of them approached the Jewish security officers with sticks and rocks. Feldbaum shot toward the ground when the Bedouins continued to move closer. The response team later said that it shot in self-defense. An army medic who arrived at the scene determined that nobody was struck by the gunfire, an assertion disputed by the Bedouins.
At that point, the military abandoned its own security team and allowed a police investigation. Although police refused to conduct ballistic tests or even a lineup of suspects, the brothers were convicted of shooting toward the Bedouins. Dan was sentenced to seven months in prison; Yitzhak, to eight months.
An Israeli appeals court said ballistic tests or a lineup weren't necessary. The word of the Bedouins -- who refused to show up to police headquarters to identify their purported assailants -- was enough. The court also rejected a recommendation by the probation officer for community service. The three-judge panel said it wanted the Halamish brothers to go to jail to serve as a lesson to others.
Now why would the police and courts bend over backwards to side with the Beduin trespassers? And where is the last place the Halamish brothers could expect justice?
You got it. From the office of "President" Shimon, Mad Dog, Peres.
Sunday, Aug. 17 '08, 16 Av 5768
by Hillel Fendel
President Shimon Peres has refused a request to pardon Itzik and Danny Halamish, two brothers who were convicted earlier this year of attacking Arab marauders who attacked them.
And who better to submit the worthless petition to Peres than attorney Dov Even Or...my attorney.
Over two months ago, the Justice Ministry approved the pardon request for Dan and Yitzhak Halamish, two brothers sentenced to seven and eight months respectively and sent the request to the office of President Shimon Peres. On June 1, the president's office sent a letter to attorney Dov Even-Or confirming that the pardon request had reached an advanced stage.
"Your clients' request is being dealt with in the advanced stages," presidential aide on pardons, Ms. Talia Sukari-Lina, said. Even-Or said his petition includes a request that the
president be forced to answer all pardon requests within 30 days. "50 days have passed since this letter [from the president]," Even-Or said, "and still the president hasn't announced his decision."
Attorney Even Or was my legal advocate in two cases against government provocateurs of the infiltrated Kach movement, Avigdor Eskin and Itamar Ben Gvir. In the Eskin case, the plaintiff, him, was caught admitting to an Israeli court that he had worked for the secret services. Even Or prepared an appeal that was rejected before I even submitted it. See details in my book Bye Bye Gaza: http://www.lulu.com/content/575116 As for Ben Gvir, one suspicious stroke, 2 law suits and one nearly deadly car "accident" later, I took a break from Israel and Even Or managed to lose an unloseable case without me. In short, the fix was in and Even Or was no Fixer. Better than anyone, Even Or knew that Peres ran the secret services from its early days:
How Israel Lost Its Soul, Maxim Ghilan, Penguin Books, 1974, pp 120 The times were seething with conspiracy, intrigue, power-seeking. It was the era when the Shin Bet's use of political plotting and provocation was at its apogee, under the inspiration of a power-elite known to its enemies as "The Black Hand Group" and to its admirers as "Ben Gurion's Young Men." Among others they were Moshe Dayan, then Commander in Chief of the army, Teddy Kollek, mayor of a united Jerusalem, Issar Harel, head of the Shin Bet, and Shimon Peres, Deputy Minister of Defence.
Attorney Even Or sends out a steady stream of "Right Wing" missives which occasionally show that he knows another of The Black Hand Group a bit too well:‘Haaretz’ of January 10, 2008 published an article of Israel Harel in which he says that Bush should not be called bitter enemy of Israel like the evil Haman. This analogy only indicates the mental state of those who say so, and if they are leaders of public opinion, they should be removed! And why, according to Harel, are those people ‘insane’ (my own terminology)? Since not Bush but the Israeli government had conceived of the idea of ‘two states for two peoples’; and in the eyes of a suppressed statesman, the idea seems logical and worthy of support. I find it hard to believe that an illustrious journalist like Harel does not remember the political history of the United States; maybe Israel has no foreign policy, only home policy (to paraphrase the famous speech made by Henry Kissinger), but in the US it is even worse: only economical interests exist camouflaged by slogans and rhetoric called ‘bringing Democracy to the nations of the world’.
But during the fight to save Gush Katif, attorney Even Or showed me his other hand. In loud and long monologues, he defended the government's inhumane and injustice policy of using the army to expel 10,000 honest Jews from their homes. The country will be safer, he insisted. There will be no more reserve duty in Gaza, he argued. And while the entire Right fought the "evacuation," Even Or favored it, vigorously.
Now, there is a way to save the Halamish brothers but the "Right Wing" of Israel and their lawyers are too stupefied to actually pursue an opportunity when it comes along. Why, by doing so, their bucolic vision of Israel may finally be shattered. It looks very likely that the Beduin who camped outside a school, did so deliberately and with Israeli police protection to back them up. Because, the police are working with the enemies of the state against the Jews of Yesha. The Halamish brothers just fell into a trap:
JERUSALEM -- Israeli police, in what appears to be a new tactic to quell Jewish nationalists, have begun to use Arab provocateurs in the West Bank.Police have acknowledged that they used Arab stone throwers to stop young Jews from hiking through the West Bank on July 29.
Police detective Aharon Yair told a Jerusalem magistrate that Israeli security forces colluded with Arab provocateurs as part of an ambush to arrest the hikers.Yair, when questioned by defense attorney Naftali Wurtzburger, admitted that special police forces, disguised in civilian clothes but wearing police hats, hid in an ambush together with Palestinian Bedouin waiting for the Jewish hikers to arrive.
W."I am telling you that most of these hikes end quietly."
Y. "The fact is that were police forces there. We understood that like last week, when there was a violent incident when they [the hikers] came to them [the Bedouin] with weapons, we were ready because we knew that this was a place of confrontation. They [Bedouin] set up cameras and therefore the police were there."
W. "If the police were there and watched the confrontation, what was the problem of the police to stand openly and prevent them [the hikers] from passing and if it was not permitted, to stop them. The situation, as I see it, looks like an ambush. Somebody hides out like thieves in the night."
Y. "I'm not the one who decides. There are officers above me who decide what is overt and what is concealed."
W. "You agree that special police forces were in the area at that time?
Y. "That's what I said."
Now why would the Israeli police form an alliance with the Beduin? It's an American trick used against two border guards who shot a threatening illegal trespasser from Mexico. You send the guards to prison. That is enough of a message to stop all border police from ever actually using their weapons in any situation with illegal aliens, no matter how threatening.The Halamish brothers were framed in a fix aimed at teaching all Jewish security forces that it's better to surrender than sit in prison for defending themselves, and most importantly, their land.
A little video comparison.
With this: http://leilamagazine17.blogspot.com/2008/02/blog-post_6785.html
To my readers, a gift. Attached is my book The Last Days Of Israel. Write me and I'll send the cover to you as well. A person has to live, so if you enjoyed it, write me at:
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080
or PayPal chamishba@gmail.com
If the response is good, more books will be sent to you.
by Barry Chamish
Poor Shirley Ellis. She had a top five song in 1964 called The Name Game. The game was played by replacing the first name of the player with another consonant. Sadly, the songwriter foolishly made F one of the consonants, so Shirley gave up performing the song with crowds when every player's name was magically Chuck or Bart.But such is not the fate of the phoney Jews bringing down Israel. We can trace the names and ultimately prove their association with the Council On Foreign Relations, the Vatican and the Sabbatains. But we are jumping way ahead.
I do not use the Debka File as a source, since I was burned by them years ago with false information. However, if the following report IS true, then Israel trained the Georgian forces at war with Russia:
DEBKAfile discloses Israel's interest in the conflict from its exclusive military sources, Aug.8:
Last year, the Georgian president commissioned from private Israeli security firms several hundred military advisers, estimated at up to 1,000, to train the Georgian armed forces in commando, air, sea, armored and artillery combat tactics. They also offer instruction on
military intelligence and security for the central regime. Tbilisi also purchased weapons, intelligence and electronic warfare systems from Israel.These advisers were undoubtedly deeply involved in the Georgian army's preparations to conquer the South Ossetian capital Friday.In recent weeks, Moscow has repeatedly demanded that Jerusalem halt its military assistance to Georgia, finally threatening a crisis in
bilateral relations. Israel responded by saying that the only assistance rendered Tbilisi was "defensive."This has not gone down well in the Kremlin. Therefore, as the military crisis intensifies in South Ossetia, Moscow may be expected to punish Israel for its intervention.
This is not the first time I have claimed that fake Jews have interfered in Russian affairs, to the ultimate near ruination of real Jews. Recently I reported that Stalin had three Jewish wives and that all his progeny were legally, Jews:Stalin had three wives, all of them Jewesses.
The first was Ekaterina Svanidze who bore him one son, Jacob. His second wife was Kadya Allevijah. She bore him a son Vassili, and a daughter Svetlana. His second wife died in mysterious circumstances, either by committing suicide, or murdered by Stalin. His third wife was Rosa Kaganovich, the sister of Lazar Kaganovich, who was the head of Soviet industry.
Stalin's daughter (who in 1967 fled to the USA) then married Lazar's son Mihail i.e. her step-mother's nephew. Svetlana Stalin had a total of four husbands, three of them Jewish.Stalin's vice-president Molotov was also married to a Jewess, whose brother, Sam Karp, runs an export business in Connecticut. Just to complicate things even more, the Molotov's (half-Jewish) daughter also called Svetlana was engaged to be married to Stalin's son Vassili.
More information on Stalin, Trotsky, Lenin, and others is available on-line the Hoover Institution Library and Archives at http://www.hoover.org/hila/russiaandcis.htm.
Georgia, sadly, is not the only place on earth targeted for ruin by the Sabbataians. Now we enter the realms of the real Name Game. Let's begin, naturally enough, with George. The man who hates the Israeli settlers and the Right, so puts his money into causing an uprising in the former Burma. And the game is on with lots of dead.
George, George bo Beorge
Banana Fanna Fo Feorge, Fee Fi Fo Meorge
Now Daniel: Shimon Peres' financial partner and co-defendant in the murder of Utah Congressman Wayne Owens, is spreading harmony and death in the Middle East.
Daniel, Daniel bo Babaniel
Banana Fanna Fo Faniel, Fee Fi Fo Maniel
Now Mark. From the folks who brought a Nazi pope into a synagogue, a big hand for Mark who spreads Ethic Understanding. Everybody, Mark:
Mark, Mark bo Bark
Banana Fanna Fo Fark, Fee Fi Fo Mark
And for the finale, a tough one, Madeleine: Who forgot that her whole family is Jewish and is now making up for it by setting up bloody puppet governments.
Madeleine, Madeleine bo Badeleine
Bana Fanna Fo Fadeleine, Fee Fi Fo Madeleine
Read the names below, not a kippa-wearer in the lot. All undermining Israel fatally by destroying the "settlers," all ultimately working for the CFR, and all engaged in undermining nations by supporting unwanted movements which kill en masse to effect their changes in the existing order.
Open Society Institute,
Founder/Billionaire Moneybags: George Soros (CFR)
U.S. Committee for a Free Lebanon,
"Golden Circle" members include: Elliot Abrams (CFR), Salo Aizenberg, Eleana Benador, David Chazen, Alain Gabriel Courtines, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Michael Eisenstadt, Eliot Engel, Philip Epstein, Gil Feiler, Douglas Feith (CFR), Leonard Getz, Richard Greenfield, Richard Hellmann (CFR), Irwin Hochberg, Michael Ledeen, Matthew Levitt, Daniel Lubetzky, Richard Perle (CFR), Daniel Pipes (CFR), Scott Rosenblum, Nina Rosenwald (CFR), Michael Rubin, Eric Silverman, David Steinmann, Jonathan Usher, Stanley Weiss (CFR), David Wurmser (CFR).
Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, Chairman of the Board: Maurice R. Greenberg (article: 2001) (CFR) Chairman of the Executive Committee: Richard C. Holbrooke (CFR)"To meet the increasing demand for greater awareness and understanding of Asia and its dynamic relationship with America, the Asia Society extensively renovated and expanded its world headquarters in New York City. The $30 million initiative substantially enhanced the Asia Society's museum galleries, as well as its public facilities and programs, and strengthened the Society's role as the only institution in North America addressing the intersection of the arts, economics, politics, and society throughout the Asia-Pacific region." This building is called The Maurice R. and Corinne P. Greenberg Building.
President: Randy Scheunemann (?)
"The president of the Committee is Randy Scheunemann, Trent Lott's former chief national-security adviser. Last year Scheunemann worked for Donald Rumsfeld as a consultant on Iraq policy ... The Committee is little more than an extension of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), an 'educational' organization packed with neocons such as William Kristol (CFR) and Robert Kagan."
World Medical. Association,
Chairman of the WMA council: Y. Blachar
"Physicians for Human Rights (Israel) have lambasted the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) for its silence in the face of these systematic violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention against the Palestinian people], which guarantees the right to health care and the protection of health professionals as they do their duty. Remarkably, IMA president Dr Y Blachar is currently chairperson of the council of the World Medical Association (WMA), the official international watchdog on medical ethics. A supine BMA appears in collusion with this farce at the WMA." -- D. Summerfield, British Medical Journal, October 2004
" BKSH is the name of leading-edge government relations consultancy for the 21st century. Created by the world's largest communications agency, Burson-Marsteller, it enables clients to mount US, pan-European and transatlantic campaigns."
Managing Director: K. Riva Levinson
"Ms. Levinson has been the U.S. representative for the Iraqi National Congress (INC) since 1999. This group, funded by the United States State Department, will form the nucleus of the new democratic Iraqi Government. For four years, Ms. Levinson managed the INC’s communications initiatives as the voice of the Iraqi people in exile. Since the country’s liberation, Ms. Levinson has worked with the INC at its headquarters in Baghdad to conduct programs to support democracy and the building of civil society. Beyond Iraq, Ms. Levinson runs a number of projects to build democracy around the world, including managing the Coalition for Democracy in Iran and supporting the Liberian opposition parties."
Foundation for the People of Burma,
President and CEO: Harold C. Nathan
Washington Kurdish Institute,
Executive Director: Mike Amitay -- the son of former head of AIPAC (the massive Jewish American lobbying organization for Israel), Morris Amitay
Foundation for Ethnic Understanding,
Founder and President: Rabbi Mark Schneier
Coalition for Democracy in Iran,
"Supporter": Michael Ledeen
The Burma Project,
a division of the billionaire George Soros (CFR) empire
American Himalayan Foundation,
Chairman: Richard Blum (CFR), husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein
Member of Board of Directors: Leon J. Weil, Ambassador to Nepal
Maltese-Czech Society,
President: Lawrence Attard Bezzina
Central Asia Institute,
President: Julia Bergman
Public Relations Director: Susan Neubauer
Center for Islamic Pluralism,
Executive director: Stephen Schwartz
Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation,
Chairman: S. Daniel Abraham (CFR)
Council on Foreign Relations,
President: Leslie Gelb (CFR) (Succeeded by Richard N. Haass (CFR), also Jewish)
Vice President: Abraham Lowenthal (CFR)
9-11 Commission (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States),
Executive Director: Philip Zelikow (CFR) (see also above)
"January 27, 2003: Philip Zelikow, White Burkett Miller Professor of History and Director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, has been appointed as the Executive Director of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the '9/11 Commission.'"
National Democratic Institute For International Affairs,
Chairman: Madeleine K. Albright (CFR)
Vice Chairman: Rachelle Horowitz
President: Kenneth D. Wollack (CFR)
[Contributor's note: This organization "specializes in setting up puppet governments."]
Debka - Aug. 8
The Jewish state had also bought two new Dolphin submarines from Germany
capable of firing nuclear-armed warheads, in addition to the three
already in service with its navy.
Crash of Small Plane Leaves Three Dead - Aug. 8
A light plane crashed during landing on Thursday afternoon, in an airfield near Haifa. Three passengers were killed, among them Doron Amir, a Lt. Col. in the reserve services who commanded the navy's submarine fleet and later served as the army's attaché to Holland and Scandinavia.
Reuben Zigler , who was a naval construction expert, was also killed and the third victim was identified as 58-year-old Uri Levy of Kfar Shariyahu.
See, you figured the last one out without help.
I have done good interviews with Stan Monteith and Bill Deagle this week. But my radio show recorder insists the following is special:
Another reader,who insists on remaining unnamed, but has written long and well on shadow politics, has joined the suspect Kach "leaders" movement:
Look what the "far right wing" is up to these days.
What do you make of what Federman did? Just to draw attention to a "radical, crazy right winger"? Every three or four years they bring him out of the closet so that he can "make an appearance" and then the rest of the time he is "under house arrest".
Now you tell me, this article came out around 2PM.
Already, by 7:43PM, these two far-right National Jewish Front" right wing fanatics- Gvir and Marzel- sit down at their computer and write a letter to the State Prosecutor and Attorney General (as Mazuz and Lador would act on it immediately after seeing from who it was sent!) urging them to spend gov,t resources to open an investigation (on what exactly- they don't say) just because "it might constititute discrimination-and thus be "unlawful".This country has no other threats to worry about- but these two yo-yos- let alone the issue of whether this is really the best Israel's far right wing activists can come up with to stand up for the national-religious camp? Who exactly is the "Jewish National Front" other than these two guys? Do they truly believe the issue of a private store wanted to bring Arabs as new customers- and thus favored one sector of Israel's population over the other- was the biggest threat facing this country?
Is it just me- or is this not the strangest story you have seen in a long time? Of the people behind these jerks- what are they trying to accomplish?
Finally, my DVD from Atlanta on the Sabbatains has still not arrived but I had lots of people order the audio CD, Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust. It's a complicated argument all spelled out for $14. Just write chamish@netvision.net.il
My book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust is available at http://www.lulu.com/content/336970
by Barry Chamish
On very short notice, I just completed two lectures at two synagogues in Atlanta. The first lecture, The Vatican's New Crusade for Jerusalem, went smoothly. But, as I expected, lecture two, Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust, scared about a fifth of the audience home early. The message that mongrel ex-Jews, called Sabbataians, had infiltrated Judaism and were killing us off by the millions was too rough for all the Jews to handle. But I gave a strong lecture proving that a powerful cult believing Shabtai Tzvi, a false Jewish messiah of the 17th century was the true savior of the Jews, is busy at work murdering Jews who don't believe the nonsense. The Sabbataians join other religions but do not abandon their true "faith." Israel was created to be a home for this "faith" though few Israelis know it.
My book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust is available at http://www.lulu.com/content/336970THE MONGRELS OF WWII
Hitler - Jews have mocked the contention that Hitler may have had close Jewish family ties until no less an authority as the History Channel, in a Jan./04 series on dictators, revealed that Hitler razed the Austrian town he was born in, "to destroy all hints of his Jewish father."
Churchill - The essential fact about Winston Churchill is that his mother's father was Leonard Jerome (formerly Jacobson, 1818-1891) a speculator and business partner of August Belmont (nee Shoenberg 1813-1890), who was Rothschild's main American representative. Jennie Jerome's marriage to Randolph Churchill, the second son of the Duke of Marlborough appears to have been a marriage of convenience, typical of many unions between spendthrift English aristocrats and daughters of Jewish financiers.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - The Roosevelts were Jewish Dutch, arriving in NYC in 1682. The first American Roosevelt was Claes Rosenvelt who changed his name to Nicholas Roosevelt. FDR's mother, Sarah Delano, was descended from Sephardic Jews. FDR's primary advisors on the non-rescue of European Jews during the Holocaust were Max Warburg and Felix Frankfurter. The Warburg fortune financed the Russian Revolution and as revealed in Sydney Warburg's book, funded Hitler himself. As for Frankfurter, his family was a follower of Jacob Frank, the second "messiah" after Shabtai Tzvi, and, according to author Jerry Rabow, "United States Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter is reported to have received a copy of Eva Frank's portrait from his mother, a descendent of the Prague Frankist family."
Joseph Stalin - The dictator, who was about to embark on a Holocaust of Russian Jews before he was assassinated, was born Joseph David Djugashvilli, meaning Son Of A Jew. His three wives and all his progeny were Jewish.
Dwight Eisenhower - The war's liberating general and soon to be President's father was a Swedish Jew and was so identified in the West Point yearbook of 1915.
I received much of this information from a Jewish Facts page, which glowed with pride that the leaders of the world who promulgated the Holocaust, and prevented the crime from happening, were all of Jewish stock. Whoopee!
The same facts are on numerous anti-semitic sites which, naturally, prove that Jews are behind all wars and human destruction. The editors of these sites haven't the wit to see that the Jews are the primary victims of the mongrel world leaders.
And then there is us who know the Jews have been infiltrated and every crazy, suicidal act of Israel comes from the warped anti-Jewish minds of the very secretive and very real Sabbataians and their allies.
Now try and convince the Jews of that.
We have a new item: an audio CD called Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust. Just $14 by writing chamish@netvision.net.il
AND my Atlanta lecture on the same subject was recorded by two film makers. Let me know if you'd like a DVD and if enough say so, I'll begin the process of receiving the DVDs from Atlanta, and then copying and labeling them.[ Home ]
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